Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 170: Weakening the opponent is strengthening yourself

"Quickly form a defensive formation!! They are coming!"

Just when Long Teng was in chaos in the wind, Feng Wu Jiutian suddenly shouted and issued a defense order.

After receiving the order, the Chinese Dragon Soaring players immediately formed a circular formation back to back.

Sure enough, just as Feng Wu Jiutian expected, after Wang Yuan destroyed the Chinese Dragon Soaring back row players, his next order was to close the formation and start the bombing mode.

Following the orders from the presidents of Thunderstorm City, the Thunderstorm City players around the square began to shrink their encirclement.

The circles close, the distance closes.

The Chinese Dragon Soaring players who were surrounded by the circle immediately entered the attack range of the Thunderstorm City mage players.

"Full firepower!! Blow me up!!"

Wang Yuan snapped his fingers.

"Hoo ho ho!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The condensed magic soared into the sky and headed straight for the Chinese Dragon Soaring players in the encirclement.

In an instant, the red of the flames and the blue of the ice complement each other, completely covering the entire sky.

Like a shining neon light, it emits a dazzling light.

Just imagine, tens of thousands of people casting magic at the same time...

Even the lowest level fireball and ice cone techniques have extremely terrifying visual effects.

What's more, everyone here is a magician above level 20, and they have all learned intermediate magic such as continuous fireball and frost blast.

That scene...

Fortunately, now it is a holographic simulation game. If we go back to the keyboard and mouse era of the past few decades, we will have to change the graphics card if this wave continues.

"Open the shield!!"

Huaxia Longteng is also right.

Facing such a massive magic bombing, Chinese Dragon Soar players did not panic at all.

Under the command of Feng Wu Jiutian.

The player in the front row smashed the shield on the ground to activate the shield wall.

The player behind him raised his shield and started blocking.

Just hearing a loud sound of "duang!!!", the earth trembled.

The surrounded Chinese Dragon players used their shields to form a solid steel fortress.


Thousands of magic fell and exploded.

The steel fortress of the Chinese Dragon Soaring players stood firm under the bombardment of tens of thousands of magicians in Thunderstorm City, and did not even move at all.

"Cio!! Are you so awesome?"

Long Xingtianxia and other guild presidents who were watching the battle from a high place were shocked when they saw this scene.

Watching tens of thousands of magicians bombing at the same time from a high position, the scene and the visual impact are absolutely unprecedented.

With such a terrifying concentrated fire attack, any guild would have been wiped out by now. However, it failed to break through the defense of the "Chinese Dragon" players.

This guy... is worthy of being an elite of the top guilds. His equipment and combat qualities are several levels higher than those of other guild players.

Thanks to the large number of people in Thunderstorm City, as well as the advantages of terrain and sneak attacks, they were able to separate the front row and back row of Chinese Dragon Soaring and annihilate the long-range output of Chinese Dragon Soaring.

Otherwise, if they really open up their formation and fight head-on, even if there are 200,000 players in Thunderstorm City, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose.

There is no way, the difference in strength is too big.

Chinese Dragon Soar's backline output profession has low defense, and Thunderstorm City players can still use their numbers to make sneak attacks and drown them alive.

But facing China Longteng's front-row profession, there was absolutely nothing they could do.

If someone is well equipped and has high defense, with one move of the shield, the defense will be fully maxed out.

The output of the mage players here in Thunderstorm City simply cannot break through the opponent's defense.

Player damage cannot be superimposed.

The opponent's defense is 10, but your output is only 8. If you can't break the defense, it will be the same no matter how many people come.

"Haha! They can't break through our defenses!"

Thunderstorm City players came down with a wave of output, and Huaxia Longteng also roughly figured out the intensity of the opponent's output. Longteng Sihai suddenly felt that he could do it again, and shouted anxiously: "Let's kill them right now! Break their station crystal !”

"Okay! I'll take the lead in the charge!" Tiger Roar Shanhe was eager to give it a try.

"Can't be broken!!"

However, Feng Wu Jiutian on the side shook his head and said: "They can't break our defense, can we break their defense?"


Longteng Sihai was stunned when he heard this.

Indeed, all of China Dragon Soar's output professions have been annihilated, and the remaining ones are all melee professions.

Shield Warrior, Paladin, standard output imbecile.

The output of the warrior is relatively high, but the magic resistance is low...the warrior's shield without the shield cannot withstand the magic bombing at all.

As for the assassin...

Now that everyone is surrounded by the tank profession on the opposite side, letting the assassins attack the tank group... is obviously a way to die.

"That's not the point!!"

Feng Wu Jiutian said: "The point is that we are now completely passive! The more proactive we are, the more obvious our vulnerability will be."

"Why?" Long Teng Sihai was a little confused.

"Because we are not professional soldiers!!" Feng Wu Jiutian frowned and said: "From the moment we entered Thunder Bluff, we have lost our advantage! The difficulty of command is not even on the same level! Rushing forward will only make us more passive. !”

"How difficult is it to command?!!"

Hearing Feng Wu Jiutian's words, Long Teng Sihai was also shocked.

Compared with attacking a city, the advantage of defending a city is not only relying on the terrain and occupying geographical advantages, but the most important thing is the command advantage.

For the players defending the city, they only need to rely on the terrain advantage, stay in their fixed combat positions, and wait for basic instructions. There is almost no need for extra operations, nor too much command.

As the attacking party, the difficulty of command will rise sharply. Not only do they need to change formations, move, advance and retreat, but they also need to make various combat adjustments according to the combat situation. Not only is the fault tolerance rate extremely low, but it also has extremely high requirements for the players' discipline, obedience, and execution.

Although Huaxia Longteng is the first guild in the national server, any player in the guild who is randomly pulled out and placed in other guilds is an elite.

But no matter how elite they are, they are not professional soldiers and have not undergone professional military training.

Forty thousand people is not a small number. Even professional soldiers with military training cannot command them, let alone a group of otaku players?

It is said that the two sides have started a war. In fact, the current situation is that the players of Thunderstorm City only need to listen to orders and throw skills without thinking, while Huaxia Longteng needs to deal with various ambushes and outputs of Thunderstorm City players with great difficulty.

It can be said that from the command difficulty alone, Huaxia Longteng has been crushed.

In fact, this is why Wang Yuan dared to challenge "Huaxia Longteng" directly.

Because he knew what Huaxia Longteng wanted. If he wanted the guild's residence, he had to come to get it. To come to get it, he had to command tens of thousands of players to attack the city.

Attack the city, that's right! We are ready here, just waiting for you.

War requires the right time, place and people.

Go to the second one before the opponent starts.

Wang Yuan knows how to weaken the opponent.


"I don't know who the commander on the opposite side is!!" Fengwu Jiutian frowned and said, "I didn't expect that even I was calculated by him!!"

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