"I said!! Why was the live broadcast interrupted!!"

This book is first published on πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

On the forum at this time, as all the Chinese Dragon Soaring players entered Thunder Bluff, the screen suddenly disappeared.

Apparently those players who followed to watch the excitement were cut off by the gate at the entrance.

"Cut the live broadcast! Cut the live broadcast!"

The video was suddenly cut off in the middle of the excitement, and the author of Dog Day suddenly disappeared when he was enjoying reading a novel.

So everyone started switching live broadcasts one after another.

However, all the players watching the live broadcast were blocked out at this time, and there was no exception.

All live broadcasts on the forum were forcibly cut off.


"Oh no!! There's an ambush! Go and fight with the front row!!"

In the Thunder Bluff Valley, the output professions in the back row of Chinese Dragon Soaring suffered from these two sudden attacks, and their numbers were greatly reduced. The survivors were already less than one-third.

Players in top guilds are all elites after all.

Even in this situation, he could quickly adjust his mentality, give correct instructions, and rush straight to the square, where the front row professions were.

"Haha! Want to run? It's not that easy! Start the second wave of ambush!"

Seeing that the prey in the encirclement was about to break free from the trap, the archers ambush in the valley had no intention of pursuing it.

Wang Yuan smiled and gave the second order.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Following Wang Yuan's order, another light lit up, and black figures suddenly emerged from the crowd of fleeing Chinese Dragon players.

These players were all wearing cloaks and holding daggers. They looked like assassin players. There were tens of thousands of them.

Thunder Bluff, which was originally empty, suddenly became crowded with the appearance of these assassin players.

Those surviving Chinese Dragon players were drowned in the crowd before they could even react to what was going on.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the assassin in front of them, everyone at Huaxia Longteng was stunned.

"what happened?"

"Why do so many people suddenly appear again?"

"Are they all hiding underground?"

What was shocking was not only how so many enemies suddenly appeared, but also how exactly these enemies appeared.

After all, this was an empty valley just now.

Suddenly so many people came out.

First, he was ambushed by tens of thousands of archers, and then tens of thousands of assassins suddenly appeared like magic...

Has Nima changed into a living person?

"Sun! What's going on?" Longteng Sihai in the square saw this scene from a distance and was also shocked.

"Made!! It's offline!!"

Feng Wu Jiutian has already reacted: "The horse-riding ones!! These dogs are ambushing them offline!!!"

"Me? Hiding soldiers offline? So despicable?"

Long Teng's eyes widened.

No wonder no one could be seen after entering the valley. The ambushers who co-wrote "Strength Can Make Miracles" were all fucking hidden offline.

Damn it!

Long Teng was speechless all over the world.

He never expected that Wang Yuan would play such a trick. This was too Sun Tzu, and he actually hid his troops offline.

Although hiding soldiers offline is not an extremely clever ambush tactic for a large guild that has experienced hundreds of battles.

But appearing in this situation directly allowed Long Teng Sihai to break through the defense.

You must know that among the opponents in the world, there are only less than ten people who can "make miracles with great force".

Who would have thought that they would have an ambush.

Even if they thought that they could find helpers, a small guild with less than ten people, even if they brought the whole family, relatives and friends, more than 200 people would be considered too many. This does not exclude those who have heard the name of Huaxia Longteng. Players who would not dare to fight against them.

According to normal circumstances, only those players who truly have a life-long friendship will go against the largest guild in the national server for others.

But who would have thought that Dali Miracle not only used the tactics of hiding troops offline to bury the ambush, but also hid so many ambush troops that it seemed beyond the imagination of Long Teng Sihai, and even beyond the imagination of Long Teng Sihai.

Not to mention anything else, the archers and assassins who had appeared far exceeded everyone in Huaxia Longteng by visual inspection.

"Tank! Return to defense!! Reach the backline!!"

Shocked and surprised, Long Teng Sihai's train of thought did not panic at all, and he directly ordered the front-line professions to turn around and go head-to-head with the ambush assassins.


Longteng Sihai ordered just to go down.

Another piece of online light lit up.

The next moment, the square in Thunder Bluff was surrounded by countless front-row melee players.

The front-row tank class of Chinese Dragon Soar was ambushed by Thunder Bluff soldiers holding shields on three levels inside and outside, and was completely surrounded.

run? Where to run! !

Answer? Where to meet?

The front and back rows of China Dragon were already separated by the third wave of ambushes in the square.

At the same time, the second wave of assassin ambush that appeared before, without saying a word, pointed the dagger at the Chinese Dragon player beside them and unleashed the ultimate output without any reservation. All the skills were thrown at the "Chinese Dragon" player. Guild badges on players.

Assassins, as the most popular profession in the game, have the highest single-target burst damage among all professions, even higher than the magicians who specialize in output.

The surviving Chinese Dragon players around them were originally fragile long-range back row players. After two waves of ambushes, most of them were already at low health. Under the full-scale burst of close-range output by assassins who were several times their number, the result was imaginable.

The author couldn't bear to describe that scene.

As the gorgeous light of death lit up like white fireworks, the imprisoned Chinese Dragon back row players were instantly wiped out. The elite masters of Chinese Dragon had lost all their output professions before they saw Wang Yuan.

Forty thousand participating players, half of them were reduced in two rounds.

What is quantitative crushing! ! What is the vast ocean of people's war.

The elite masters of Chinese Dragon could not withstand the sudden attack launched by enemies who were several times their number, not to mention that they were all professions that restrained themselves.

Seeing that half of his troops were reduced in an instant, even Long Teng Sihai, who had seen big scenes, was a little dazed.

Long Teng Sihai originally thought that he would bring everyone to demolish the "Great Power for Miracles" guild station, and it would be a crushing massacre.

Before coming, Long Teng Sihai boasted on the airship that the time of the guild war was not as long as the time of rushing.

The result...

Indeed, it was a crushing crush, and the time of the guild war was not longer than the time of rushing so far.

However, the crushed party was Long Teng Sihai himself.

No matter how hard Long Teng Sihai racked his brains, he couldn't figure out how Wang Yuan suddenly took out so many people.

This is so huge that there is no edge at a glance. There must be hundreds of thousands of people?

How many people are there in a main city?

Long Teng Sihai is going to be in a mess.


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