The dim light brings beauty, and Wang Yujie, who is already good-looking, adds even more beauty.

"Netizen! Netizen!"

Wang Yuan waved his hands quickly.

"Hey, that's great!" Xiao Zhang showed an "I understand" expression.

Isn’t it just the same thing when meeting netizens?

"I didn't expect that it would be quite interesting for you to play that game." Xiao Zhang couldn't help but sigh.

Wang Yuan: "..."

It seems that this kid has already imagined a love story between two Internet-addicted youths.

"By the way, is your cold storage in use?"

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Suddenly Wang Yuan thought of something and asked quickly.

"Haha! Don't mention it! Thanks to you, Brother Wang." Xiao Zhang said: "The goods have been shipped out too fast recently! The price has also risen, so I made a small profit by depositing goods in a warehouse in advance, but now the warehouse is empty Halfway through, Brother Wang, do you think you should continue to stock up?”

"Half the space is available? Then rent it to me!" Wang Yuan said hurriedly.


Xiao Zhang looked confused when he heard this.

Wang Yujie was also full of questions: "Why are you renting a warehouse if you have nothing to do?"

"That's right!" Xiao Zhang agreed, "My sister-in-law can't stand it anymore."

"Store some food and drink." Wang Yuan said.

"No, buddy..." Xiao Zhang was stunned: "You also want to open a supermarket?"

"That's not true, it's just for your own use." Wang Yuandao.

According to Dabai and the others, after the doomsday comes, everything in the real world will be paralyzed.

Water, food, and energy are the most scarce things in the last days.

It will take at least three years for the surviving players to stabilize, build shelters, build cities, and resume production.

In other words, within three years, everyone will have to search for food, water and energy in the apocalyptic ruins.

The things Wang Yuan has stored at home can only last for a month at most, but now that Wang Yujie is a freeloader, he can't even last half a month.

It is better to rent a cold storage directly and store supplies for several years at a time.

"For your own use???" Xiao Zhang was even more confused.

"She's better at eating!" Wang Yuan pointed at Wang Yujie.


Xiao Zhang has black question marks all over his head. No matter how good he is at eating, he still won’t have to rent half a cold storage to stock up on food. Isn’t the refrigerator at home not enough?

In the end, Xiao Zhang simply waved his hand: "If you don't want to say it, forget it, but we brothers have settled the accounts. The rent of 20,000 yuan a year cannot be less."

"That's necessary." Wang Yuandao said, "You pack it up tomorrow and I'll have people move the goods over."

"Okay!" Xiao Zhang agreed happily.

"I can't tell, you're quite a nice person." Wang Yujie said with a smile after leaving the community.

"Ah? Where's the best?"

"Rent a cold storage specifically for me." Wang Yujie said

Wang Yuan: "..."

Is she really incapable of hearing good words?

"Aren't you out of money?" Wang Yujie asked again.

"That's why I came out." Wang Yuan said.

"Oh? You came out to find money in the middle of the night. Are you..." Wang Yujie said with a bad smile?

"That's right!" Wang Yuan nodded.

"I can't tell, you're still selling sex." Wang Yujie said in an unexpected tone.

"Silver coins are worthless..." Wang Yuandao: "I sell gold coins!"

With that said, Wang Yuan took out a gold coin from his pocket.

Wang Yujie has even seen goblins, and Wang Yuan has no intention of hiding the upcoming fusion of the game world and the real world from her.

"This thing...huh?" Seeing the gold coin in Wang Yuan's hand, Wang Yujie seemed to know him before.

"This is the gold coin in the game!" Wang Yuandao said.

"No wonder it looks familiar. I've seen others use it before..." Wang Yujie suddenly realized.

Poor woman, she is poor both in the game and in reality.

"There are already game peripherals online?" Wang Yujie took a bite of the gold coin and said in surprise: "Oh, it's still real gold!"

"This is brought out in the game." Wang Yuandao.

"Brought out of the game?" Wang Yujie said speechlessly: "What are you talking about?"

"The world is going to end..." Wang Yuandao said: "In three weeks, the game world will have to merge with the real world."

Wang Yuan told Wang Yujie roughly what he knew.

"Are you making up a story? Or do you think I don't have enough brains?" Although Wang Yujie is stupid, he also knows what is credible and what is not.

I can believe you, but don't treat me like a fool.

"Really!" Wang Yuan said solemnly: "Do you still remember the little dwarf you killed when we first met?"

"Remember! That dwarf! He's so ugly!" Wang Yujie nodded.

"That thing is called Goblin, and it's a monster that escaped from the game." Wang Yuandao: "Now the game world and the real world have begun to intersect."


Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Wang Yujie was also stunned: "What should we do?"

"Do you believe me?"

"Nonsense, I have killed monsters with my own hands. Can I not believe it?" Wang Yujie said: "I asked you why that kid ran so fast that day. The corpse was refreshed!!"

"Get money! Get supplies! Live well!!" Wang Yuandao said.

"How to make money?"

"Sell gold!"

"Why not sell silver?" The topic came back again.

"Silver coins are worthless..."

"Are you worthless?"


Readers who often sell gold know that you should not go to a gold store to sell gold.

Gold shops not only have low recycling prices, but also various depreciation fees and taxes. The key is that people like Wang Yuan who are involved in huge amounts of gold with unknown sources will be investigated by Uncle Hat.

Private silversmith shops are the first choice for selling gold.

After walking through the streets and alleys, Wang Yuan finally brought Wang Yujie to an alley, where a small shop was still lit.

An old man was sitting under the light, jingling and knocking on something in his hand.

"It's so late, is there anything?"

The old man looked up at Wang Yuan.

"Sell something."

Wang Yuan put the gold coins on the table.


The boss saw the gold coins on the table, his eyes lit up, and he quickly put on a pair of glasses and picked up Wang Yuan's gold coins to check under the light.

"Superior quality! It's a good thing! Is it from a legitimate source?" The boss asked Wang Yuan, with a sly look in his eyes.

"Nonsense! This is passed down from my ancestors! If I wasn't short of money, I wouldn't be willing to sell it." Wang Yuan tugged at Wang Yujie beside him.


The boss nodded thoughtfully and said, "Young man, you are really willing to invest. You can sell all the heirlooms for a thousand yuan. Do you want to consider it, little brother?"

"I came here after considering it." Wang Yuan said, "Will you take it?"

"Yes! Of course!" The boss smiled and said, "Just this one?"

"I still have some at home! It depends on what price you give me." Wang Yuan said, "I will sell them all to you if the price is right."

"580 per gram. Now the price of gold is transparent. I will make 20 per gram! How about it?" The boss was quite open.

"Okay!" Wang Yuan's price in his mind was 30,000 per gram, but this was a private transaction, so it was normal for the boss to make some money.

The price of 29,000 per gram was not low.

"How many did you bring?" the boss asked again.

"Ten!" Wang Yuan put all the gold coins on the counter.

After receiving 290,000 yuan in cash, Wang Yuan took Wang Yujie out of the silversmith shop.

Watching Wang Yuan leave, the boss's face darkened, and he picked up his phone and made a call: "Xie San, come over here! There's a big deal!!"

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