This ring... is exactly the space ring that Mephisto gave Wang Yuan.


Isn't this an equipment in the game?


Wang Yuan was stunned.

Wang Yuan could understand the magic fluctuations, after all, the game is brain wave access, and it can be far-fetched to explain that the brain is strengthened by the game, so magic can be condensed.

Wang Yuan can also accept the monsters invading the real world, because he has long been mentally prepared to know that the game world is merging with the real world, and there will be space cracks all over the world, so it is normal for those monsters with low strength to run out.

But the equipment in the game was brought out... This made Wang Yuan feel weird.

It's unscientific!!

Could the space crack appear on himself?

Picking up the ring, Wang Yuan looked at it for a moment.

The attributes also came into view.

Just like in the game, the attributes of this space ring are garbage, there is no attribute bonus, and there is only one storage space, which is not even as good as the Goblin Ring that he exploded before.

But this storage space caught Wang Yuan's attention.

As we all know, this space ring was brought out from the game, so doesn't that mean that the space attached to this ring can also shuttle between the two worlds?

If so, it means that theoretically the ring can also bring back things from the game world! !

Wang Yuan immediately entered the game again.

After entering the game, Wang Yuan glanced at his left hand, and sure enough, the space ring was still there.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yuan took out ten gold coins and put them into the ring storage compartment, and then quickly logged off.

After returning to reality, he opened the storage space again.

The next moment, ten yellow, golden, and heavy gold coins appeared in Wang Yuan's hand.



Seeing the gold coins in his hand, Wang Yuan couldn't help but get excited.

It actually works! ! !

The items in the game can actually be transferred to the real world through this ring.

Damn! I'm going to get rich!

Huh? That's not right...

OMG! !

The two worlds will merge soon, what's the use of giving this thing at this time! !

Soon Wang Yuan calmed down again.

My god, although this ring can theoretically carry items to travel between the game and the real world, the game world and the real world will become one world in twenty days. Now that I have this skill, what's the difference between being a traitor for 45 years?

So this thing is a 20-day smuggling experience card.

Damn it!!

Wang Yuan was full of black lines, that feeling was simply unbearable.

Just like the protagonist in the novel, who was frustrated for decades and finally got a plug-in, but it was still limited in time...

It's really uncomfortable!

It's better to have nothing than a short experience.


"But gold is really a good thing..."

However, when Wang Yuan saw the gold coins in his hand again, he suddenly thought it through.

A 20-day plug-in is also a plug-in.

It's better than nothing.

Apart from anything else, these ten gold coins are real money.

To be honest, although Wang Yuan is so successful in the game, he is still very short of money in reality.

They eat instant noodles and live in the old family compound.

Knowing that the end of the world would come in 20 days, Wang Yuan was reluctant to exchange the gold coins in the game for cash. After all, gold is the hard currency when the end of the world comes.

Now with this space ring, gold coins can be taken directly out of the game world...

Selling gold directly is much more cost-effective than exchanging it for game coins.

A gold coin is conservatively 50 grams, and one gram of gold is 600 yuan, so a gold coin is 30,000 yuan.

You know, the exchange rate of game coins to cash has dropped to 900 yuan now. Putting aside the procedures and taxes, you will only get about 800 yuan...

Selling gold coins directly will earn you dozens of times more.

Wang Yuan has 500,000 gold coins and is an absolute gold coin tycoon.

Naturally, he will not be stingy with a mere gold coin to improve his current life.

Moreover, when the end of the world comes, supplies are also extremely important.

Especially food and water, which are necessities. With a large amount of cash, you can make adequate preparations before the end of the world comes.

"Hmph, this thing is not completely useless!"

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan's mouth corners slightly raised.

He already had a plan in mind.


After washing his face, Wang Yuan put on his clothes and walked out of the house.

"Where are you going?"

As soon as he went out, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

It was Wang Yujie.

"Walk around, buy some things!" Wang Yuan said: "Do you need to bring anything?"

"Nothing to bring!" Wang Yujie laughed: "But you can take me. Hehe!"

It has been more than a week since he came to this city, and Wang Yujie has not gone out for a walk.

At this time, seeing Wang Yuan going out, he directly came up to him without any hesitation.

"Hey, do you have money to go shopping?" Wang Yuan curled his lips.

This girl paid the down payment for the game helmet by herself, and she ate instant noodles by herself. Yesterday, this stupid dog stole a pot of boiling water from me...

Now she wants to go shopping with me, she doesn't want me to buy her things, right?

"'s enough if you have it." Wang Yujie is indeed a female gangster. She said such a shameless thing so casually.

"Bah! You still owe me money! Give me back my kettle!" Wang Yuan's face darkened.

People who hold grudges are narrow-minded...

Wang Yuan is the kind of person who will never give up even the slightest grudge.

Although he is not vague about big things, he will mind if you take advantage of him.

"You are a big man, why are you so stingy? I will pay you back ten times when I have money." Wang Yujie looked contemptuous.

"Tsk!" Wang Yuan muttered: "You have money? Will that day come?"

"Money is nothing! You are a bastard who only sees the world from a well!" Wang Yujie kicked Wang Yuan angrily, then stretched out his hands and wrapped them around Wang Yuan's arms.


Wang Yuan was sweating profusely when he saw this. Wasn't this woman going to twist his arm off? He had seen how cruel Wang Yujie was.

Then, Wang Yujie's head also rubbed against him.

Wang Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively took a step back, and Wang Yujie's head rubbed against nothing.

"??? Are you sick!!" Wang Yujie cursed: "Girls put their heads close to you, and you hide when you come up! Are you going to die!"

"No, no..." Wang Yuan wiped his sweat: "I thought you were going to bite me to death..."

NND, this ferocious little thing, who wouldn't be angry when seeing it.

"Hmph! Dog man!" Wang Yujie was furious, and he turned his arm and grabbed Wang Yuan's arm with his left hand, and pressed Wang Yuan's head against the wall with his right hand and asked: "Will you take me with you?"

"Take me, take me, take me..." Wang Yuan begged for mercy.

Three minutes later, Wang Yuan came downstairs, followed by a beautiful girl in sportswear.

It's true that Wang Yujie's personality is not like a woman. As long as he doesn't speak or hit people, he is still very much like a woman.

It was dark, and the community was quiet.

"Oh...isn't this Brother Wang? Is this my sister-in-law?"

Passing by the supermarket downstairs, Xiao Zhang was moving things into the house. Seeing Wang Yuan from a distance, he greeted him and couldn't help but look at Wang Yujie a few more times.

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