The smoke bomb fell, and the people of Huaxia Longteng were blinded again.

"Fuck! This woman has helpers!!!"

Hearing Wang Yuan's voice, the people of Huaxia Longteng panicked.

At the same time, the Templars also chased Wang Yujie out of the temple.

Wang Yujie once again displayed her magical body skills, spinning and jumping. I closed my eyes...passed through the Huaxia Longteng players and came to Wang Yuan's side.

"For justice!"

"Punish the wicked!"

"The God of Light cannot be desecrated!"

Although the Templars have strong attributes and strength, the unified feature of the guard NPC is that they have no brains... They are simply mentally retarded NPCs.

Seeing Wang Yujie pass through the crowd, the group of Templars ignored the "obstacles" in front of them, shouted slogans and rushed into the crowd.

"No! They are coming!!"

"Why are you still shouting slogans!"

"Who cares! Counterattack!"

The Huaxia Longteng players couldn't see anything... I just felt that a group of "players" rushed over.

Immediately started to fight back without saying a word.

Ding ding dang dang, ping-pong!

All kinds of attacks started to smash indiscriminately, and the scene was directly in chaos.

Players have teammates to protect them... They are not afraid of hurting each other, just do it anyway.

It doesn't matter if they fight back...

Immediately, a system prompt flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

[System prompt: You attacked the Holy Light Knights guarding the Temple of Light, your Holy Light City reputation -50, and you will be sanctioned by the Templars within half an hour. ]

"What the hell??!!!"

As the system prompt flashed, the blinding time of the smoke bomb was over.

Looking at the Templars who looked like tin cans in front of them, everyone in Huaxia Longteng felt numb on their scalps, and a desolate chill extended from the back of their heads to their heels.

"For justice!"

"Cunning villains!"

"Light will win!!"

The Templars raised the cross swords in their hands, and the light on their bodies flashed...


The Huaxia Longteng players turned around and ran without thinking.

There is no way... No one knows how stubborn these Templars are better than the players of Huaxia Longteng.

If you offend them, they will really fight to the death and kill you.

Even if you die and resurrect, they will run to the resurrection point to chop you for half an hour...

That's a real fight...

The key is that you can't fight back.

These Templars represent the authority of the God of Light.

In the Holy Light City, the God of Light is the Supreme God.

If you dare to attack the Templars, you are offending the God of Light. Chasing you for half an hour is just a small punishment. You will be fine if you hide for half an hour.

If you kill the Templars in return.

Sorry, you are on the blacklist of the Temple of Light. The next wave will be the Knights of Light, the next wave will be the Guards of Light, and the next wave will be the Guards of the City of Light...

Wave after wave, like their Terminator, there will always be one that can end you.

You can't afford to fight... and you can't hide, just run away...

In an instant, the players of Huaxia Longteng scattered like birds and beasts.

The Templars also followed...

Wang Yuan and his companions had already taken the opportunity to come to the Temple of Light.


Entering the Temple of Light, the space was extremely wide.

There stood a huge statue in front of Wang Yuan and his companions, which was the legendary God of Light.

"Why does this place look so familiar?"

Wang Yujie looked around and felt like he had seen it before.

"Yes!" Dahai Wuliang also nodded and said, "I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Nonsense! This is the temple when we entered the game to create a character!" Wang Yuan said.

"Yes! That's right!" Wang Yuan said, and Dahai Wuliang and Wang Yujie remembered it immediately.

"So the Temple of Light and the temple where we create characters are actually the same temple?" Wang Yuan was also thinking secretly, and he always felt that there was some connection between them.

"By the way, what is your mission?" Wang Yujie suddenly asked Wang Yuan.

"Looking for a guy named Saint Peter."

"What a coincidence! Me too!" Wang Yujie said in surprise: "Are you here to get a mission from him too?"

"To get a mission?" Wang Yuan shook his head and said: "No, I'm here to do a mission."

At the same time, Wang Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

I am doing the mission, and Wang Yujie is taking the mission. This is obviously contradictory. It won't be another collision mission.

If it is a collision mission, one of them must suffer.

Just now, Wang Yujie led the Templar out. You can't be a bad person.


"Saint Peter, where are you?"

Just when Wang Yuan was thinking about each other, Wang Yujie suddenly shouted loudly.

"Damn! What are you shouting for, sister!"

Hearing Wang Yujie's voice, Wang Yuan was directly shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Come on, I'm here to steal things, why are you shouting so loudly? There is no such high-profile thief.

"Looking for someone... Be polite, you know!" Wang Yujie said confidently.

Wang Yuan was so angry that he wanted to twist her head off.

"Haha..." Dahai Wuliang laughed and said, "Sister Keke, this is the first time I've seen someone look for someone like this... This is a game..."

"What's wrong with the game?" Wang Yujie asked back.

"The NPCs in the game are all triggered, you can't call them out, this is common sense in the game, don't you know?" Dahai Wuliang was a little surprised.

"Yes..." Wang Yujie said, "This is my first time playing a game."

"Ah... this..." Dahai Wuliang was confused: "Brother Niu, what about you?"

"Uh... I don't play much either." Wang Yuan scratched the back of his head.

Wang Yuan was indeed a teenager addicted to games when he was in school. After graduation, he became a social animal and had no time to play games. He was really starving to death, so he took a gamble.


Dahai Wuliang looked at the two of them, and his mood was so complicated.

Damn, these two guys are more perverted than each other. One is a novice and the other is a semi-new novice. Who would believe it if they told others.

"What are you shouting for! Don't you know that the Temple of Light should keep quiet?"

Just as the few people were talking nonsense, suddenly an empty voice sounded in the ears of the three people.

The next moment, the scene in front of the three people turned and came to a space with no visible edges.

Then a figure came from far away and came to the three people.

The man was wearing a white robe and looked majestic.

He held a book in his left hand and a lightsaber in his right hand.

The ID "Saint Peter" was on his head.



Seeing the NPC in front of them, Wang Yuan and Wang Yujie looked at Dahai Wuliang at the same time: "It's triggered."

"There's a bug." Dahai Wuliang blushed.

This shouldn't be the case. Can the NPC really shout it out?

"God is omnipresent, and their apostles can naturally reach the destination with their thoughts!" Saint Peter seemed to know what Wang Yuan and the others were thinking.

Saint Peter's voice was not as majestic as imagined, but gave people a sense of peace and tranquility.

As he spoke, Saint Peter had already come in front of the three people, his eyes flashed across the three people, and finally his eyes fell on Wang Yuan.

"Huh? The Destined One! This reincarnated Destined One turned out to be a dirty necromancer?"

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