
"Are you kidding me?"

After hearing Wang Yuan's words, a series of question marks popped up on the heads of Wang Yujie and Dahai Wuliang.


Those are the guards in the Temple of Light, why should they listen to you, a player?

What's more, Wang Yuan is a dirty necromancer with unknown origins.

The four skeleton bodyguards were also confused when they heard Wang Yuan's words.

"Oh no! Brother Niu has mad cow syndrome again!" Ma San'er was stunned with shock.

"Asking the Templars to help him fight...does he think the Templars are all us?" Xiao Bai also looked confused.

"Is he going to kill all the Templars? And then become us?" Dabai also came up with a bad idea for Wang Yuan.

Templars are high-level guards who directly take orders from the Inquisition. No one can order them except St. Peter and the Pope.

Wang Yuan said that he wanted the Templars to help him fight. Apart from turning them into undead, Dabai couldn't think of any other way.

"If he had that ability, he would just rush in and be done with it..." After all, Brother Chun was older and a calm type. He thought thoughtfully and said, "This guy probably wants to lure out the Templar Knights and kill each other with the Chinese Longteng players." Bar."

"Killing each other?" Dabai and the other two fell into deep thought.


When Wang Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Brother Chun quietly.

There's something about this old guy.

Brother Chun is right, that's what Wang Yuan thinks.

Because looking at it now, there are two lines of defense if you want to enter the Temple of Light to relieve Saint Peter. One is the Chinese Dragon Soaring players, and the Templar Knights.

So even if Wang Yuan is lucky enough to get through the first line of defense, the Templar warriors inside will be difficult to deal with.

Once there is a commotion, outside players can immediately support them, and even other Chinese Dragon players will swarm them, and they will definitely die by then.

Instead of solving the problem yourself, let the problem solve the problem.

As long as the Templar warriors and the Chinese Longteng people fight, the problem of the two lines of defense will be easily solved.

"No kidding!"

Wang Yuan said firmly: "The problem now is how to get the Templar Knights out of the Temple of Light. As long as they are lured out, everything will be easy."

"But you have also seen that the people from Huaxia Longteng are blocking the door, and ordinary people can't break in..." Wang Yuan continued: "It would be great if Shui Linglong was here! I will send her a message now... "

Shui Linglong has stealth-enhanced equipment, and even the BOSS cannot detect her stealth skills.

This situation is really easy to come by.

"Tch, don't look down on people!!" After hearing Wang Yuan's words, Wang Yujie was unconvinced and said: "Why are you bothering me? Let me try..."

"Don't die..." Wang Yuan looked at Wang Yujie in front of him and frowned.

: "There are too many people in the Huaxia Longteng group. No matter how powerful you are, can you still defeat one against a hundred?"

It's perverted enough to fight ten of them. But if one fights a hundred, can this game still be played?

People are not allowed to say that the author is talking nonsense?

"You look down on me?" Wang Yujie became anxious: "I'll show you right now!!"

"Okay, since you have to go, then take this with you..." Wang Yuanjian was almost done, so he casually took out a smoke bomb from his arms and handed it to Wang Yujie.


Wang Yujie snorted coldly, put on a smoke screen and jumped into the room.

"Depend on!"

"This guy is so mean!"

"He actually provoked a little girl."

Seeing the smoke bomb Wang Yuan handed over, the four skeleton guards were sweating. They had never seen such a shameless person as Wang Yuan.

Even Dahai Wuliang couldn't help but complain: "Brother Niu, you are such a bad guy!"

"There's nothing we can do, we can't run as fast as her!" Wang Yuan spread his hands: "Okay, let's follow her quickly!"

When Wang Yuan and Wang Yuan walked around the alley to follow them, Wang Yujie was already at the entrance of Guangming Temple.


Just heard Wang Yujie shout.

The eyes of the Chinese Dragon Soar player on the opposite side were immediately attracted.

"Oh no! Brother Hu, that woman is back again!!"

"Don't let him get away this time!"

"Kill him!!"

Seeing that it was Wang Yujie, the Chinese Dragon Soaring players immediately became excited.

Good guy, I just let you go and didn't chase you, but you're back again. You're simply looking for death! !

As he spoke, everyone aimed at Wang Yujie, started to draw their bows and arrows, and chanted skills.

I just received an order not to pursue him for fear of being lured away from the mountain. Now my enemy is right in front of me, so I can't let him go.


Wang Yujie chuckled, took out a smoke bomb and threw it into the crowd.


The smoke dissipated and directly enveloped the Chinese Dragon Soaring players again.

"Oh no, it's this thing again!"

"I can't see!"

"No, she's going to take the opportunity to break into the temple!"

"Stop her! Stop her!!"

After all, he was a player from a top guild, and he immediately understood Wang Yujie's intentions.

They retreated one after another, gathered up their formations, raised their shields to block the temple door, a defensive tactical move, it was called a clean and neat defensive maneuver.

Wang Yuan was amazed when he saw it.

It is worthy of being a top guild. Compared with it, the Black Dragon Guild is like a grass-roots team and has no comparison.

No wonder those masters want to join a big guild at the level of Huaxia Longteng.

However, facing the defense of Huaxia Longteng, Wang Yujie rushed straight into the crowd.

Wang Yujie's figure swayed, he took a step to the left, a step forward, turned around, and took another step forward, while posing various weird postures to avoid all the Huaxia Longteng players.

The Huaxia Longteng players lost their vision and could not see anyone in front of them.

Wang Yujie passed through the crowd in an instant like a ghost.

"I'm offended!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Yuan couldn't help but take a breath.

This woman is really getting more and more perverted, and every time she can make herself refreshed.

"Terrible! Too terrible!" Dabai and others were also shocked.

"Like! Too similar! This step..." Chun Ge felt familiar.

"Sister Keke is so powerful!!" Dahai Wuliang's eyes were full of stars again, and he seemed to have become a die-hard fan of Wang Yujie.


"Who is it! How dare you trespass into the Temple of Light!"

As soon as Wang Yujie rushed into the Temple of Light, he heard a loud shout.

Looking up, a row of "tin cans" wearing holy light armor walked towards him in neat steps, and in an instant they came to him.


Without saying a word, Wang Yujie stepped on the holy light knight in front of him, and then kicked hard, using the force to roll back.

[System prompt: You attacked the holy light knight guarding the Temple of Light, your...]

Without waiting for the prompt to flash, Wang Yujie quickly stood up, turned around and ran out of the temple.

"Cunning villain! How dare you challenge the majesty of the God of Light!!!"


"For justice!!"

It didn't matter that Wang Yujie kicked over, it directly activated the hatred of the Templar.

All the Templars shouted together, and raised the cross holy swords in their hands.

A halo spread out, and then all the Templars raised their shields and chased out.


Outside the temple gate, the blinding of the Chinese Dragon player has ended.

Wang Yujie just came out of the temple...

"We are here to help you, let's kill them together!"

At this time, Wang Yuan also came to the front of the Huaxia Longteng player formation, shouted and threw a smoke bomb at Wang Yujie.


The white fog filled again.

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