Corpse Explosion: Active skill, selects a "corpse unit", causing it to explode and damage all enemies within a 300 range, causing 60-100% of the corpse's health damage, mana consumption: 16, cooling time: 1.5 seconds.

"This skill..."

Wang Yuancai's surprise when he saw the skill in front of him suddenly disappeared.

If you’re not a buddy, how can you be like this as a human being? You said you gave me skills, and I'm very happy, but if you give me this thing, it's your fault, and I'm very dissatisfied.

"Corpse Explosion"

Judging from the skill description, it is indeed a good skill, but the triggering conditions directly make the value of this skill plummet.

This thing is similar to the corpse-removing technique that Wang Yuan obtained in Thunder Bluff.

These are all skills that require corpse units to be triggered.

Horse riding!

Isn't this nonsense?

Who doesn't know that the Necromancer's weakness is the corpse unit.

Now all the corpse spawn points in each main city are occupied by large guilds. Summoning a skeleton costs ten silver coins. In other words, all the corpse units in the current game have to be bought with money.

Normally it is not enough to summon skeletons.

If Wang Yuan didn't have the "History of Heroes" and his own cemetery where he could infinitely resurrect his own undead, he would now have to look for corpses everywhere like other necromancers.

It is simply a waste to use corpse units to "drive out corpses" or use them as consumables to blow up people.

So far, any skills that require "corpse units" to be triggered are all rubbish.

I thought that the skill given by an NPC of Zul's level would be some kind of awesome and powerful weapon, but I didn't expect that it would be such a useless thing.

"What? You don't look very happy?" Zul wondered.

"Nonsense!" Wang Yuan said angrily: "I fed the dog with all my heart! It was a waste of a level 30 golden BOSS corpse."

"You don't understand! This skill is the prerequisite skill for the Necromancer's ultimate skill, Continuous Corpse Explosion!" Zuer said: "How many people want to learn it but don't have the chance!"

"Serial corpse explosion? Do corpse units also need to be triggered?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Well, we need a lot of corpse units." Zul said.

"Bah! Trash!" Wang Yuan raised his middle finger wildly.

NND, Wang Yuan is not willing to part with a corpse unit, you still need a lot of corpse units, this is not rubbish, what is rubbish.

"Hey..." Zul shook his head and sighed.

"Forget it! I want to learn level 20 skills!"

Although he was tricked by Zuer, Wang Yuan still did not forget his purpose of coming here.

Necromancers are divided into general, summoning, and spiritual according to different branches.

After level 10, after players learn skill specialization, they can only choose one practice between summoning and spirit.

Therefore, other Necromancer players at level 20 can only learn two skills, general and specialized.

But as the High Priest of the Undead, Wang Yuan ignored the specialization requirements and could learn all skills.

[Summon Ghost] (LV1): Summoning active skill, the necromancer uses powerful mental power to summon two spirits to assist in the battle in the endless void of death. Mana consumption: 20, cooling time: none

[Fear] (LV1): A mental active skill. The Necromancer uses powerful mental power to cause mental damage to all monsters within a 300 range of himself, causing them to flee out of fear. Mana consumption: 7, duration 5 seconds, cooling time: 3 seconds.

[Bone Spear] (LV1): A universal active skill, the Necromancer summons a deadly bone spear to pierce the enemy. Mana consumption: 5, cooling time: 1 second.

Ghosts are high-level undead that can only be summoned by a necromancer after he has advanced from apprentice to apprentice.

Summoning ghosts does not require a corpse. Ghosts ignore physical attacks and have no physical attacks. They can mentally disturb the target and receive double magic damage. Compared with skeletons, they are controlled undead.

Fear is the promotion skill of the spiritual Necromancer. It focuses on control. Although it is not as powerful as the hard control of stun and knockback, the group control skill is still quite powerful.

Bone Spear is the Necromancer's attack skill. It has the physical attack effect of piercing and breaking through defense. It is more practical than the level 15 Soul Fire.

Of course, learning new skills is actually secondary.

The most important thing for Wang Yuan is to upgrade the "Summon Skeleton".

[Summon Skeletons] (LV3): Active skill, consumes 25 magic points, resurrects the dead into skeleton warriors, has a 10% chance of summoning mutated skeletons, and can summon up to 4 skeletons.

As a level 3 skeleton warrior, the Skeleton Warrior can inherit 90% of the player's attributes. With the 10% inheritance improvement of the summoning specialization, it can inherit 100% of the attributes of the Necromancer.

As a hidden professional undead high priest, Wang Yuan's inherited attributes directly reached 130% with the blessing of equipment.

At the same time, after "Summoning Skeletons" reached level 3, Wang Yuan also had three more advanced tasks in his taskbar.

[Your flaming skeleton has met the advancement conditions and can evolve into the "Undead Fire Controller". The evolution requirements are: flaming robe. 】

[Your shield skeleton has met the advancement conditions and can evolve into a "Heavy Armored Warrior". The evolution requirements are: Earth Trampling. 】

[Your Arrow Guard Skeleton has met the advanced conditions and can evolve into an "Undead Hunter". Evolution requirements: Eagle Eye Helmet. 】


Wang Yuan was in a daze when he saw the task prompt in front of him.

Wasn't it possible to advance directly before? Why do I have to do the evolution task now?

It seems that these skeletons of mine are not without shortcomings compared to the skeleton soldiers of ordinary necromancers.

At least, other necromancers can directly summon skeletons of the corresponding level as long as their skill level reaches a certain level.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it.

These three skeletons are not just as simple as inheriting the player's attributes. They also have their own growth talents and upgrade systems, so the advancement is naturally more complicated.

These quest items are not difficult to find. They are all ordinary equipment of around level 20. Wang Yuan copied the equipment name and sent it to the Hero Wushuang.

This kid's hobby is to shop at street stalls, and it is also a matter of convenience to collect a few quest equipment by the way.

After upgrading his skills, Wang Yuan said goodbye to Zul and came to the Hall of Heroes under the church again.

The others are secondary. Now is Wang Yuan's real purpose, because after the summoned skeleton is upgraded to level 3, Wang Yuan can summon the fourth skeleton.

This time, I don't know what kind of heroic spirit will be summoned.

Hall of Valor, still in its original state.

A broken bed was placed in the dim basement.

An unknown body lay on the bed.

The candlelight flickered on the wall, and the swaying shadows made the whole temple even darker.

Three skeletons surrounded the bed, the soul fire in their eyes kept jumping, and they seemed to be more excited than Wang Yuan.

"Who is it this time?" Ma Saner looked expectant.

"I hope it's the God of War Yin Tianxiao." Xiaobai's eyes were full of yearning.

"Bullshit! What about the God of Law Ye Rufeng!" Dabai's words were full of disdain.

"You're already fucking dreaming, why don't you dare to dream bigger! Isn't the God of War Wang Bufan even more awesome?" Ma Saner was rubbing his hands aside.

Obviously, all three of them were heroic masters of their time, especially the God of War Wang Bufan, who seemed to be more powerful than the other two.

"Alright, alright! Stop talking nonsense!" Dabai reluctantly let the two return to reality.

Wang Yuan held the Sword of the King in his hand and chanted: "Resurrect the ancient heroes. I will revive you and my child in the name of the High Priest of the Dead, Niu Dali."

"Hua La!"

As Wang Yuan chanted the spell, the flesh and blood of the corpse on the bed faded away.

A skeleton emitting a holy light sat up from the bed.

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