Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 111 If you want to give a gift, you must give a corpse

It has to be said that compared to players, skeleton soldiers are definitely the best cheap labor.

These bone sticks look fragile, but they are extremely powerful and have unlimited physical strength.

Although the work efficiency of skeleton soldiers may not be as efficient as that of players, they can't stand the perpetual motion machine setting of this thing.

Not only are they tireless, but because of their extremely low AI, they have no complaints about any work.

Moreover, as immortal undead, skeleton soldiers have endless lifespans and do not eat, drink or consume. It doesn't matter if they work overtime for 24 hours.


What is the ultimate wage earner? What is a living cow and horse? Which player dares to say that he can do it?

Compared with skeleton soldiers, players are simply weak.

The most important thing is that players are limited, but skeleton soldiers can be manufactured in unlimited batches. Even if they are really exhausted and injured, they can be replenished at any time. If you don't do it, there are plenty of skeletons to do it.


With Baal's order, one hundred level 30 elite skeleton soldiers scattered with weapons and headed straight for the mines and forests of Thunder Bluff to mine stones and wood.

"Not bad! Not bad! I didn't expect these skeleton soldiers to be used in this way."

Wang Yuan was delighted when he saw this.

Even the three skeleton guards were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"So this is how the skeleton soldiers are used?" Xiaobai was shocked: "Why didn't I think of it?"

"No wonder..." Dabai said suddenly: "No wonder Zul alone built Thunder Bluff into the most solid fortress, it turns out that there are so many cheap laborers working for him."

"The evil capitalists exploit our skeleton clan." Ma Saner felt very involved.

In everyone's fixed thinking, skeleton soldiers are used as cannon fodder in fights.

But no one expected that these skeleton soldiers could be used in this way.

After the guild base was completely handed over to Bal for construction, Wang Yuan left Thunder Bluff with satisfaction, came to Thunderstorm City, and headed straight to the cemetery behind the church.

Now Wang Yuan has reached level 20 and can learn new skills.

Before level 20, players only learn the basic skills of their profession, which belongs to the beginner stage. After level 20, they can learn advanced skills and officially become professional practitioners.

So level 20 is also the beginning of a powerful player.

"Niu Dali, my student, long time no see, how do you have time to see me?"

Seeing Wang Yuan walk into the cemetery, Zul greeted Wang Yuan from a distance.


Wang Yuan was full of question marks.

Didn't we just meet yesterday?

"Let me see what gift my student brought me." Zul continued.


Wang Yuan was speechless for a while.

This old guy, how did he shamelessly ask for bribes from players.

"I came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts." Wang Yuan replied.

"It's okay. I'm already very happy that you came to see me. After all, you're my only student. Tell me, what do you want to see me for?" Zul said it was okay, but his face was full of disappointment.

This broken game designed the NPCs to be very lifelike. Zul was originally an old man.

Now standing in the sunset, with a disappointed expression on his face, he looked very much like the lonely old man at the entrance of the village.

Seeing Zul like this, Wang Yuan felt that he was wrong.

Indeed, if it was another necromancer, it would be fine. Everyone has a professional mentor. Although the cemetery does not have as many people as the assassin's guild, it is not short of people.

Grandpa Zul is the only one. This old guy has lived for so long, and he finally has a direct disciple like himself. He came to him empty-handed to learn skills. This is a bit unfair.

Of course, in the game, it is not necessary to be so exaggerated.

But since Zul said so, he must have his reasons.

After all, based on Wang Yuan's understanding of game designers, these bastards would never design such a weird line for NPCs, especially high AI NPCs, for no reason.

"But I have a good thing for you..." Thinking of this, Wang Yuan suddenly laughed.

"Oh? What good thing?" Zul asked curiously.

"LOOK!" Wang Yuan casually took out the corpse king summoned at the Heroic Altar.

Although the corpse king is a level 30 gold BOSS, Wang Yuan accidentally got a high-level soul fire and has resurrected it with the corpse of Sarco.

It is a waste of resources to revive this corpse king with ordinary soul fire. When Wang Yuan finds a soul fire that matches the corpse king, it may be a long time. By then, the level 30 gold BOSS may not be able to keep up with the times.

Rather than letting it rot in your own hands, it is better to give it to others.

I have seen people giving gold and silver, but Wang Yuan is definitely the first one to give a corpse.

But for the necromancer, it is better to give a better corpse than to give gold and silver.

This is also the unique romance of the necromancers.

"Huh? Isn't this Captain Luke?" Zul was stunned when he saw the corpse in front of him.

"No, you can recognize this?"

Wang Yuan was shocked.

Good guy, this corpse king looks more abstract than the god of death, and it has been completely unrecognizable. Zul actually recognized him. This is a bit outrageous.

"Hmph! The disgusting holy light breath on his body is so stench even after death. How could I not recognize it!" Zul snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that the hero Luke I turned into the most disgusting thing about him. "

"From your tone, it sounds like you are familiar with him?" Wang Yuan frowned.

Thunder Bluff is an ancient battlefield, and Luke was naturally from thousands of years ago. Zul knew him, could it be...?


Zul said: "I am the high priest with eternal life, and I was also the person Luke hated the most back then!"

"That's it!" Wang Yuan understood. It seems that Zuer is also an old monster.

"Now that Luke's body has been found, it seems that you have been to the ancient battlefield of Thunder Bluff?" Zul asked.

"Yeah!" Wang Yuan nodded.

"You are worthy of being my student! You have done something that I have always wanted to do but dare not do." Zuer couldn't help but admired after hearing this: "That is the battlefield of ancient gods and demons. I don't know how many powerful heroes and corpses are buried there. You If you can go there, no wonder you can bring back Luke’s body.”

Having said this, Zul continued: "I like your gift very much! As a return gift, I plan to teach you a skill that has been lost."

"Oh? Thank you Teacher Zul!!"

Wang Yuan was delighted when he heard this and quickly thanked him.

As expected, Tuma knew that the designer would not design an inexplicable line for no reason.

It turns out that you can get hidden rewards by giving gifts to Zul.

"Thank you and let's go. I like you very much, a young man who dares to venture, fight, and is smart. As my direct disciple, naturally I can't treat you badly!"

As he spoke, Zuer put his finger between Wang Yuan's eyebrows.

A ray of light penetrated into Wang Yuan's body.

[System prompt: You have learned the skill "Corpse Explosion\

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