Walking down the cave entrance, Wang Yuan soon followed Dabai to an underground cave.

The cave was very wide.

Rows of green torches hung on the walls.

In the middle of the cave, there stood a black altar.

Wang Yuan could clearly feel the strong breath of the dead emanating from the altar.

"Brother Niu... go up... there are treasures..." Dabai took the lead and walked straight to the altar.

Wang Yuan followed closely behind.

Walking up to the altar, I saw an altar on top of the altar.

Sure enough, a black treasure chest was placed upright on the altar.

"Oh! There is an unexpected gain?"

Seeing the black treasure chest, Wang Yuan couldn't help but feel happy, and walked over quickly to open the treasure chest.


A black light flashed, and the contents of the treasure chest appeared in front of Wang Yuan.

A box, and a skill book.

[Soul Fire Treasure Chest]

Category: Special props.

Item introduction: A treasure chest containing one hundred level 30 elite soul fires.

[Corpse Driving Technique]

Category: Skill Book

Attribute: Soul

Professional Requirements: Necromancer

Item Description: A magical spell that can control corpses.

"It's Soul Fire!!"

Seeing the Soul Fire Treasure Box, Wang Yuan's eyes lit up.

This thing is a good thing.

The one hundred level 30 elite skeleton soldiers in Wang Yuan's "Heroic History Book" were made with Soul Fire.

Although the attributes of the skeleton soldiers made with Soul Fire are far inferior to those summoned by Summoning Skeletons, as long as there are corpses, they can be mass-produced.

More importantly, the skeleton soldiers made do not account for the number of pets.

This is a killer-level thing.

You know, ordinary necromancers have a team of ten undeads, and they dare to say that they have an undead army.

And Wang Yuan made it with Soul Fire, and there is no upper limit on the number. Just imagine that Wang Yuan summoned a hundred thousand skeletons with a wave of his hand, which can scare people to death.

One hundred Soul Fires means one hundred undeads.

The soul fire that Wang Yuan had absorbed in the dungeon before had been used up. The undead in Thunder Bluff were directly purified, and Wang Yuan did not have time to absorb them.

Now these 100 soul fires directly replenished Wang Yuan's losses.

Compared with the soul fire, the skill "Corpse Driving" seems a bit useless.

Controlling corpses... Isn't this the specialty of necromancers? Why do they need to come up with a special skill?

This feels like a shoddy skill.

However, since it is a hidden skill, it shouldn't be bad.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yuan clapped his hands.

"Corpse Driving" turned into a black light and drilled into Wang Yuan's eyebrows.

[System prompt: You have learned the skill "Corpse Driving\

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