Indeed, this Corpse Whisperer skill may not be of much use to other necromancers, because currently, except for Wang Yuan and Zul, other necromancers cannot summon heroic spirits as their undead battle pets.

And even Zul can only transfer souls to undead creatures, and cannot directly awaken heroic spirits like Wang Yuan.

Therefore, communicating with undead creatures is basically meaningless.


After all, only heroic spirits possess wisdom.

Of course, Wang Yuan can hear the voices of the undead without using the "Corpse Whisperer" skill, but Wang Yuan has to pretend not to hear, and Wang Yuan's undead also has to pretend that they don't have too much wisdom.

Otherwise, if Dabai and the others knew that their inner thoughts could not escape Wang Yuan's ears, wouldn't they be killed on the spot? Not to mention a stranger, not even a biological father.

Others don't know, but if anyone sees Wang Yuan's browser records, Wang Yuan must kill him and silence him.

Now that he has the skill "Corpse Whisperer", Wang Yuan has a medium to communicate with the dead in a literal sense, and everything makes sense.

Not only Wang Yuan, but also the three skeleton soldiers couldn't help but be a little excited when they saw the "Corpse Whisperer" skill.

"Finally, I don't have to act deliberately anymore! Just say whatever I want from now on!" Xiaobai said excitedly.

Since being summoned, Xiaobai and the others have a lot of hidden settings to tell Wang Yuan, but since they can't speak or show higher IQ, they can only pretend to be fools and become actors, which is embarrassing.

Now that Wang Yuan can communicate with himself through skills, he no longer has to act.

"Shit! Even if you can communicate, you can't show too high an IQ. If you have anything to tell me in the future, I'll go communicate with Brother Niu!" Dabai said very seriously.

It is indeed very scary for a pet to have a high IQ.

It's like you have a stupid husky, and suddenly one day it stops demolishing the house and tells you life strategies without knowing it every day. How terrifying that would be.

Especially the private issues between you and your wife, it knows everything about's really scary to think about it. (Of course, you may not have a wife either.)

"Teacher Wushuang, ask Brother Niu how to find a girlfriend!" Ma Saner said quickly.

"Go away! Didn't you see that he is still single?" Dabai glared at Ma San'er bitterly.

Wang Yuan: "..."

"Brother Niu, don't be sad. I'll give you good equipment next time..."

Seeing that Wang Yuan remained silent and looked unhappy, everyone quickly came over to comfort him.

Especially the brave warrior Wushuang and the two bastards who randomly shot at each other, but they still got an advantage and behaved: "Actually, our equipment is not that good..."


Everyone glared at the two.

Marder, the person who contributed the most took the crappiest equipment. He was already angry, but these two fools were still arguing, for fear that Wang Yuan would not get angry, right?

"Haha! I'm going to the market to do some shopping!" The brave man was so smart that everyone stared at him. He quickly found an excuse and left the meeting hall.

"I'm going to replenish some arrows." He shot casually and quickly shrank his head and ran away.

"I'm going to have a drink!"

"I'm going to see if there are any good-looking fashions."

"Take me one..."

"If you are so ugly, don't wear fashionable clothes, otherwise you will look even uglier!"

"go to hell……"

Several people found excuses to leave the guild station.

Soon, only Wang Yuan and Wang Yujie were left in the meeting hall.

"Aren't you leaving?" Wang Yuan asked Wang Yujie in confusion.

"You haven't asked me what equipment I got yet." Wang Yujie sounded a little dissatisfied. It seemed that she was also emotional about being treated as a transparent person.

In fact, you can't blame other people. If Wang Yujie didn't act so scary, everyone would think she is a girl, even if they don't know her well, they would still make a joke.

Now that we have all seen this woman's fists and kicks, and we have just met her, whoever dares to provoke her will be beaten to death.

"What equipment did you get?"

"I have no equipment and no skills, so I also have a mission." Wang Yujie said: "The mission of changing to a hidden profession requires a trip to Holy Light City."

"Hidden profession!!" Wang Yuan was shocked when he heard this: "What profession?"

"I don't know yet! I'll do it right away." Wang Yujie turned around and left.

"Oh! Then why didn't you go with them just now!"

"You haven't asked me yet?" Wang Yujie asked.

"I..." Wang Yuan was speechless. This girl is really stubborn.

Wang Yujie left the meeting hall, and Wang Yuan was the only one left in the guild station.

Naturally, Wang Yuan could not leave the guild station at this time because he still had things to do.

Wang Yuan casually put on the "Corpse Whisperer" helmet, then stared at the three skeletons in front of him, pretending to ask: "Um, can you three understand what I'm saying?"


Hearing Wang Yuan's inquiry, Dabai suddenly shook his head, pretended to be confused, took a step forward dully, and replied with superb acting skills: "Master, can you... communicate with me?"


Wang Yuan almost laughed out loud.

I have to say, Dabai is really good at acting.

If he hadn't known the truth, he would have really thought that Dabai's erratic way of speaking was real.

"Don't call me master, just call me Brother Niu." Wang Yuan said casually.

"Brother Niu..." Dabai said with a hint of excitement. He was like an old peasant under the jurisdiction of a medieval lord who was given a name by his master.

"Sure enough! You guys have much higher IQs than other skeleton soldiers. It seems that you all follow me." Wang Yuan boasted.

Dabai: "..."

"Brother Niu... I feel... a powerful force..."

Without waiting for Wang Yuan to continue bragging, Dabai suddenly changed the subject.

"Oh? What force?" Wang Yuan pretended to be stunned and asked in surprise.

"It's just in front... I'll take you there..."

As he said that, Dabai walked straight into the depths of the hall.

"Hahaha! As expected of Teacher Wushuang, the acting is so realistic!" Xiaobai on the side laughed so hard that he fell backwards.

"Yes, it's exactly the same as those mentally retarded skeleton soldiers." Ma Saner also laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. Fortunately, they were skeletons, otherwise they would have laughed out tears.

"Do you think there is a possibility that Teacher Wushuang is not acting at all."

"Get lost!" Dabai was furious.


Wang Yuan suppressed his laughter and showed a puzzled expression.

Seeing this, Dabai quickly rolled over and said, "There is murderous aura here..."

"Oh..." Wang Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.


Xiaobai and the others laughed even more happily.


Soon, under the leadership of Dabai, Wang Yuan came to the innermost side of the hall.

At this moment, Dabai pushed away a stone against the wall.

A dark hole appeared in front of Wang Yuan.

"Brother Niu... the power... came from here." Dabai said truthfully.

"Is the altar of heroes in here?" Xiaobai and Ma Saner looked at each other.

Wang Yuan was also amazed.

I didn't expect the altar of heroes to be just below the meeting hall.

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