One Year Marriage

Chapter 1011: Living in the Sun (11) Four thousand words!

   After deliberation, the four finally decided to let Gu Qisen go with Shen Geng, while Dongfang Jue and Helian Lu will keep in touch with them at all times, so that they can support them at any time.

   After about an hour, Dr. Liang finally arrived.

   He picked up the blood jade and checked it carefully, but his expression gradually became solemn.

"What's up?"

   Gu Qisen saw his expression in his eyes and couldn't help asking.

   Shen Geng also subconsciously set his eyes on Dr. Liang's face, his eyes hard to hide his nervousness.

  Dongfang Jue and Helian Lu are also inquisitive.

Only then did Dr. Liang say to Gu Qisen, "Young Master, this is indeed the piece of blood jade left by Xuanyuan Yuan, but it may have been a little inappropriate during the preservation process, and the aura of the blood jade has almost lost. Say, it won't make much difference."

   Gu Qisen's eyes suddenly turned cold when he heard it, "You mean, this piece of blood jade is useless?"

Dr. Liang swallowed and was about to answer, when Helianlu scolded out calmly, "Damn it, it doesn't work anymore? Nima, is there any reason for this? This young master paid for my virginity and virtuousness in exchange for it. How can you do this?"

  Originally, because of Dr. Liang's words, everyone's mood was a little low. Who knows, Helian Lu's angrily complaining made them inexplicably want to laugh out loud.

  Haha, may I ask Master Helian, do you know the meaning of the words chastity and chastity?

   "Okay, don't make a mess!"

   Dongfang Jue glanced at Helian Lu in a bad mood.

   Helian Lu had no choice but to snort, unwilling to shut up.

At this time, Dr. Liang continued to explain, "It's not that it's useless, but the effect is not as good as imagined. Young and young, this blood jade can only last up to three months, if the blood contained in the venom cannot be found within three months. Master, then..."

   Speaking of this, he couldn't bear to continue, and gave Shen a light look with a complicated expression.

Of course Shen Qingqing understood what he meant. Although she had already prepared in her heart, she heard the doctor tell her that she probably had only three months left in her life, and her strength was still drained in an instant. Like, can't even speak.

   She bit her lips tightly, her face extremely pale.

   A large hand over his shoulders hugged her tightly.

  Shen Gently felt a warmth in his heart, and leaned his head towards him, as if he had found support, just wanting to be in his arms.

   "It's alright! We'll go to Xuanyuan Che in two days. Even if I die, I'll ask him to hand over the antidote!"

  Gu Qisen's delicate chin rested on the top of her head and swore seriously.

   "Yes, Gentle, don't be afraid, Brother Jue and I will definitely not watch anything happen to you!"

   Helian law quickly added.

   "There is no way out, you will be fine."

   Dongfang Jue also comforted.

   "Yes, young lady, you have to believe in the abilities of Young Master, Young Master Dongfang, and Young Master Helian. They will definitely have a way to save you."

   couldn't help, Dr. Liang felt very guilty.

Shen gently smiled at them, comforting them in return, "Well, I'm not that vulnerable. I was worried that my walking human bomb would explode at any time, but now I have this blood jade, at least three I'm safe and sound during the month, isn't this much better than before? Don't worry, I believe that God is just testing me, and when the time comes, I will definitely pass."

   "You can think so."

   Dongfang Jue looked at her, her dark pupils filled with distress.

  Gu Qisen was silent, and a strange light flashed across his eyes quickly.


  Three days later, Moriqing and his wife boarded a plane to the RT organization.

   Of course, they didn't go by themselves, but Xuanyuan Che sent a special plane to pick them up at the castle, in order to prevent Gu Qisen from going back on his word.

  After the plane took off for a while, Shen Gently said to Gu Qisen, who was sitting next to her: "Husband, if Xuanyuan Che's conditions are too harsh, you don't need to be wronged for me, you know?"

   Although they were going to negotiate this time, they were obviously in a passive state. She was really worried that he would give in unconditionally in order to save her.

  Gu Qisen reached out and touched her head with a gentle tone: "You don't have to worry about anything, just leave everything to me, eh?"


   Shen Gently wanted to say something, but his generous palm quickly held her face, and asked her affectionately, "You just don't have confidence in your husband, eh?"

   "Of course not, I'm just worried."

   "Don't worry, my husband has his own measure!"

   "Hey, husband, why do you think Xuanyuan Che is so hateful? We have no grievances with him, why would he target us like this?"

  Shen lightly rested his head on his shoulder and puffed out his cheeks in confusion.

People don't offend me, I don't offend others, she really can't understand why in this world, there will be some people who like to find fault with others for no reason, frame others for no reason, hey, if everyone in this world is simple, then how nice...

   "Maybe it has something to do with his life experience."

   Gu Qisen said solemnly.


  Shen was gently aroused by his curiosity, "Do you still know his life experience?"

   "Well, Xuanyuan's surname is still a minority after all, so it's not particularly difficult to investigate him, unless his name is fake."

  Gu Qisen answered truthfully.

  Shen lightly hurriedly sat up straight and listened, "Come and listen."

  Gu Qisen gave her a deep look, "Are you too interested in Xuanyuan Che?"

   "This is a must. Knowing yourself and the enemy, and knowing more about the enemy, there is no harm."


   Gu Qisen was amused by her seriousness, so he simply told her that Xuanyuan Che's whole family was killed when he was young.

  Shen listened softly, his eyes widened, and he looked suddenly realized, "So he is the descendant of the God of Medicine, no wonder there are so many strange medicines."


Gu Qisen nodded and said, "The God of Medicine Xuanyuanyuan is a doctor who is highly respected by thousands of people. He is kind-hearted, and the ancestral motto he left to the Xuanyuan family is to hang a pot to help the world. As far as I know, the past dynasties of the Xuanyuan family have basically All of the above are operating the Xuanyuan family with this belief in mind, and Xuanyuan Che has the blood of their family on his body, and he should have the arrogance of the Xuanyuan family in essence, but he has undergone such a great change in his childhood, so he will do everything for revenge. A lot of things go against my heart..."

   "Husband, what do you mean, Xuanyuan Che poisoned me for revenge? But where did I get revenge from him?"

  Shen was lightly puzzled.

  Gu Qisen immediately explained: "Of course you have no grudge against him, but if I guessed correctly, he came to us this time, probably because he wanted me to help him to avenge him!"


   "Eight and nine are inseparable from ten."

   Gu Qisen said quietly.

Apart from this purpose, he really can't think of anything else, and what he can be sure of is that Xuanyuan Che's enemy is very powerful. After all, if the opponent is not strong enough, how could it be possible to destroy the entire Xuanyuan family overnight. ?

  Thinking of this, Gu Qisen's eyes sank, and he has to say that he is a little curious about this behind-the-scenes hand.

   "Husband, if it is as you guessed, will you help him?"

   Shen's soft and soft voice pulled Gu Qisen's thoughts back.

   Gu Qisen pondered for a few seconds and said, "It depends on the specific conditions."


  The plane finally arrived at RT and landed in the open space in the back garden of RT.

   The couple walked out of the plane holding hands. From a distance, they saw Cindy and Suna with a group of sisters welcoming them warmly.

   Among them, there are also eleven and thirteen.

  Thirteen was brought back by Xuanyuan Che two days ago. Of course, Shen Qingli played a key role.

   "Seventeen, you're back."


   "Cindy, Suna, Thirteen, Eleven, hi, sisters—"

   Seeing all the sisters whom I hadn't seen for several days, Shen Qingqing was also very happy and hugged them one by one.

  Gu Qisen stood beside her and was relieved to see her getting along so well with RT members.

She told herself before that she didn't suffer too much apart from the hard training in the past two years. Originally, he didn't believe it very much, thinking that she lied and lied to him because she was afraid of her guilt, but today I saw her in RT with my own eyes. Living environment, he finally believed.

   "Hello, Mr. Gu! I've admired the name for a long time!"

  Cindy stretched out her hand and greeted Gu Qisen generously.

  Gu Qisen reached out and shook her, and said sincerely, "Are you Cindy? Thank you for taking care of my wife! Come to S city another day, we will treat you well."

  Cindy smiled and said, "Mr. Gu is very polite. Seventeen is a member of our organization and is also my family. We should take care of each other."

   "Yeah, Seventeen is our sister, you don't have to be too outspoken with us!"

  Suna hastily added.

   Immediately afterwards, all the beauties in RT expressed their love for Shen Qing, and the more courageous ones even warned Gu Qisen, saying that if Gu Qisen was not good to Seventeen in the future, their RT would never let him go.

  Besieged by a group of Women's Army, Gu Qisen felt a little helpless, but more, he was happy that his family had so many sincere friendships.

  His gentleness has a unique charm by nature, no matter men or women, as long as they get along with her for a long time, no one will dislike her...

   "Okay, everyone, don't waste the time of Seventeen and President Gu, the master is still waiting."

  Cindy reminded at the right time, which interrupted their heated conversation.

  The audience was suddenly silent.

  Cindy looked at Gu Qisen and Shen Qingqing, and then said, "Come with me, the master is waiting for you in the council hall!"

   "Okay! Please lead the way."

  Gu Qisen responded politely, subconsciously clenching his heavy hand.

   Such a domineering and defending action made the Detachment Army of Women present couldn't help but their eyes flooded, and the hearts of the girls were bursting.

  Emma, ​​I really want to fall in love!


   In the conference hall, Xuanyuan Che sat on the main seat, raised his watch from time to time and glanced at it. Seeing that it was more than 20 minutes before the appointed time, he could not help but frown, as if he had lost patience.


   He simply patted the armrest of the seat, trying his best to suppress the heart that wanted to go berserk.

  Fortunately, not long after, I saw Cindy open the door and walk in straight.

  Cindy bowed respectfully to him, "Master, Gu Qisen and Shen Geng are here!"

   "Let them in, and you'll be on guard outside."

   Xuanyuan Che sat up with his back straight and said coldly.

  Cindy responded with a "yes", then turned and walked out.

   After a while, the door opened again.

   Xuanyuan Che looked up and saw Gu Qisen and Shen Qingqing holding hands, calmly appearing in front of him.

   "Hehe, you are late!"

   Xuanyuan Che smiled lightly, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

  Shen said angrily: "You didn't set a specific time, you just said three days later, wouldn't it be just right today? How come you're late?"

   Xuanyuan Che: "..."

   Anyway, when they came, he didn't want to take them seriously, so he changed the topic and said to Gu Qisen directly: "Can RT's website be restored immediately?"

   Gu Qisen narrowed his long eyes and responded coldly, "Detox the poison on my wife!"

   "This transaction is obviously unequal!"

   Xuanyuan Che is not a fool, how could he agree?

However, Gu Qisen didn't think he would agree, so he sneered and went straight to the point: "I heard that you can help my wife detoxify her by letting her complete three tasks. If the RT website resumes normal use, there will only be the last one left. Mission. Tell me, what is the last one, I'll do it for her!"

   "Yes! Have courage!"

   Xuanyuan Che finished speaking, stood up from the main seat, and walked towards them with vigorous steps.

   Soon, he walked up to Gu Qisen and looked at him.

   The two men were about the same size, and they were exceptionally handsome. Their evenly matched aura made the air in the entire hall suddenly forget to flow, and suddenly became very dull.

Afraid that they would disagree with each other, Shen Geng hurriedly blocked Gu Qisen, looked at Xuanyuan Che with bright eyes, and asked earnestly, "Xuanyuan Che, what is the third task? We promise you!"

  Well, a person must have a bottom line. She will never force Gu Qisen to do bad things that violate moral ethics in order to survive. If that is the case, she might as well just die.

  Xuanyuan Che heard Shen Qingchen's righteous words, and couldn't help hooking his mouth, with a bloodthirsty arc, "NO, it's not breaking the law, nor hurting the law, but... doing the right thing for the sky!"

   In the end, the words "walk the road for heaven", he almost clenched his teeth.

   "Doing the Way for Heaven?"

  Shen thought about its meaning lightly, couldn't help looking at Gu Qisen, and gestured with his eyes: Well, is that the revenge you mentioned earlier?

  Gu Qisen nodded lightly to her, and heard Xuanyuan Che's hateful voice resounding, "Yes, do it for the sky! Destroy the Shenlong Group!"

   "I can promise you, but you must save the light first!"

   Gu Qisen lowered his face and put forward conditions.

   Xuanyuan Che did not want to give in: "Destroy the Shenlong Group first!"


Gu Qisen sneered, his eyes sharp as knives, "Shenlong Group should be your enemy, right? You haven't been able to annihilate it for so many years, which shows that the other party is super powerful and terrible, how do I know how long it will take to destroy it? The enemy can be slowed down. Report, but the poison on my wife's body must be solved immediately, otherwise everything will be avoided!"

  PS: It's Monday, I'm asking for some recommendation votes, I don't ask you not to vote, and you don't vote if I beg, sad ing

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