One Year Marriage

Chapter 1010: Living under the sun (ten) four thousand words!

   Helian Lu was so smart, seeing Princess Celia taking the initiative to call to stop, he guessed that Gu Qisen and Dongfang Jue should have said something to her, and she should have believed that she was her savior.


   How dare you be so rude to the savior?

   See how he hits her?

  Therefore, Young Master Helian came to the three of them with arrogance.

  I saw him raise his hand and touch his delicate chin, and a pair of evil green eyes stared straight at Princess Celia, with an irresistible pride in his eyes, "Do you know that you have wronged a good person?"

   "Good guy? Haha—"

  Celia laughed twice as if she had heard a big joke, and said sarcastically, "If you are a good person, there will be no bad people in the world!"

"you this……"

   Helian Lu was so angry that he clenched his fists, "This young master doesn't beat women, um, no!"

  Yes, he doesn't hit a woman, he just tortures her to death...

   Seeing the two people quarreling after a disagreement, Gu Qisen frowned and said speechless: "Okay! You will have a chance to quarrel in the future. Now, let's talk about business!"

   Helianlu was unhappy when he heard Gu Qisen say this, "Hey, what do you mean, kid? What do you mean we will have a chance to quarrel in the future? Who wants to be involved with her?"

  Celia also exploded, "Helian Lu, what do you mean? If you quarrel with this princess, that's flattering you. If you were someone else, this princess shot him!"

   "Oh? So, you admit that in your heart, this young master is special?"

   Helian Li said deliberately.

  Celia's face flushed with anger, "Bullshit! Don't be sentimental, if you hadn't done that bastard, why would this princess be wronged and begged to marry you?"

   "Then you can also choose to kill me!"


   The two started arguing again.

  Gu Qisen pinched his aching brows, and admired them so much.

   He felt guilty about Helian Lu at the beginning, but obviously, he was definitely enjoying the quarrel with the princess, so he was relieved.

   Dongfang Jue's thoughts are similar to Gu Qisen's. After all, if Helianlu really hated Celia, at that dangerous juncture just now, he couldn't have thrown her down without even thinking about it...

How should I put it, Helian Lu has never been a kind person. If Celia is killed, he can also take the opportunity to get rid of the next marriage. Therefore, it is in his best interest to see death and not save him, but he does not. Does it not state this correctly?

   After about five minutes, they finally stopped.

Princess Celia is a person who pays attention to credit. She directly said to them: "Well, today Helian Lu has barely fulfilled the agreement with me. Since this is the case, this princess will not be unbelievable. I invite you at noon. For dinner, the blood jade you want, come back to the palace with me in the afternoon to get it."

   "Okay, then Gu must thank the princess first!"

  Gu Qisen nodded towards her and said in a deep voice.

   Although he was calm on the surface, waves were already rolling in his heart, and his gentleness was saved...


  In the afternoon, they got the blood jade from Celia as they wished and returned triumphantly.

   On the way back to the castle, the three of them couldn't hide their excitement.

   Helian Lu, in particular, is extremely proud, because he is the greatest hero!

  Master Helian sat in the back seat, shook his long legs, and then warned them very seriously: "I tell you, wait a minute, no one is allowed to take the credit of this young master!"

   "Don't worry, I won't rob you!"

   Gu Qisen smiled slightly, feeling very good.

   Anyway, no matter how much credit you have done, my wife only loves me, so what are you doing to rob you?

   Dongfang Jue also responded with a "hmm".

   Of course he also has his own plans, because he is confident, in Shen Qingli's mind, his status is something that Helian Lu can't keep up with, SO, let him this time, anyway, don't be afraid!

   The three of them arrived at the castle with their own minds.

  After getting off the bus, they walked side by side on the picturesque tree-lined road.

  The different handsome, different style, as if to become several beautiful landscape paintings that make people unable to take their eyes off.

   The maids who were busy with their work caught a glimpse of them, and they were all attracted to them.

   Halfway through, he saw the housekeeper William coming up.

   "Young Master, Mr. Gu, Master Helian—"

  William greeted them respectfully, but glanced back involuntarily, as if looking for something.

  Dongfang Jue saw his small movements in his eyes, Jun's face sank, "What happened?"


  William didn't expect the young master to be so powerful, he saw through him at a glance, and immediately reported, "Back to the young master, Mrs. Gu drove away by herself this morning and hasn't come back yet. The old slave thought she was looking for you—"

   "What? You said you drove off gently?"

  William was interrupted by Gu Qisen before he finished speaking.

  Because he was too nervous, Gu Qisen's tone was very poor at this time, which surprised William.

   He shook his shoulders slightly and bowed respectfully, "Yes, Mr. Gu. Mrs. Gu drove out in the jeep we purchased."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Qisen turned around and walked quickly to the parking lot.

   Dongfang Jue and Helian Lu immediately chased after seeing this.

**** it!

   How can she go out alone?

   It seems that he must have gone to the scene of the Congressional ceremony.

   But if she went there, why didn't she come to him?

   Even if you can't find him, you can still call, right?

   Moreover, it has been several hours since the end of the Congressional Ceremony. If she came back after watching it, she would have returned early, how could she have not returned yet?

   It shouldn't be an accident, right?


  Gu Qisen hurriedly walked to the parking lot, cursed in a low voice, wishing to kill himself.

  It's all his fault. If you take her with you in the morning and lock her firmly by his side, she won't suddenly disappear...

   Gently, you must not be in trouble!

   The more Gu Qisen thought about it, the more anxious he became. Jun's face was filled with deep worry, which was in stark contrast to the good mood before.

   Dongfang Harbor and Helian Lu walked behind him, looking equally anxious.

  Especially Dongfang Jue!

  If something happened to Shen Qingqing here, he would never be able to forgive himself...

   The three of them soon came to the parking lot.

  Gu Qisen opened the door of the driver's seat and sat in, not paying attention to whether Dongfang Jue and Helianlu got in the car.

   was about to start the engine when Helian Lu smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, Jeep is back."

  Helianly just happened to put his hand on the door handle of the rear seat and was about to unscrew it when he saw the jeep driving slowly.

  Dongfang Jue is already in the passenger seat.

   When the two men in the car heard him say that, their expressions changed suddenly and they got out of the car immediately.

   Looking head-on, I really saw a jeep driving over 100 meters, and the driver was Shen Qingheng.

   Shen Qingqing removed her disguised makeup at this time, returning to her original fresh and refined appearance.

   Of course, she also saw the three invincible men.

   They stood directly in the middle of the road, blocking her way.

  What are you doing?

   One by one is ferocious, so scary.

   However, it seems that she is the one who should be angry, right?

   They just left themselves in the morning...

  Humph, let's see how my sister will clean up you!

  Shen gently puffed out his cheeks and said to himself secretly.

  The road was blocked, so she had to stop the car and open the door to get out.

   "Yo, the three of you, are you back from attending the Congressional Ceremony? How are you? Is it fun or exciting?"

   The little woman walked over gracefully, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, but there was a hint of wanting to settle accounts with them.

If she hadn't gone out privately, Gu Qisen would have been right in the face of her questioning. However, he had no time to take it upon himself, so when Shen Geng approached, he almost immediately grabbed her arm and roared: "Where did you go? Do you know it's dangerous outside?"


Unexpectedly, he actually yelled at him, Shen Qing was slightly stunned, recovered, and angrily tore off his big hand on his arm, angrily said, "Since you know the danger outside, why do you want to leave it behind? I'm going out? What do you mean? You don't take me, so I must go by myself!"

   "Okay, stop arguing, just come back safely!"

   Dongfang Jue stopped them at the right time.

   After listening to Helianlu and Celia arguing for a long time, he didn't want to go home, and he had to listen to Gu Qisen and Shen Qingqing.

   "Brother Jue, do you think you can get rid of this matter? Hmph, you are also a bad person!"

  Shen gently turned his spearhead to Dongfang Jue.

   Dongfang Jue narrowed his eyes, "Me?"

"to you!"

  Shen gritted his teeth softly and said, and then, looking at Helian Lu, his eyebrows were curved, and he smiled and said, "And you!"


   Helian Lu pointed at himself in disbelief, "What's up with me! I didn't know you were going!"

  Wow! He felt that he was wronged to change his surname, and that he was wronged by the big head...

"It's none of your business? Aren't you today's prospective bridegroom officer? Hahaha, good you, Helian Lu, you are so tight, you don't even tell me if you ask for marriage? What about the promise of loyalty? Hmph, our friendship The boat capsized!"

  Shen finished softly, and walked around them arrogantly, like a warrior who returned in triumph.

  The three men who had been reprimanded to the point of being speechless looked at each other, and suddenly they all burst into laughter.

   Well, she is the princess in their hearts, as long as she is happy!


   "Easy, wait for me, Brother Lu can explain it to you, gently—"

   After finally brushing up on the presence of Helian Li, I don't want to let the boat of friendship overturn.

   He was the first to catch up.

   Seeing that he was the biggest hero this time, the other two did not compete with him.

On the way, Helian Lu pestered Shen Qing, and told her a lot of his heroic deeds, such as the princess fell in love with him at first sight. Yes, anyway, I've never married a princess in my life, so I'll get a divorce when I'm tired of it, so I simply agreed on the condition that she handed over the blood jade.

   Among them, Helian Lu didn't mention at all that he put the princess to sleep and was forced to take charge of it. After all, it was too embarrassing.

  Shen glanced at him suspiciously, "Really? The princess fell in love with you at first sight?"

   She clearly saw that the princess hated him so much, and most importantly, everyone knew that Princess Celia liked Gu Qisen...

  Thinking of this, Shen Qingchen became depressed again, raised his eyes and glared at Gu Qisen sadly.

Gu Qisen was stared inexplicably by her gaze, and his thin lips were about to make a sound when he heard Shen Gently say sourly, "How did I hear that Princess Celia often confesses to someone in the world magazine... "

   "Nothing! Rumors!"

   Gu Qisen's face changed suddenly, and he denied it immediately.

   Shen Qingli's smile deepened, "I didn't say who that person was, does President Gu have the kind of rush here without three hundred taels of silver?"


  Gu Qisen was speechless.

   Dongfang Jue hooked her lips, but did not smile.

   As for Helian Lu, he must be helping Gu Qisen in order to make up for the lie he just told, "The credibility of what the media reports is too low. Anyway, Celia likes this young master!"

   Seeing that he was trying so hard to emphasize, Shen Qingli didn't want to argue with him, so he changed the subject, "Okay, I believe you. But, is marriage for fun? Be careful of capsize in the gutter."

   Helian Lu patted his chest, "Don't worry about it, absolutely not!"

  Shen lightly pursed his lips, "I hope so!"

   Entering the room, the four of them walked to the sofa and sat down.

   Gu Qisen immediately took out the blood jade and put it on Shen gently.

   After waiting patiently for a minute, he asked, "How? Do you feel anything special?"

  Shen gently closed his eyes to feel it carefully, then opened his eyes and said truthfully: "It's cool and comfortable on the skin, isn't that the case with most jade pendants? Apart from that, there is no other feeling."

  Gu Qisen patted her head and said in a deep voice, "It's okay, wait for Dr. Liang to come and let him take a look."

   Yesterday, he had called Dr. Liang and asked him to come over by plane. After calculating the time, it was almost there.


   Shen Gently has no objection.

   She touched the blood jade, and she couldn't help recalling the content of the conversation with Xuanyuan Che during lunch at noon, and her expression suddenly became solemn.

   Thinking she was worried about the poison on her body, Gu Qisen couldn't help comforting her, "Since the doctor said that blood jade is useful, we should have confidence in him, eh?"

"Ok, I know."

  Shen nodded lightly, organized the language, and then said to Gu Qisen: "Husband, I met Xuanyuan Che at noon today. He recognized me and knew that our husband and wife recognized each other secretly, but he didn't embarrass me."

   When Gu Qisen heard her first sentence, his heart skipped a beat, but fortunately her second sentence relieved his tense nerves a lot.

   "Then what? What did he say?"

   He narrowed his deep long eyes and asked her with concern.

   Hearing the sound, the other two also raised their eyes and looked at them intently.

   Shen Gently didn't hide it, and said directly: "He asked us to go to RT to find him in three days, otherwise my poison will never be cured, even if I get the blood jade, it will be useless."

   Gu Qisen's thick eyebrows twitched into a Sichuan character, "He is quite capable. Okay, let's go meet him!"

"I also need to go!"

   Helian Lu actively signed up, and did not forget to bring his brother Jue along, "By the way, there is also brother Jue!"

   "Okay, let's go together!"

   With these two good helpers, Gu Qisen readily agreed.

   Who knows, Shen Qingchen looked embarrassed, "That...he said he couldn't bring other people."


  PS: The 8,000-character update was completed today. Tomorrow Sensen will go to Xuanyuan Che to PK, are you excited? Hey, all the votes are cast, let Sen Qing win!

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