One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 16: fighting! (continued)

The pirates present were in an uproar, and their gazes towards Simon became strange.

Sitting on the roof, Duflaming shook the pink fleece behind him, jumped off the roof, and landed steadily. His body was taller than ordinary people, giving people an intuitive coercion.

There was no nonsense at all. As soon as he landed, Duflaming moved his five fingers and used his own abilities. Several seemingly invisible but sharp white lines silently invaded Simon.

Although the invisible line could not be seen, Simon was keenly aware from the beginning that Duflamingo would have a symbolic movement of bending his fingers before using his ability, so while Duflamingo was bending his fingers, Simon jumped back and jumped a long distance, dodging the invisible and sharp line.

Duflamingo saw Simon dodging his attack, and the corner of his mouth hooked. If not, wouldn't it be boring. At the moment, his hands suddenly opened, then spread out and bent, slightly raised his head, and furu's laughter followed sounded.


Taking Duflamingo as the origin, a hurricane swept all around, and the smooth floor was cut into tiny cracks in vain, spreading towards Simon very quickly.

This silent and breathless attack made the surrounding pirates look terrified.

This is the strength of Qiwuhai...

Simon's face changed slightly, and he only felt that there was a huge force in front of him. Simon clearly realized that although there was nothing in front of him, there must be a dense line hitting him. Can not be ignored.

At this moment, Simon's head turned very fast. Although the lines were denser, the attack power was low. One or two can be seen from the cracks drawn by the ice cubes.

Since you can't hide, then you simply don't hide...

His eyes froze, Simon held the generous epee in front of him, and in the wide eyes of many pirates, he suddenly rushed towards the wireless line.

"Are you crazy?" Many pirates said in a low voice.

Duflamingo frowned as he looked at Simon's seemingly unintentional move.


Simon's body slammed into this invisible and sharp hurricane, and countless hair strands were cut by invisible lines, flying into the sky, and instantly turned into countless fragments, and dense wounds appeared all over Simon's body.

However, there was no pause in that mighty body.

In a trance, there was a voice in Simon's ear that was so subtle that only he could hear it.

That is, the sound of the thread being cut...

Under the many wounds, Simon suddenly laughed.


Simon snorted coldly, his body was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he crossed the mighty attack, with wounds all over his body, like an arrow moving forward bravely, so under Duflamingo's slightly surprised eyes, the generous heavy sword It turned into a black light and slashed straight towards Duflamingo.


The dark purple sunglasses on Duflamingo's face turned into two halves and fell to the ground after a soft sound. The sunglasses that fell on the ground were like the eyeballs of many pirates, but they fell. one place.

Duflamingo is Qiwuhai, how could he be injured by a sword so easily, but Simon's action is also beyond Duflamingo's expectations. Although he was not injured, the sunglass that was split in half shows that Duflamingo Ming Gao did not dodge this sword at will.

Losing the cover of the sunglasses, on the face under the short golden hair, there are a pair of golden eyes. At this time, there is no smile in those eyes, and there is a full of murderousness. However, in such an inharmonious environment. Under these circumstances, Duflamingo's mouth was still wide open.

Stretching out his tongue and licking his lips, Duflamingo glanced at the sunglasses that had fallen on the ground, but in vain, that sun-like smile instantly turned into a dangerous and chilling smile.

"What a dangerous kid. If he grows you up in the future, it will not be good news for pirates."

Duflamingo smashed the sunglasses with one foot, and for the first time paid attention to the notorious navy in front of him.

Simon glanced at the sunglasses that had been smashed by a foot, then lifted the epee, looked at the black sword body, and the thin sound passed through his mind. The uninjured body, which was hidden by the epee, became less conspicuous.

Duflamingo's ability is to control the invisible line, but at that moment, I really felt that the epee cut the invisible line, so the body blocked by the epee was not injured.

If this is the case, then the nameless epee is Duflamingo's nemesis!

"It seems that I have found your weakness!" Simon smiled coldly, his jet-black epee pointed straight at Duflamingo, showing his sharp edge.

Duflamingo laughed recklessly.

Simon suddenly said: "The invisible line, invisible, but it does exist."

Duflamingo slowly restrained his smile and looked at Simon intently.

"You seem to have never met someone who can cut your line?" Simon raised his head and looked directly at Duflamingo, his eyes piercing.

The wide-open mouth finally shrank slowly, and it was an expressionless expression that made people wonder what they were thinking about.

Duflamingo looked directly at Simon, and the man with eagle eyes flashed in his mind, and suddenly, a rebellious smile appeared again.

"That's not quite the case..."

Simon was slightly surprised. He was surprised that someone who could cut this invisible thread actually existed. He was relying on this not simple weapon. At the same time, his confidence in his heart became stronger, which made the sharp-edged expression on his face even more conspicuous. .

"It turns out that there are still people who can cut your invisible thread." Simon's eyes full of coldness were filled with monstrous murderous intent, "Then, there will be a second person today!"

"Then try it." Duflaming laughed loudly, his body slowly exuding a momentum of long-term killing, and his five fingers bent in vain, which was a special gesture.

Without the slightest symptoms, Simon's body trembled and suddenly he couldn't move.


Simon gave a low voice and tried his best to break free from the invisible thread, but he didn't achieve anything. The invisible thread seemed to be stronger than steel, and it was peculiar.

After breaking free with all his strength, his body did not show any wounds, but the confinement actually existed.

"I said that my ability can control weak Duflaming raised a dangerous smile at the corners of his mouth, and walked towards Simon step by step, "Unfortunately, it seems that you also belong to that group. A kind of person. "

Simon looked coldly at Duflamingo walking towards him, and gave up the move to break free from the invisible thread.

Walking in front of Simon, Duphraming's high and golden eyes reflected Simon's appearance: "If you are domineering, you will cause me trouble today, such a dangerous person, but you can't keep it."

Duflamingo Furfur smiled, but in vain, under the gaze of many pirates, he bent down and his face was close to Simon's ear.

"Tell you a secret, I can't attack while controlling you, and the less lines I control, the sharper the sharpness will be."

The low voice of Duflamingo was in his ear, and Simon's pupils shrank slightly. At the same moment, the invisible thread that imprisoned the body disappeared in vain. When the body was loosened, Simon's reaction had never been so fast. The broad epee only barely covered his neck and heart, and there was a sharp pain in his limbs.

"Ding dong!"

The epee fell to the ground, and Simon's limbs seemed to be cut off by a sharp weapon, with blood spurting, and fell to the ice.

Even if the limbs were cut off, Simon did not make even a slight cry.

Duflaming looked down at Simon's intact neck and heart, and his heavy golden eyes were a little dignified.

"In time, he will definitely be a person who cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, he met me before he grew up."

Duflamingo's five fingers trembled slightly, and when he was about to deal with Simon, the sound of a messenger bird came in vain, and a clean and tidy envelope slowly fell down.

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