One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 15: fighting!

Central Town, North District.

Duflamingo, one of the Seven Wuhais, and a pirate from the Buja Pirates had a head-to-head conflict, and the members of the Buja Pirates were missing. The news swept the entire northern district like locusts crossing the border.

The pirates in the northern area are discussing this topic, and some pirates who are confident in their own strength are heading to the southern area. Although it is expressly stipulated that pirates cannot go to the southern area, the battle in the Qiwuhai is not normal. seen.

The most important thing is that these powerful pirates want to see who is so brave to challenge Qiwuhai.

No matter who it is, not to mention the strength of Duflamingo, one of the seven seas, if he can survive under Duflamingo's hands, then this pirate will no longer be a nameless person.

Fame will resound for a while.

Three seconds to heal in the hospital ward.

A double-sized ward was full of people at this time. Beharie and Celt were lying on the bed with heavy expressions, and Serak was smoking a cigarette while standing beside the bed.

In the small space, there was a choking white smoke and an indescribable heaviness.

The king went down to the Qiwuhai, like a huge stone pressing on them.

"Or..." One of the younger and younger crew members suddenly said slowly: "Let's escape?"

"Shut up!" Serak, who was smoking a cigarette, glared at him, and then spit the cigarette in his mouth to the ground.

The crew member who spoke suddenly shrank his head, silent.

Celtic lying on the bed suddenly asked, "What are you going to do?"

Serak rubbed his temples and said a little tiredly: "I don't know, but I can't leave Simon alone."

Celtic's eyes flashed a bit of hesitation when he heard the words, he frowned, and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, but in terms of our combat power, it will not play any role at all, if Duflamingo's men attacked , I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out."

Serak's face was heavy, and he was acquiescing. The crew crowded in the ward suddenly caused a small commotion. On the contrary, Beharie, who was on the side, didn't care about the atmosphere of the coming wind and rain. He smiled and said: "If Qiwuhai really If you want to trouble us, then let alone escape, going out of Iceland is a problem.”

"I did the boarding procedure in the name of the Bujie Pirates. It is not easy to find us in a short period of time." Serak smoked a cigarette again and glanced at the depressed crowd. Said: "You guys find a way to find a ship in the port, leave Ice Iceland immediately, and I will pick up Simon."

"If you're lucky...then meet up at the Chambord Islands."

"Captain!" The crew members stopped talking.

Serak waved his hand and said with an irrefutable decision: "Just like this, you should buy time to leave this island as soon as possible."

South Street.

The originally noisy street was silent at this moment, leaving only a few nobles.

It seemed like the roof of a coffee shop, although Duflamingo was smiling, it made Ledwin shudder.

Simon trembled all over, shaking the heavy power completely, and the tip of the sword pointed to the smiling Duflamingo: "The king is under Qiwuhai, Duflamingo."

Duflamingo's eyes hidden in purple sunglasses squinted slightly, his opposing hands were separated, his five fingers were spread out, and he smiled plainly: "I don't know how long it has been, and an unknown person dared to point a sword at me. ."

The five fingers that were spread out slightly bent, and Simon sensed the danger in an instant, but he couldn't react in time. There was a sharp pain in his chest in vain, and a large 'X' wound appeared silently.

"Devil fruit ability." Simon's expression remained unchanged, looking down at the wound that was gradually recovering.

"Interesting, it seems that you are also a devil fruit person." Duflamingo Furfur laughed, "It's also good to have some fun before leaving."

Ledwin, who seemed to be ignored, stood aside in fear. Seeing that the boss didn't seem to blame him, he mustered up his courage and said, "Boss, I will solve this person, you don't need to do it yourself."

Sitting on the roof, Duflaming raised his head slightly, looked at the terrified Ledwin, and said with a smile: "Of course I won't do it myself, but I'm just a pirate that can be seen everywhere, even if I want to have fun, I don't need to do it myself, so." Duflamingo slowly stretched out his index finger, only to see Ledwin's complexion change underneath, knowing that his body was controlled by the boss's ability, and he looked at the moment he prayed. Looking at Duflamingo, he said, "Boss!"

After controlling Ledwin with his ability, Duflamingo smiled even more, he didn't take Ledwin's prayer into his eyes at all, but said to Simon: "My ability can control people who are not strong enough, come here. , have a play."

Simon looked up at Duflamingo's smile, only to find it very harsh, the dark pupils were faintly scarlet, the epee suddenly closed, and then with a wave, a slash instantly formed against Duflamingo's cheeks. Pass.

Under Duflamingo's gradually subdued smile, Simon said coldly: "Remember, I am a navy."

"Oh?" Duflamingo put his hand on his cheek, and his tone changed imperceptibly: "A navy waved his sword at me, do you know what it means?"

Simon's expression remained unchanged: "It has nothing to do with me!"

Duflamingo Furfur smiled: "A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, why did he deliberately strike a slash that failed?"

"Because...that was just a warning."

"It seems that it's not that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but the frog at the bottom of the well is arguing about how big the sky is. Little devil, arrogance needs to pay a price, but at the same time, you can also see the gap between the strong and the weak."

Duflamingo stopped his smile, his fingers stretched up and down, and the terrified Ledwin attacked Simon at a very fast pace.

At this time, on the roof of this empty and almost empty street, one by one pirates appeared at some point. Duflamingo easily noticed it, but he didn't care.

It's just a few more bugs watching the game...

Similar to the Devil Fruit ability to manipulate puppets? No, if this is the case, there will be no inexplicable wounds on the chest, so is it an invisible thread?

Simon didn't know that his eyes were slightly red, but he just stared coldly at Ledwin who was attacking him. The taste of being despised was very bad. What he thought in his heart was to kill Ledwin in a short time.

"The eyes of this kid?!"

Although his body was being manipulated, his consciousness still belonged to him. When he saw Simon's red eyes, Ledwin felt a burst of surprise. Before he could think about it, the manipulated body was already punched out.

Simon's eyes narrowed slightly. If he wanted to kill with one, then he had to take a punch when Duflamingo was unclear.

The mind made up his mind, Simon stood in place and did not move. Such a move made the pirates watching around frown for a while. The weight of Ledwin's punch should not be underestimated. The pirates present were not sure that they would be punched in the front. After being hit, it can still be safe and sound, but this navy dares to bear it head-on. Could it be the Sixth Form?

Contrary to the expectations of the pirates present, Simon did not use the six-style, but forced the punch.

In exchange for injury?

The thought popped into the minds of the pirates present.


Bearing a fist that was as heavy as a thousand pounds, Simon frowned slightly, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and under the astonished eyes of Ledwin, he smiled cruelly, his free hand wrapped tightly around Ledwin, and the epee immediately stabbed out.

With a soft sound, the jet-black sword blade silently penetrated Ledwin's chest and came out through his body.


The severe pain was instantly conveyed to his head, and Ledwin raised his head and screamed, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Furfur..." Duflamingo, who was sitting on the roof, laughed unexpectedly, but at the same time he was not surprised.

With the Devil Fruit ability that can restore injuries, the way of life-for-injury is indeed the most efficient one.

However, the punch was not light. This navy kid didn't even change his face. It seems that the pain resistance is not an easy generation. Judging from this age, it is not a small role.

Duframing smiled, suddenly noticed a gaze, and looked sideways, but it was Simon's murderous eyes, and in those eyes, there was a circle of blood-red pupils.

"Interesting, really interesting." Duflamingo looked at Simon and laughed loudly: "Then let's play with you."

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