"Stupid bird, if you dare to do this again next time, I will stew you."

Will roared and eye shows the ominous light King of the sky.

The king of the sky shrank his head, not daring to make a sound, but continued to fly in the sky.

"haha, this eagle is still interesting. Where is my position now? It seems that it is not New World anymore."

Ruri Chie is holding'Authentic' in her arms, a pair The big black eyes narrowed with laughter.

"Sooner or later, we will castrate you, so that you dare to chase other female birds."

Will took out the pointer and the chart, began to compare carefully, and quickly came to a conclusion. Their current location is in West Blue.......

This is how it is. In the boring journey, Will usually lie on the back of the Sky King for a nap, after all, there is nothing else to do.

What people didn't expect is that the giant eagle, the king of the sky, unexpectedly encountered a female eagle during the flight, and the female eagle was similar in size to the king of the sky.

This makes the king of the sky happy, and the king of the sky, who is on the brain of the worm, decisively catches up.

But the king of the sky has forgotten how much other birds fear it.

The action of the king of the sky scared the female eagle half to death, thinking that the king of the sky would prey on it.

Although they are similar in size, if they fight against each other in less than two minutes, the female eagle will be torn apart by the king of the sky.

In this way, after chasing and fleeing, the king of the sky straddled the Calm Belt and came to West Blue.

Ruri Chie was also resting, but she was awakened by the King of the Sky. When she discovered that the situation was not right, she immediately woke Will.

Will is certainly not so easy to be woken up, so after a period of delay, the King of the Sky flew into the West Blue range completely.

"Next time if this happens again, you will be a female eagle."

Will's threat made the King of the Sky feel chilled and his flight speed increased.

After a few hours, the King of the Sky crossed the Calm Belt and returned to the New World again.

"Will, we have been on the road for several days, when will we get to'Dressrosa'."

Roughly estimated the location, Will found that'Dressrosa' is already not far.

"We will be there soon. Before tonight, we will be able to get to'Dressrosa'."

Unexpectedly, Will, within three hours, he was already far away I saw'Dressrosa' far away.

After flying near'Dressrosa', Will really started.

"This is..."

Will stood on the back of the sky king, looking at the prosperous country below.

Now'Dressrosa'. It should be the most prosperous country in New World.

Consuming more than 10 billion Beli, the area of'Dressrosa' has been doubled.

The boulders that once surrounded'Dressrosa' all around have been disappeared. At this moment, there is a large golden sandy beach around'Dressrosa'.

Looking from a distance, you can vaguely see many cool-dressed men and women walking on the beach.

The men are shirtless and the women are wearing bikinis, looking like they are on vacation.

Be aware that the shore of One Piece World is not safe. There are some dangerous large fishes or Sea Kings. It seems that Doffy cleaned up the nearby Sea Territory or installed it. Without some protection, these people would never dare to relax like this on the beach.

'Dressrosa', on the outermost periphery, is a large beach, and next to the beach is a very prosperous city.

Seeing this city, Will immediately thought of the sight of the golden ship.

Doffy is supposed to be the location developed after'Dressrosa' and transformed into a luxurious entertainment city. From a high altitude, the streets are extremely prosperous and pedestrians are in an endless stream.

Looking at the center again, it is the original residential area of'Dressrosa', which is the outermost building of the original'Dressrosa'.

As for the heights of the king, it still stands in the center of'Dressrosa', above it is still the villa area of ​​the'Donquixote family'.

In general, the current'Dressrosa' should be divided into several areas, namely, the beach area, the entertainment area, and the residential area, which is the most central highland of the king.

"Is this'Dressrosa'? I will live here from now on?"

Ruri Chie looked at the country below in a daze, a little disbelief.

"Ah, this is'Dressrosa'. If you like it, you can live here in the future."

Finding a sparsely populated beach, Will let the king of the sky land, and Doffy was not contacted because Will planned to take Ruri Chie to visit'Dressrosa'. "

Take Liuli Chie across the soft sandy beach, Will enters the entertainment city of'Dressrosa'.

As soon as I walked into the entertainment city, there was a man in a suit The waiter greeted him.

"Sir, welcome to'Dressrosa, the city that never sleeps.' "

When I heard the name'Nightless City', Will was a little surprised,'Dressrosa' isn't the'Land of Fairies of Love and Passion'? How did it become the'Nightless City'.

The waiter immediately noticed Will’s unexpected look.

"It seems that it is the first time for Mr. to come to'Dressrosa'. The current name here is the'Nightless City'. At night you will understand why this place is called the city that never sleeps.

The night here is more prosperous than during the day. "

The waiter took out a map and handed it to Will. All areas of'Dressrosa' were marked on it.

Similar to Will's guess,'Dressrosa' was removed from it. It is divided into several areas outside.

Entertainment area, residential area. And palace area, but the location of the palace area is marked with the words trespassing prohibited.

"Sir, I think you are a little familiar, as if you have seen it somewhere, I don't know if it is my illusion. "

Will chuckled, and did not report his name.

"It may be that you have admitted wrong, we haven't seen it. "

"Does the gentleman need me to lead the way? The outermost entertainment area of'Dressrosa' is very large and it is very easy to get lost. "

Will waved his hand, pushed the enthusiastic waiter away, and Ruri Chie walked into the entertainment city of'Dressrosa'.

As soon as he walked into the entertainment city, Will left. I saw various shops on both sides of the street.

'Wild Beef Restaurant','Fireworks Barley Tavern','Luxury Clothing Mall' and other shops came into view.

Ruri Chie I have been all around by the towering pavilions and various shops, looking like a country bumpkin entering the city.

Ruri Chie stood in front of a tall building with at least a dozen floors, staggered. Look at the building in front of you.

"Will, such a tall building, wouldn't it fall? How is it built? "

In the'Country of Won', the tallest building is only 30%, and it is still a wooden building, so Ruri Chie has never seen such a tall building.

"Hey, This is, uh~. "In fact, Will doesn’t know how these tall buildings are built. He is a sword technique expert, not an architectural expert.

"These are not important. I’ll take you to visit other places. There should be one here. Very big casino, I will take you to play. "

Regarding the casino, Will has discussed with Doffy before, to do it, do the biggest, and the name Will has been decided.

The name of the casino is called'Sun Paradise '.

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