"If it's not necessary, don't fight the madman. It's a matter of saving your life, but if you have a task, it's different."

This reminder from Fujitora is absolutely kind. Fujitora, who has played against Will many times, knows Will's strength very well.

"Well? It seems that you have a high evaluation of the Thunderbolt swordsman. I have a chance to fight him once."

Ryokugyu, who closed his eyes and looked at him, opened his eyes and looked. towards Fujitora.

"Mr. Issho, don't be aspiring to others and destroy your own prestige."

Momousagi looks a little unhappy, it seems that her influence on Will is very poor.

"It’s not like that. The last time you were in the'Golden Ship' incident, you should all have a general understanding, speaking of which is ashamed. In the case of our advantage, I was still seriously injured."

Speaking, Fujitora pulled away the yukata on her chest, revealing a cut across her chest.

The other two Admiral, browse slightly wrinkle, although Fujitora’s scar is very serious, it won’t show up.

"Mr. Issho, what are you?" Momousagi asked puzzledly.

"half a month." Fujitora's pale eyes opened, looking forward blankly.

"What?" The other two Admiral were more confused.

"This wound will stop bleeding half a month. If it weren't for the old man to use the fruit of gravity to suppress the wound and lose a lot of blood, I would have a mortal danger."

Two On the side of the person's face, thanks to Fujitora's physique, the bleeding was stopped by half a month, which is indeed a bit exaggerated.

“Many thanks to Mr. Issho’s reminder, I will pay attention to the fight against the Thunderbolt swordsman in the future.”

Momousagi faced Fujitora Issho and fully understood Fujitora’s intentions. It's not just trying to find a reason for the injury, or showing off the scar.

Fujitora wants to tell the two people to be careful of Will's slash, he is the best lesson.

The three Marine Headquarters began to chat, and the atmosphere was more harmonious.

After all, the three of them will work together in the future, and it is still very important to have a good relationship now.

At this time in Marine Headquarters, a somewhat dim room.

"Kuzan ~, Kuzan, where did you go this bastard, the handover ceremony will begin soon."

If you dare to call precognition like this, there is only one person in Marine, that's right. It's Garp.

The reason why Garp returns to Marine is entirely because of Kuzan's superiority.

Although there are many sad things, Garp is a veteran after all, fighting for Marine all his life.

As for Ace, Garp is indeed sad, but that is Ace's own choice.

If you choose to become Pirate, you are destined to be Marine's enemy, and Garp is Marine Vice Admiral.

oh la la, Garp opened the wooden door of the room and saw the precognition lying on his side in the room.

"So you are here, why, you won't be nervous anymore, hahaha,"

Garp laughed heartily and walked into the room, but the precognition didn't react at all.

Look carefully, Garp's forehead bursts with blue veins.

The even snoring sound shows that the precognition is not nervous at all, but just fell asleep.

"You fellow, get me up."

Garp's angry roar shook the precognition body and sat up a little dazedly.

"Well, Mr. Garp, is it already morning. Ha~~"

The precognition breathed lazily and sat up reluctantly.

Before, when Garp and Sengoku found precognition, precognition refused to serve as Marine Fleet Admiral. The reason is simple. Precognition has been defeated.

But Garp's very simple words made precognition change its attention.

"Kuzan, are you ready to let Marine usher in a weakest period. With Marine's current strength, it is impossible to suppress those villains at sea."

Akainu's superior , It can be regarded as a major reduction in Marine's strength, Garp's departure, and Sengoku's idleness are a major blow to Marine.

Even the need to enlist in the world, dignified Marine Headquarter was selected through enlistment rather than promotion in Marine. This has shown how bad the situation inside Marine was at that time.

Precognition's sleepy eyes made Garp a little speechless, but Garp suddenly thought of something and burst out laughing.

"Kuzan, don't sleep, the trading ceremony is about to begin. What kind of dress you are, at least you must wear a formal dress."

Sengoku also walked into the room, Looked at the precognition speechlessly.

Of course, precognition can't wear this long green windbreaker to attend the ceremony, so I can only prepare with a breath.

"ka ka ka ~." The cold is overflowing, and a leg formed of hard ice gradually forms under the leg of the precognition.

"Kuzan, think about prosthetics. Begapunk’s prosthetic technology is quite mature. Ice is always used, and there may be times when it’s inconvenient."

Sengoku look With the ice leg of precognition, browse slightly wrinkle, and sigh secretly in my heart.

Precognition hesitated, but finally nodded.

"Let’s change it later, I’ve already asked, even if I change a prosthetic made by Kairoseki, it’s not impossible. As long as I don’t let Kairoseki touch the body, I should still be able to control it."

Hearing that the precognition is about to put on the Kairosaki prosthesis, Garp's heart burst for some reason.

In Marine, there was once a person who used Kairoseki prosthesis, and that person's name was Zephyr.

"Whatever you do, the most important thing now is the handover ceremony."

For precognition as Marine Fleet Admiral, Garp seems to be more anxious than precognition.

I want to come, too. I think the younger generation I am optimistic about has finally become Marine Fleet Admiral, and Garp should also be very pleased.

"I will be here soon, I will change my clothes."

Precognition scratched his head, but after seeing the looks of Garp and Sengoku, my heart warmed. , I feel that returning to Marine may be the right choice.

Soon, a grand handover ceremony was held in Marine Headquarters.

Not only the newly appointed Three Great Admirals, but Garp, Sengoku, Vice Admiral Tsuru and the others, and even the army commander-in-chief, Steel Skull, are also present. They are now at the top. Bit.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With the sound of a neat'salute', the handover ceremony of Marine Fleet Admiral began.

Not as complicated as imagined, Akainu, who walked out of the background, handed a transfer order to precognition. After precognition's impassioned speech, the handover of ceremony was basically over.

The transfer order was issued by Gorosei, officially announcing the recognition as Marine Fleet Admiral.

The Akainu who handed over the transfer order to the precognition was calm, not unwilling, and not angry.

However, at this time, Akainu's face has many more wrinkles, and the dark hair is already slightly gray.

This state shows that Akainu is dead soon.

Precognition has finished the adjustment order, and also looked at Akainu blankly.

"The last time I received your Den Den Mushi, I think you are dead. After all, you were chased by that lineup."

Akainu held a cigar in his mouth, Even with lung failure, Akainu still smoked his cigar.

"Yes, I also think that I am dead. It may be destined by God. I will not die that day."

Precognition glanced at the document and gave a wry smile.

For this thing, he once lost a leg, but didn't get it, but when he had already given up, this thing actually came to the door.

"What do you plan to do next? I heard that your body has a serious problem. I know a very brilliant doctor. Although it is a rabbit, it is the most brilliant doctor I have ever seen."

Akainu laughed, very sincerely.

Walking slowly in front of the precognition, Akainu patted the shoulder of the precognition.

"I am going to do a major event, what I have always wanted to do, life is no longer important to me.

If that event succeeds, I will die No regrets."

Looking at Akainu who was laughing, for some reason, the precognition felt a palpitating feeling.

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