The strong wind blew across his cheeks, feeling the colder and colder weather, Will tightened the windbreaker.

Looking at Monet, who was calm and decent, Will not only envied him, but Xuexueguo had the characteristic of not being afraid of severe cold.

Obviously, I have left Punk Hazard Iceland, but the weather is getting colder and colder. It is no longer as warm as it was when it came.

"Buffalo, why is the weather getting colder and colder, is this normal?"

Even Will’s powerful physique felt a bit of chill, which can be seen in the area where they are located. How cold it is.

At this time, Buffalo's state is not very good. The thick winter clothes did not help him withstand the cold of the high altitude, and his speech began to tremble.

"Lord Will, I don’t know. It’s never been the case before. Although it’s a bit cold every time we fly, it’s not like this time. We may encounter the bad weather of New World. ."

Will wrinkled frowned upon hearing the sound, his face turned a little ugly.

The weird climate of New World impressed him deeply. At this time, the three of them were high in the sky. If they really encountered any dangerous climate, it would be very bad.

Take a bottle of spirits out of his pocket watch, and Will takes a big sip.

The scorching sensation crosses the throat to the stomach. Although Will doesn’t like this spirit too much, a sip is good in this cold weather.

Hand the spirits in your hand to Buffalo, motioning to the other party to drink some too, so as to resist the cold high in the sky.

But after receiving the spirits, Buffalo couldn't drink it for a while because of the propeller on his neck.

Buffalo can only be sighed and handed the spirits back to Will.

"Master Will, I can just stick to it, and I will be back to Dressrosa soon."

"Thank you,"

Take Buffalo's hand After returning to the spirits, Will took another gulp.

He is not as optimistic as Buffalo. At this time, the sky above the three of them is already covered with dark clouds, and the black sky makes people feel an ominous moment.

And Will faintly perceives that there seems to be an inexplicable crisis surrounding a few people.

If something happens to Buffalo now, in this vast sea, whether it can swim back to Dressrosa is definitely a big problem.

As for the method of using Geppo to travel in the air, Will has never considered it. It consumes too much energy, and he is not skilled at Geppo. The short-distance flight is okay, the long-distance is completely impossible.

As for dressrosa, it is impossible for people like Will who are not very good at swimming. Not to mention physical exhaustion, the sea is not as soft as a river or lake.

The huge storms that appear at any time will definitely make him unable to find the north, so let’s not mention swimming back to Dressrosa.

Rayleigh was able to swim through the Calm Belt because there was no waves invading it, otherwise it would be impossible to succeed.

When drinking with Rayleigh, the other party also said that trying to distinguish the direction in the turbulent waves is completely idiotic.

Swimming experts like Rayleigh are like that, let alone Will. At best, he can keep himself from drowning in the water, nothing more.

So Buffalo's safety is related to Will's safety at this time. Although Monet can fly, her physical strength cannot continue to be popular.

So after Monet saw the billowing dark cloud above his head, his little face turned pale.

"Will, I will not encounter a shipwreck."

Will directly gave Monet a burst of jujube, and knocked her no longer.

"We are flying in the sky, how could we be shipwrecked."


While Will was speaking, the sky appeared There was a huge lightning, followed by a muffled noise.

Thunder has begun to thunder in the sky.

Will is not a rookie who has just gone out to sea for a day or two. This kind of weather is obviously a precursor to rainstorm.

"He he he, this is a who product, Buffalo is flying lower, so as not to increase the possibility of being struck by lightning."

Will crossed over after being struck by lightning. One Piece World, but he doesn’t want to be hacked a second time. Who knows whether he will continue to crossed over or turn into fly ash?

Although Will is also an expert in electricity consumption, compared with the intensity of lightning, it is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth, which is Heavenly Might.

Buffalo also knows that the current situation is a bit bad, and he hastened to follow Will's orders and began to lower his altitude.

Just after Buffalo lowered his height, it seemed that the strong wind would stop blowing several people, and the sky no longer made the muffled rumbling noise.

Monet let out a long sigh of relief when he saw this situation.

"I was scared to death. I thought I would encounter bad weather. It turned out to be a false alarm."

Monet relaxed and lay directly on the blanket behind Buffalo. , And then rested on Will's lap.

Monet was a little accustomed to being insulted by Will along the way, so he didn't feel any other way about resting on Will's lap.

But Monet immediately realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. She looked up and saw Will's extremely serious expression.

After seeing Monet looking at him, Will smiled wryly.

"You two, what's the matter, one face is full of sadness, and the other starts to shake.

Buffalo, fly seriously, don't shake."

When Monet's words are heard, Will's smile is even more bitter. This silly girl has absolutely no sailing experience, but Buffalo is different. He has been traveling north and south with Doffy since he was a child. I don't know how many times he has experienced bad weather.

"Buffalo, work hard. The upcoming rainstorm may not be small. If the three of us fall into the sea, you two must hold me, and I will tie the two of you together.

Fate is determined by heaven, whether life or death depends on our good fortune."

Buffalo's body still trembled, but after hearing Will's words, he felt a little more comforted.

"Thank you Lord Will, if I die in the sea, please help me go back and tell Young Master that I do not regret following him.

I will try my best to resist the coming strong wind."

Monet had some not knowing what to do, what happened to the two of them, and what was going on in this tragic atmosphere.

"Hey, hello, what the hell is going on? Hasn't the weather started to get better? Even if the wind stops, the dark clouds in the sky may disappear in a while, you two, don't be so pessimistic Ah."

Although Monet was determined to die, the death of such an unfathomable mystery at sea is really unacceptable.

"he he he, silly girl, it seems that you really haven’t gone out to sea a few times. We encountered the worst rainstorm.

If you just started rainstorm directly, then It’s not dangerous yet, but it’s different now. Haven’t you heard of the tranquility before rainstorm? Now, let’s feel it carefully. Even the cold temperature just disappeared.

I I have experienced this kind of weather twice, and the terrifying strong wind can blow people on the ground."

The current situation of the three is very dangerous, whether it is the strong wind before the rainstorm or the rainstorm that is about to start. Very deadly.

Buffalo is a Devil Fruit Ability User. After a large area of ​​his body is washed by rain, he will become weak and may fall into the sea at any time.

And waiting for the three people in the sea are huge winds and waves, the kind of waves that can overturn a ship, humans simply cannot resist.

At this moment, Monet felt the breeze blowing his hair.

rainstorm is coming soon!

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