Darkness, endless darkness.

Pain swept through his body, but no matter how he begged for mercy, the demon in front of him was indifferent.

Caesar trembled, then opened his eyes in horror.

"I, I'm still alive, woo, woo, woo, I'm still alive."

In the bright laboratory, Caesar who was lifted by Will wakes up, first He cried bitterly, and then he realized that his body was still out of his control.

The terrifying feeling continues. Caesar can feel the breeze from the corridor across his skin. How long will this terrifying feeling last?

Then Caesar stared wide-eyed in horror, he thought of a possibility, he won't keep this state forever.

Thinking of this, Caesar felt like he was finished. He couldn't continue the experiment, or even move it.

"Don't whine, that lunatic hasn't left yet."

Caesar was startled by the sudden voice, but because of the inability to turn his head, except for the field of vision in front of him , He couldn't see who was talking.

"Who, who is talking, let me go, I promise you everything."

Luo lying behind Caesar was speechless, it seems that Caesar has been scared by that lunatic Break the guts.

"It’s me, Trafalgar·Luo, the lunatic hasn’t left yet. Can you get out of the trap now? I was injured very badly. If you can get out of the trap, the two of us may be saved."

Caesar also heard Luo's voice. Although it was impossible to move, the excitement was obvious.

"Luo, come and save me, I have been poisoned and have been unable to move."

Luo's heart began to sink, and he is also unable to move now.

Just when both of them were a little desperate, footsteps came from the corridor.

After hearing the footsteps in the corridor, Caesar began to cry silently again. He suspected that he might be suffering from footsteps phobia.

It was Will and Monet who came.

Walking into the laboratory, Will found that the two of them were still in their original postures, without the slightest change.

And both of them closed their eyes tightly, but from their breath Will could perceive that they were awake.

When he came to Caesar, Will clearly saw Caesar’s eyelids trembling.

"Caesar, do you want to experience the feeling just now again."

Caesar opened his eyes as if being stimulated in some way.

"No, I know I was wrong, let me go."

Looking at Caesar who was terrified in front of him, Will directly took out Kairoski's key and handcuffed Caesar. Untie.

After unlocking the handcuffs, Caesar fell directly to the ground. In a state where the pain was doubled, Caesar let out a scream again.

"Monet, get some more water. Caesar's blood has been injected with a lot of neurotoxins. Now he needs a lot of water to dilute those toxins."

Monet Nai glanced at the limp Caesar with some novelty, and then left the laboratory.

"It’s not my style to just let you go, but you are also Doffy’s ally, then I will give you a multiple choice question.

You want me to help you Leave some marks, or take some parts with you?"

As soon as Caesar was about to ask for mercy, Will interrupted him.

"If you dare to call me, I will cut your tongue, thirty seconds, choose."

Although terrifying, Caesar still made a choice.

"I, I, I choose the imprint."

"Yes, it's a smart choice."

Will picked up the leader of the experiment on platform. Shushu knife, and then left a mark for him in Caesar's wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

After a while, Monet returned to the laboratory with a large bucket of water. She was not too surprised to see Caesar face covered in blood.

Monet walked up to Caesar and began to pour water on Caesar.

Caesar also knew that this was a method of detoxification, so he was very cooperative. After a while, Caesar drank all the big bucket of water.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Will stood up and walked out of the laboratory.

"Let’s go, Monet, we have to go back. I promised Doffy one thing before, so I’ve been very busy lately."

Monet is quiet Following Will, he didn't care about revealing his identity.

They have mastered Caesar's heart, and they are not afraid that the other party will not be obedient, so her task has been Perfection completed.

Walking to the door of the laboratory, Will felt as if he had forgotten something, and then remembered Trafalgar Luo who was still standing on the ground.

But Will didn't want to treat him, so after step one stopped, he walked outside the institute.

After arriving at the exit of the institute, Will took out a flare gun and pulled the trigger.

The green signal flare flew into the sky, and then exploded, forming a cloud of green smoke in the sky.

Monet saw Will behave strangely.

"Is anyone coming with you?"

Will leaned on the door frame of the institute, watching the silhouette approaching in the distance.

"Buffalo brought me here, you should be familiar with it, right?"

Monet is a little nostalgic, of course she is familiar with Buffalo, because they are all members of the Donquixote Family.

After a while, Buffalo flew up to Will with a bone in his hand.

"Master Will, this is the bird I caught when I was bored. I grilled it and it tastes good. Would you like to eat it?"

There was some roasted meat with scorched Hu, Will tore off a bite and tasted it.

Rejecting the kindness of others is an unreasonable behavior.

"The meat is good, but the roast is not very good. When I return to Dressrosa, I will ask you to try my craft."

"Really, very good, Master Will cooked it It's delicious, I've missed it for a long time."

Will suddenly recalled that Buffalo seemed to have tasted his own craft. It was the first time he and Doffy met.

"Buffalo, don't you remember me after only a year."

Buffalo looked towards Will behind him, a smile appeared on his face.

"Monet, long time no see, everyone missed you a lot during the time you came out to perform the task. Why do you still like to hide behind others? I didn't even notice you just now. "

Monet was full of disbelief. She could conclude that Buffalo was attracted by Will's food, so she didn't notice herself.

"It’s true that I haven’t seen you for a long time. My mission here has been completed, so I will return to Dressrosa."

"Is that really good? Let’s go. Right."

After speaking, Buffalo used his ability to slowly lift off, and Will and Monet jumped on his back.

After a while, the three of them left Punk Hazard.

Compared with the original journey, the return journey has become a lot more interesting.

Because Will is accompanied by a beautiful woman.

Buffalo sitting on the back of one person is considered spacious, but now the two people are sitting on it, there is unavoidable physical contact.

Will is certainly not as good as a beast, so he hugged Monet again.

Also, Monet couldn't avoid it because of the small space, so he could only let Will act.

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