"Germa 66's clone army..." The five old stars in charge frowned upon seeing this.

He is no stranger to the people of Germa 66, and the world government once wanted to obtain their technology.

But before it started to act, Germa 66 went to the new world and became a force under the Quincy Division!

Those clone legions are actually no weaker than their own pacifist legion...

Over there, the incoming Ten Blades and their forces have all been mobilized to fight with the government army, but after all, the number cannot be compared with the government army, and nothing can be seen in a short time, but after a long time, the government army will definitely will win!

However, the ten blades are extremely powerful, pushing all the way, with their combat power, even numbered pacifists cannot be their opponents, and several of them have been destroyed!

"We must kill a few ten blades first!" Seeing the explosive power of the ten blades, Wu Laoxing, who was in charge of the battle, narrowed his eyes and immediately contacted Kong: "Let Seraphim dispatch to kill Wang Xu Palace Ten Blades!"

"Yes!" Kong received the order, turned his head to look at the four tall figures with different costumes, masks, and wings growing from the back, and ordered: "You guys, go and kill Ten Blades!"

"Yes!" All four of them nodded, and in a flash, they rushed towards the ten blades!

One of them suddenly disappeared in place, turned into an afterimage, and directly killed Ye Qi!

"Huh?" During the battle, Ye Qi's knowledgeable color suddenly jumped, and she retreated suddenly after anticipating the danger, avoiding the attack of this tall figure!

The man's attack didn't stop, he stopped abruptly in mid-air, stepped on the air, and there was a muffled 'bang', he twisted his body abruptly, and shot out again, covering the point of the weapon with one finger!

"Momo Fifty times sword cut!" Ye Qi snorted coldly, the dagger in his hand was like a butterfly wearing a flower, danced the sword flower and then cut it off!

'Boom! '

The two attacked and collided, and their domineering confronted each other. The next moment, both of them were shocked and flew out backwards!

On the other side, Luo, Hawkins, and Tezolo also met an opponent.

And the battle broke out in an instant, and shock waves rushed out, and the surrounding hundred meters became a restricted area, and the weak could not get close!

Two masters of the government army also approached Kibson and Feld. One is a general of the army, and the other is a master from the Allied countries. They are not weak. Difficulties!

The Quincy sits on the throne, looking at everything beside him, it is Uta, Uta's ability is not suitable for use on the battlefield, her singing is an indiscriminate attack, although her physical skills are not weak, but barely At the rank of lieutenant general, her strength lies in her ability.

The Quincy looked over there, narrowing his eyes slightly: "The unique breath, and the kind of flames that are similar to the fire embers, this should be the last Seraph series produced by Vegapunk, right?"

The former Seraph Arpu, White II, and Capone Becky have been defeated by him, but later, Vegapunk also improved the technology of Seraph.

They are no longer made of strong bodies, but artificial humans cloned through blood factors!

And he also integrated the genes of other races to make them stronger!

What's more, Yun Ye knew that these people were transformed by someone's blood factor.

The clones of Green Bull, Kong, and Rob Lucci, and Moriah who has been transformed as a whole!

The Green Bull is the first machine of the pacifists, and Vegapunk knows him best, and the blood factor vitality of the Sensen fruit ability is extremely powerful, which can just be used as the basis for human cloning experiments.

Green Bull is also the first new generation of Seraphs to be cloned!

And Rob Lucci is a participant, and as the strongest person in the history of CP9, his qualifications are undoubtedly favored by Vegapunk and become the second clone.

And Kong was injured after fighting Redfield and was transformed into an artificial human. Vegapunk also knows a lot about him, and he is the third clone!

The fourth Moria is a transformation of Vegapunk on the basis of Moria's body, and, through Moria's blood factor, he discovered that Moria is also a special race...

The appearance of Moria surprised Vegapunk and made him interested. He wanted to know whether this race could be transformed by mixing other blood factors...

These four are the new generation of Seraphim series produced by Vegapunk, and they are also the last four!

Because, after that, he fled the world government with the people of the revolutionary army...

And these news were all told by Vegapunk to Yun Ye...

"Is it a Seraph made by Vegapunk?" Luo Yijian pushed a Seraph back, and cut off the mask on his face, revealing his appearance.

The appearance of this seraphim is like the Steel Bone Kong when he was a child, but his body is larger than the normal Steel Bone Kong, his skin is brown like that of the Lunalia family, and his hair is white. When fighting, there will be The flames rise up!

"This looks like Marshal Kong!"

The people around the government army who saw this scene were all dumbfounded. As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Kong was the commander in chief, and everyone here knew him.

That face is very similar to Sora, even though he is younger, the color of his skin and hair is also different, and more importantly, behind him, there is a pair of wings!

Blazing Angel Kong didn't speak, but rushed towards Luo again, punching out, which caused sound waves to vibrate the air, and circles of sound waves came out, turning into the most terrifying sharp blade to cut everything!

Luo didn't dare to be careless, and disappeared in a flash, avoiding the attack.

The sound waves hit the surroundings, and everything in the fan-shaped area in front was cut to pieces!

Fighting against Ye Qi is Rob Lucci's clone Seraphim, and the battle between the two sides is also extremely fierce!

At this time, Seraphim Rob Lucci also used his unique ability. His five fingers spread out and turned into beast claws. His nails were long and sharp, and he grabbed Ye Qi like a dragon claw!

Ye Qi's speed soared suddenly, avoiding the attack.

The next moment he avoided it, five long cut marks spread along the ground all over his body!

Tezolo and Seraph Moriah are also fighting together here. Moriah is still a shadow fruit, but in terms of physique, he has gained the advantage of other races, and the power he erupts is also extremely strong, not even weaker than Tezolo , both sides come and go, all kinds of attacks and collisions set off waves!

The Seraphim Green Bull was also extremely powerful. At his feet, countless bushes and jungles stretched out, blocking the area, and sharp vines pierced towards Luo, blocking his escape route, but it was blocked by The scarecrow in the form of Hawkins was cut off with a sword, and the two sides also fought!

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