Seeing the sphere that was bombarded into powder, many people present were relieved.

Finally withstood a round of attack from the Quincy Division!

The three five old stars with combat power looked at the countless ships floating in mid-air, and their eyes were on the head of the Quincy, their faces were extremely gloomy.

If they hadn't been fully prepared, this sudden attack would probably cost them more than half of their troops!

The five old stars with a knife said indifferently: "Quinciant, dare to attack the world government, this will be the most stupid move you make, the background of the world government is not something that mere pirates like you can contend with! Fire!"

Without too much nonsense, in the current situation, there is no need to spend more interviews!

Following his order, the countless rounds of huge muzzles deployed at the forefront turned around, the light spots condensed, and laser beams blasted towards the army of Wang Xu Palace!

This time the Quincy Master didn't make a move.

Several ten blades acted one after another.

"Momo Hundred Times Slash!" Ye Qi's slender figure flitted out, the dagger in his hand was covered with armed colors, and he slashed out horizontally. A slash slashed out, suddenly inflated a hundred times, and collided with the attacking attack!

"ROOM!" Luo opened the special space, transferred the laser light that entered his space, and moved it directly to the dense fortress.

"Golden Divine Fire!" The golden water in Tezolo's hand surged and turned into a cannon, and a thick hot ray shot out from the cannon hole!

"Straw Handle Ten Thousand Blades Cut!" Hawkins turned into a straw giant, unsheathed the big straw sword at his waist, and slashed out a slash to kill through the air!

The four of them shot at the same time, each showing their means, to resist the densely packed laser beams, and the powerful attack, in turn, directly destroyed countless forts!

'Boom! ! '

In the middle of the air, dense explosions sounded, and in the middle of the confrontation between the two sides, light spots like fireworks exploded!

"The ten blades of Wang Xu Palace have made a move!"

"Black Rose Night Seven, Golden Emperor Tezolo, Scarecrow Hawkins, Death Surgeon Luo... the strongest Ten Blades!"

Seeing the person who made the move, the government army all exclaimed.

The Ten Blades of Wang Xu Palace is also a prestigious existence in the world!

Now they've finally done it!

"Smash all the forts! Grab the foothold!" Gaji, one of the ten blades, opened his eyes and opened a round of muzzles on his snail ship. Thunder and lightning intertwined and turned into swift electric shocks. Bombard the past!

Their Germa 66 technology is also extremely powerful!

'Boom boom boom...'

A round of volley came down, and countless forts were smashed to pieces!

"Attack with all members." Yun Ye was still sitting on the throne, and with a wave of his hand, under his control, all the ships in the Wangxu Hall pressed down on the Red Earth Continent!

During Ye Qi's attack, the forts in an area were almost emptied, which could be used as a foothold!

They need a foothold, and it's not a problem to be suspended in midair all the time, it needs to consume energy.

"Kill me!!"

"Hahaha, Feld, this time, I will definitely kill more people than you!" When the ship got closer, Kibson, one of the ten blades, laughed and jumped into the red earth continent above.

Behind him, his forces also jumped out.

"Then let's try it out!" The other ten-blade Feld also laughed, and rushed out unwillingly. Similarly, behind him were all his former powers!

Other forces under Ten Blades also rushed out. This time Wang Xu Palace mobilized a lot of people. Although there is no detailed count, the number is more than a hundred thousand!

After years of development, there are also many fighters in Wang Xu Palace!

Here, the government army also began to press towards them under the mobilization of Wulaoxing.

"Pacifist Legion, all members are dispatched!"

Tens of thousands of pacifists with the appearance of green bulls all took action.

Their steps are neat, and every time they move forward, the ground vibrates, but judging from their movements, their movements are not so smooth. This should not be the kind of refined product produced by Vegapunk.

The action and strength are all inferior, these are at best some iron consumables!

However, although the action and strength are a bit weak, but in terms of attack, it still uses the laser cannon that has the same ability as the Ape Devil Fruit, and the threat is not small!

"It's a pacifist, this number...too many!"

Seeing this scene, the people in Wang Xu Hall gasped, there were too many people!

The pacifists are naturally clear, and this is not the first time they have appeared.

But this amount makes their scalps tingle!

"These are just shoddy things, let us Germa66 solve it!" As a scientist, Gage saw the difference between these pacifists at a glance.

The details are not perfect, it should be intentional.

Otherwise, at the cost of a pacifist like Vegapunk, one needs the cost of a warship!

Even with the background of the world government, it can't afford it...

His snail ship has also landed, and countless clone soldiers have stepped down from the ship, at least tens of thousands. As the banner of Ten Blades, their deployment is the most among all Ten Blades!

The current clone legion is not as strong as before, and its strength has increased a lot, and some even use domineering.

At his order, he went straight to the front and fought with the pacifist army!

Both sides are consumables without soul consciousness, and the battle is extremely powerful!

"It's Germa 66's troops, let's go together and kill them all!" There was a Kibson fighter with good combat power, mastered two-color domineering, and cut a pacifist in half with one knife, but he didn't wait for him How long are you happy.

In the pacifist army, a pacifist is different from other pacifists. He has the number PX-9 on his body. This combatant is blasted down!

'Boom! '

The laser exploded suddenly, and a huge pothole appeared, and the shock wave killed everyone nearby!

"Be careful, they are numbered pacifists, they are different from others!" Someone exclaimed when they saw this scene.

"This should be the first batch of pacifists, right? Interesting..." Yizhi, the eldest son of the Vinsmoke family, smashed a pacifist to pieces with a single punch. He also saw this scene, and without hesitation, he went straight to Rush out over there and fight with it!

The numbered pacifists are all written by Vegapunk. Unlike other pacifists who can only be used as consumables, they have extremely strong combat power, not even inferior to the strength of elite lieutenant generals!

The two fought together, and it was impossible to tell the winner in a short time!

People from the army and the Allied Army also joined the battle. Naturally, the forces under Wang Xu Palace were not afraid. Under the leadership of Kibson and Feld, they charged forward!

Among them, the government army also has not weak masters, and some even reached the level of elite lieutenant generals!

In the palace of Wang Xu, Alan, Niji, Yuji, Reiju, and other strongest fighters under Ten Blades also found their opponents and fought with each other!

For a time, the battlefield became extremely fierce!

All of a sudden, it entered the white-hot stage!

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