One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 409 Nightblade and the Quincy

On Gulan Tezolo's ship, the red-haired party on the island also knew the news.

The red hair frowned: "Yeblade? Why is this guy here?"

Ben Beckman took a puff of cigarette, exhaled white air and said: "Yeblade and Quincy are enemies of the World Government... If this news gets out, the World Government won't be able to sit still..."

"Ye Ren, I've heard of this name...Is it because you came here this time to trouble your lord?" Uta at the side remembered the name Ye Ren, knowing that he was as famous as the Quincy Master, Inevitably worried, she said, "No, I want to go over and have a look, and I can't let Yeren destroy this place!"

With that said, Uta got up and ran towards the headquarters of Wang Xu Hall.

"This girl..." Seeing Uta's expression, the redhead felt a little jealous, as if her daughter had been abducted by others...

"Let's go and have a look together." Ben Beckman said.

"Alright, I'll also meet Ye Ren by the way. Although I know him, I haven't had much contact with him." The red hair also looked in the direction of Wang Xu's palace.

With that said, the group of people also walked towards the palace of Wang Xu Palace.


On the other side, the Whitebeard Pirates and others in the duel area were a little surprised when they heard the news.

Yeren and Quincy, these two are the most unprovoked existences in the world right now!

No matter where it appears, it will be shocking!

Not to mention that this is still the Palace of Wang Xu, the headquarters of the Quincy Division!

And the purpose of Ye Ren's coming here is very clear. He went directly to the palace of Wang Xu's palace. He probably didn't come here for fun, but came to find the Quincy for other purposes!

What will happen when these two meet?

This is something no one could have expected!

Whitebeard held the wine glass in his hand, took a sip and laughed, "Gu la la, what is Ye Ren doing here? Is it for the World Government? Now the World Government is going to have a headache!"

"Father, I'll go over there and take a look..." Ace was a little worried in his heart. When he was in the Chambord Islands, he had seen the Nightblade fight against the Quincy.

There have also been conflicts between the two parties!

Moreover, the two didn't decide the winner in that battle, but Quincy said that the winner will wait until Ye Ren goes to the new world to fight again!

Could it be that Nightblade came for this purpose?

Seeing that Ace's face was serious, Whitebeard narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "The duel field hasn't started yet, so let's join in the fun..."


And the members of CP0 who were hiding in the dark quickly passed the news to the world government through the hidden phone bug.

The complexions of the five old stars in the holy land of Mariejoa changed slightly...

""What did you say? Ye Ren is on Moon Night Island at this time? "

"What's going on? Tell me in detail!"

"Damn it, keep investigating, don't let go of any information!"

Hang up the call with CP0.

At the meeting, the faces of the five people were extremely serious.

One person said with a sullen face: "It's not good, if these two join hands, even Master Yim may not be able to annihilate them!"

Yeren and Quincy joining hands is the last thing they want to see!

They are very clear about the strength of these two people. They are already very overwhelmed by one person. If they join forces, they would never want to see it!

The other person took a deep breath and said: "Not necessarily, there is no conflict between these two people, and, from the past experience, they have no intersection, and they have fought more than once, it should not happen like this matter!"

Skull Island and Chambord Islands, both of them have fought before, and the possibility of joining forces is very small!

However, even if it is small, this possibility cannot be ruled out!

Headache, five people are very headache!

Another person also spoke: "Master Yim said that this time of deep sleep will be the last time to sleep, and when he wakes up again, Lord Yim should have a way to deal with the two of them! You know... It was Lord Yim who once took action. , to give that kingdom to..."

"I hope so..."

"Let the people of CP0 pay close attention. Now, we can't do anything anymore... we can only rely on Lord Im..."

"The navy also needs to pay close attention. They have already come up with other ideas. If necessary, they need to be dealt with!"


The five old stars are powerless to deal with the current situation, they can only entrust the final victory to Im...


The news of Ye Ren's landing on the island was naturally noticed by the people of Wang Xu Hall immediately, but they did not choose to stop them because of the orders of their own adults.

The island is full of wind and clouds, and those who know the news are all approaching here at the first time. They also want to know whether there will be a conflict between Ye Ren and Quincy at the first time...

At this time, the ten blades who were relatively close had already gathered in front of the palace, waiting for the arrival of the night blade with solemn expressions.

"Hiss...the Ten Blades of Wang Xu Palace, the Black Rose Night Seven, the death surgeon Tarafalgar Luo, and the two former kings of the dark world..."

"It's such a grand occasion, there are several Ten Blades gathered!"

"Nonsense, who is Yeren? This is an existence with the same reputation as the Quincy, so it is reasonable to treat it so seriously!"

"Could it be a fight?"

"It shouldn't be possible... If you fight here, even if the night blade is very strong, you may not be able to win..."

People around saw this ostentation, several Ten Blades from Wang Xu Hall were shocked, but they also took it for granted...

"Ye Ren, what's your purpose for coming here?" Although Ye Qi knew about Ye Ren's arrival, he didn't expect him to come here directly, and his expression was very serious.

The rest of the ten blades also looked very solemn, staring at Yeren.

"It's a big show, but I'm not here to fight with you, get out of the way, I want to see the Quincy." Ye Ren looked at the movements of the ten blades, nodded indistinctly, for them He is still very satisfied with this move.

Hearing Yeren's words, several people narrowed their eyes slightly, just as they were about to speak.

From the palace, a voice came: "Let them come in, you guys, wait outside first."

"Yes!" Hearing his lord speak, several people gave way, but they still looked at Yeren and the three of them vigilantly.

Yeren smiled and led Xiaoya and Zefa into the palace.

Along the way, neither Xiaoya nor Zefa spoke.

Pushing open a door, the three of them walked in, Xiaoya and Zefa glanced around, and finally their eyes stayed on a figure in front of them.

That's... Yun Ye's body clone, Quincy Master!

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