One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 408: The Nightblade Lands on the Island

What happened to the Vinsmoke family naturally couldn't escape the attention of the people in Wang Xu Palace.

Soon, the news reached Yun Ye.

Looking at the information, Yun Ye shook his head, these little guys are really making a fuss...

How dare you make trouble on your own territory...

But he also knew the specific reason, Niji that guy actually forcibly kidnapped Sanji, no wonder Luffy and others would make a fuss.

Yun Ye called Ye Qi and asked his subordinates to stop it. It's time for the food festival, and it's not good to make too much noise...

"Yes." Ye Qi nodded yes.

Regarding this matter, she didn't take it seriously at first, but according to Yun Ye's meaning, don't make things too difficult for them?

The Straw Hat Pirates?

Do these have anything to do with adults?

Ye Qi couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it.

When he wanted to go down to deal with things, Luo walked in, saw Ye Qi, nodded to her, and then reported: "My lord, there is a warship coming over there, it seems to be someone from the NEO Navy, and we need to stop it." Are they?"

"NEO navy? People from Yeblade?" Ye Qi stopped and looked at Luo in surprise.

Regarding what happened in the first half, she naturally knew that all members of the NEO Navy had entered the new world.

But... how did the people from the NEO Navy come here?

Yun Ye waved his hand and said, "Don't pay attention to them, just come, Moon Night Island will not prevent anyone from landing."

"Yes!" Luo nodded slightly, but there were many thoughts in his mind.

The conflict between Yeren and the world government is also great. Could it be that he came here for the world government?

Luo's mind was very quick, and he soon discovered an important point.

The relationship between Nightblade and the World Government is now well known in the world, and it can be said that it is similar to their Wangxu Palace.

All see the world government as an enemy.

Now that the people from the NEO Navy came to Moon Night Island, it should not be as simple as a vacation and fun. Do you want to talk to adults?

Luo guessed in his heart...

It is worth mentioning that after Yun Ye ate the soul soul fruit, Doflamingo also extracted his soul. Through the memory of the soul level, he knew many secrets about the world government, but they were all insignificant information , it may have been useful to Yunye before, but now, it is no longer useful.

Moreover, Doflamingo doesn't know much about Im. There are not too many records in their family. They are nothing more than guesses about Im's ability, and those who have successfully performed ageless surgery.

However, there is still a more important point, that is, Im really controlled Uranus, the king of heaven, and Uranus, the king of heaven, is a kind of creature!

In the past, he overthrew the kingdom of Joyboy with the help of the heavenly king Uranus!

It’s just that in the following hundreds of years, Im fell into a deep sleep for a long time, and in the end, the king Uranus never appeared. Their ancestors guessed and recorded that the king Uranus probably died because of that war, and Yim Mu himself was probably injured because of that war, and he needs to sleep these things for a long time...

After knowing what he wanted to know, Yun Ye handed Doflamingo to Luo to deal with.

As for what Luo did to Doflamingo, Yun Ye had no intention of asking...


The warship quickly landed, and after getting Yun Ye's approval, no one stopped the NEO Navy's people from landing.

However, the landing of NEO Navy personnel on Moon Night Island still caused quite a commotion.

Although the NEO Navy is not an orthodox navy, their influence is no less than that of the Navy Headquarters.

It's all about fighting criminals!

Now that there is actually a navy landing here, the people around are a little surprised when they see this.

Moonlit Island will not prohibit people from the navy or the world government from coming, but... those who really have the courage to come here are also a minority...

And it was so swaggering that it shocked countless people's jaws.

A group of NEO Marines landed, and an area at the port was immediately emptied. At this time, most of the people on Moonlight Island were pirates and villains. When they saw the Navy, they had a natural sense of fear.

"Is this the Moon Night Island? How imposing!" Wearing a NEO Admiral's cloak, Xiaoya looked heroic. Looking at the whole picture of Moon Night Island with her big shining eyes, she couldn't help but get excited.

Although Xiaoya is no longer a little girl who has never seen the world, but such a magnificent island is rare for her.

More importantly, this place is her brother Yunye's property!

"Okay, don't play tricks, let's go in together." Yun Ye, who was also wearing a navy cloak, patted Xiaoya on the head, then looked at Zefa at the side and said with a smile: "Teacher, let's go together too."

Saying that, Yun Ye walked towards the center of Wang Xu's palace.

"Yeah." Zefa was also very curious. After knowing that the Quincy Master was also Yun Ye, his heart was very uneasy. This disciple of himself is really a monster among monsters!

Both identities are so powerful!

This time Zefa came along with him to confirm the relationship between Quincy and Yeren...

"Okay." Xiaoya nodded and followed behind Yun Ye.

And the people around, after seeing the people coming down from the warship, all gasped.

"Ye, night blade?"

"And NEO's naval staff officer, former Admiral Zefa of the Navy Headquarters?"

"That's Leizhiyunya from NEO Navy!"

"Hey, am I dazzled? How could the senior management of their NEO Navy come here?"

"Could it be that he wants to attack the Quincy?"

"How is this possible, they have no reason to conflict?"

"Is it possible that you are here for the world government?"

"Hiss... If that's the case, things will get worse!"

"Quick, follow up and have a look!"

After seeing Yun Ye and the others disembark, many people rubbed their eyes, thinking that they had misread it, but after a closer look, they were right, they were the top executives of the NEO Navy!

Immediately, the people around showed disbelief.

Surprise, fear, shock, all kinds of voices resounded around, each one seemed to have seen a ghost.

what did they see

Ye Ren actually came to Moon Night Island! !

Is it to deal with the world government?

It's not impossible!

However, if it is true, then... this will definitely be a sensation in the whole world!

Big news, absolutely big news!

"Boy Yun, is this really all right?" Zefa frowned when he heard the discussions of the people around him.

Yun Ye smiled: "What's the problem? The world government should be the one to worry about."

Seeing that Yunye's expression didn't look abnormal at all, Zefa knew that coming to Moon Night Island was definitely not just because Xiaoya wanted to come here.

Among them, it is very likely that they are revealing a piece of news to everyone in the world, that is - the Nightblade and the Quincy may reach some kind of alliance to attack the world government together!

This matter is terrible, and it will definitely make the people of the World Government extremely vigilant...

The three of them ignored the comments of other people around and walked straight towards the palace of Wang Xu Palace.

It didn't take long for the news of Ye Ren's entry into Moon Night Island to spread throughout Moon Night Island, and everyone who knew the news was in an uproar!

And guess, what is the purpose of Ye Ren going to Moon Night Island this time...

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