One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 349 The Movement of the Navy and the Straw Hats

Above the sea, several warships are heading towards Music Island.

On the warship, there are several veterans such as Warring States, Garp, and Lieutenant General He.

At this time, they also led a naval force to Music Island.

Their purpose, of course, is to prevent the Quincy Master from obtaining the Soul Soul Fruit!

The soul soul fruit and fluttering fruit are things that the Quincy has always wanted to obtain. Naturally, it is impossible for the World Government to allow him to achieve his wish.

The actions of the Quincy must be stopped!

Although I don't know what the purpose of Quincy is to get the fluttering fruit and the soul soul fruit, but the world government will not sit idly by.

The Quincy already possesses an ancient weapon, Poseidon, the king of the sea, whose strength makes the world government fearful.

The power of the Quincy cannot be allowed to continue to grow!

Warring States looked at the music island that was close at hand, and listened to the cheers from there, feeling a little emotional: "Uta, the recognized singer of the world, why did he suddenly announce the opening of the concert at this time, and give the news of the soul soul fruit to everyone?" Reveal it?"

Lieutenant General He pushed his glasses: "Wuta, this person seems to have something to do with Hongfa. She was on Hongfa's boat before, right? She seems to be his adopted daughter."

While biting the senbei, Garp said nonchalantly: "Oh? There's another thing, so, this time, the red hair should come. Now that Wano Country and Music Island have accidents at the same time, the red hair guy, too. I don't know where it will appear, but I hope to see this guy here, the old man has long wanted to beat him up!"

Sengoku turned his head to look in another direction: "I don't know what's going on with Aokiji and the others. At this time, they should have arrived in Wano Country soon, right?"

After splitting up, Sengoku calculated the time, and at the speed of the new warship, it was almost approaching the waters near Wano Country at this time.

It is impossible for the Warring States to say not to worry.

After all, it was Kaido's territory, and there was Barrett, a guy who was not inferior to the Four Emperors.

However, the deployment over there is stronger than here. Aokiji plus the three generals and other new types of pacifists can deal with two Four Emperor Pirates at the same time!

With the appearance of the soul soul fruit, Katakuri Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, should not go to Wano Country, but will rush here; because of Uta, the red-haired pirates did not go to Wano Country, but It's coming this way; another thing is that the Quincy Master has also started to move, and the target is also the soul fruit.

Ancient weapons are more important and cannot be obtained by pirates. Therefore, Wano Country has much more troops than here.

But they are not weak here, Sengoku, Karp, Lieutenant General Crane, Tea Pork, and other lieutenant generals, and the World Government also has CP0.

The purpose is to deal with the crisis on Music Island!

The two-line itinerary caused the Navy some headaches...

There are too many divisions of troops, and they are about to face even stronger forces, such as red hair, Katakuri, and Quincy!

Fortunately, these people are not in the same spirit. It is estimated that these forces will fight because of the soul soul fruit. They just need to find the right time to make a move!

Faced with such a complicated situation, not only the navy is paralyzed, but even the world government is paralyzed...

"If we want to face them, relying on our combat power is far from enough, we'd better wait for the opportunity to take action." Lieutenant General He sighed and said slowly.

Zhan Guo nodded: "That's the only way to go."

Garp gnawed on the senbei with a 'Kacha Kacha', without saying a word.


On the other hand, the Wanli Sunshine has also arrived in the waters near Music Island.

On the deck, when several people mentioned the name Uta, Luffy came over in surprise.

Before, he didn't know where Brooke was going. He was extremely nervous, and he didn't know where Brooke was going this time...

Only now did Luffy react when he heard several people mention Uta's name.

After several conversations, Lu Fei also said that Uta was the adopted daughter of the red hair, and that she was his childhood sweetheart.

Nami covered her small mouth and looked at Luffy in surprise: "You said that Uta is the adopted daughter of red hair, a childhood sweetheart who grew up with you?"

Uta's reputation in the world is still very loud. Many people in the Straw Hat Pirates know Uta, and even heard Uta's songs.

Now hearing that Luffy actually knew Uta, everyone was surprised.

"Hey~ Luffy, do you actually know Uta? Then I want her autograph later!" Chopper looked at Luffy with big eyes, and his tone was a little excited.

Luffy rubbed his head and muttered: "That guy is annoying, he keeps saying that he wants to be my older sister, but he is only one year older than me."

Usopp slapped Luffy on the head, and couldn't help but shouted: "You still hate having such a star sister? You enviable guy..."

Ignoring these people's daily stupidity, Sauron looked at the Music Island not far away, and said in a low tone: "Brook still has no news, and I don't know what happened...the life card doesn't have any The problem."

They have Brook's life card in their hands at this time.

When Brook decided to go to the new world, Rayleigh made it for him.

After all, the new world is extremely dangerous, and Brook is alone, so there must be some way to find Brook.

When they were in the Chambord Islands, they found that Brook hadn't come back, but there was nothing wrong with the life card, which proved that nothing happened to Brook.

Might be stuck somewhere.

That's why the group of them came to Music Island following the guidance of the life card when they left Chambord Land for the new world.

After hearing this, the slapstick guys stopped.

Robin also looked into the distance, his eyes behind the sunglasses flickered slightly: "This time the concert is very strange, it just happened at this time, maybe, something we don't know is about to happen..."

Uta's concert was announced at this time, as if it was done on purpose.

At this time, the new world is not peaceful. There is news from Wano country that the ancient weapon Pluto appeared, which detonated the whole world. It is estimated that countless pirates will go to the past to fight for it.

At this time, Uta's concert started, and revealed that the Soul Soul Fruit is in her hands.

This is obviously on purpose.

Anyone with a little intelligence will know how many powerful forces are involved in the Soul Soul Fruit.

Katakuri, one of the four emperors, was the fruit of their mother, so it is naturally impossible to let it fall into the hands of others.

As for the Quincy Master, he has been looking for the soul soul fruit all the time. The Piao Piao fruit once triggered a big battle, and this time it is probably the same...

Sanji said in a deep voice: "Anyway, let's go and have a look first, it's best to make sure of Brook's situation."

Although the three main forces have also learned how to use domineering under the guidance of Lei Li, Sanji still feels that it is impossible for them to face the Four Emperors at this time.

They have seen the battle between the Quincy Division and the high-level navy before, and that level of battle is not something they can resist now.

Fortunately, they just want to ensure Brook's situation, and it stands to reason that there should be no conflicts with these four emperors and one king.

Frankie held the rudder and said, "It's useless to talk about it now, let's go and have a look first."

Luffy glanced at the music island in the distance, straightened his straw hat, and said loudly: "Then... friends, go and bring Brook back!"

The turmoil in Wano Country, Holy Land Marie Gioia, and Music Island broke out almost at the same time. For a better reading experience, I wrote it in sections.

These chapters simply pave the way...

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