One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 348 Uta's Concert!

New World Music Island.

This is the place where Uta, the singer of the world, holds a concert.

As a famous singer in the New World, Uta enjoys a high reputation in the world.

Even in some respects, the appeal of those big pirates at sea is not as high as her.

Because of a concert, countless celebrities from the New World gathered in the music island at this time, the royal family of the country, pirates, bounty hunters, all kinds of people are rushing here at this time.

Uta's singing seems to have some kind of magical power, which can bring light and dawn to the desperate people. In the eyes of these people, Uta is their savior!

The entire music island is like a huge stage, enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to watch together.

At this time, the island was full of excitement, singing and dancing were promoted, and there was a faint and beautiful singing sound from the radio, which made everyone who heard the singing extremely excited.

Countless people are cheering, waving their flags and shouting, like fanatical fans, looking forward to the appearance of their savior, Uta!

In a room on Music Island, Uta is wearing headphones and a white miniskirt with a black bow tie, showing her slender legs and looking youthful and beautiful.

At this time, Uta was sitting on a chair, looking at a person in front of him who was only a skeleton, and said in a sincere tone: "Mr. Brook, I hope you can help me in this concert, so that these confused people are liberated."

Brook rarely showed a serious look: "Miss Uta, I admire your singing voice very much, but your idea is wrong. Music is to bring hope to people when they are desperate, not to trap them in vain In the fantasy world!"

When Brook was practicing in the Straw Hat Pirates and others, he also left the first half and came to Music Island, wanting to discuss music with Uta, the world singer.

As a musician, he has a longing for Uta, who is famous all over the world. In a word, he is a fan of Uta, and he has also heard Uta's singing. He longed for the music of redemption.

So, he took this opportunity and went to Music Island...

When Uta first saw Brook, he was also taken aback. After all, a skeleton can still move and talk. This kind of scene is more or less scary for a girl...

However, after communicating with Brooke, she discovered that Brooke's musical attainments are also very powerful. He can use music to achieve a hypnotic effect and mobilize people's emotions!

And through understanding, she also knew the reason why Brooke is a skeleton, Brooke is the ability user who ate the fruit of the underworld!

He was able to come back from the dead, and, after Huang Quan came back, Brooke had his own understanding of the soul. The reason why his music can hypnotize others is to use some kind of fluctuation on the soul level!

After knowing this, she valued Brook's ability even more.

At this time, she has a soul soul fruit in her hand!

She is naturally very clear about the ability of Soul Soul Fruit. After all, the information about the Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling is known to everyone in the whole world.

Can bestow souls on dead things!

She wants to give her singing a soul so that her abilities can be enhanced!

She has a plan, that is to eat the soul soul fruit, and use the soul sound of the soul soul fruit to enhance his song fruit ability and radiate the whole world, even other people who are not on the music island can also Send her singing to the world through the airwaves of that special phone bug!

And Brooke can play a very strong role in the middle, and music can be played together...

Therefore, she invited Brooke to play a grand concert with her, so that everyone in the world can get out of pain and enter the beautiful world she built!

However, as an old fritter, Brooke is older than Roger. He has been in a dark place like the Devil's Triangle for decades. Loneliness and loneliness have been with him for decades, but his heart is still true to him. I have a longing for life, thinking that even if people are in a desperate situation, they will one day be redeemed and welcome hope...

People will not be defeated by despair, as long as they are alive, there is hope for everything!

The two have different ideas and concepts, and Brook rejected Uta's request.

However, Uta has already regarded Brooke as an important part of her plan at this time. With Brooke's joining, her singing voice will be brought into full play and her ability will be enhanced!

With the two sharp weapons of Soul Soul Fruit and Sleepless Mushroom, plus Brook's singing that can mobilize the soul's emotions, she believes that even the powerhouses at the level of the Four Emperors will be moved by her singing and pulled Enter the world she built!

She wouldn't let Brooke go!

As a result, the members of the other Straw Hat Pirates gathered in the Chambord Islands half a year later, but Brook did not go...

He was imprisoned by Uta!

"Mr. Brook, this world is too chaotic. Wars break out all the time in the world. Every day, people die in pain. If you want to save this world, you can only influence them with singing!" Uta looked at Brook and said slowly. .

This is not the first time she has said these words.

Brook shook his head: "Miss Uta, your talent in music is the most powerful I have ever seen, but your thinking is too extreme, not everyone lives in pain, it is wrong for you to do this .”

Uta closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at Brooke: "Since Mr. Brooke disagrees with me, then... I can only use an extreme method."

At this time, Uta had already eaten the sleepless mushroom, and the side effects of the sleepless mushroom also appeared little by little, which made her a little irritable.

Seeing that Brooke still doesn't listen to her opinion, she can only take more extreme methods!

That is, to hypnotize Brooke...

This is the skill she learned from Brooke. Singing can mobilize people's emotions, and emotions are often linked to the soul...

As a melodious song sounded, various notes appeared around Uta, and a pair of dreamy wings appeared behind her, and five-color lines appeared along with the notes, flying around, and Brook's soul was gradually affected. Influenced by the ability of the singing fruit, although Brooke is not weak, but at this time there is no dual-color domineering, unable to resist the ability of the singing fruit.

Being directly hypnotized by Uta and controlled by her.

"In this way, the preparations will be completed. Shanks, Quincy... After this concert, all the pain of war will disappear! This is the... new century in my mind!" Wu Ta looked at the stage beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows, and saw the countless people gathered because of her, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of her mouth!

Uta walked to the top floor of the room, looked at all the excited people below, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she held a microphone in her hand, and a beautiful singing voice floated out of her mouth...

Hearing the singing, the hearts of all the people in the venue were shocked, and then, even more intense cheers came!

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