One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 187: The Curtain Comes to an End! (Da Zhang!)

The world seemed to stand still, and everyone stared blankly at the sky.

Over there, a ray of light shone down...

This means... with this sword, the ceilings of several floors directly above were cut through!


On the navy side, many people's faces changed, and the hole was opened, which meant that these criminals had a way to escape.

As long as you don't pay attention, you may be ran away!

On the other hand, the criminals reacted differently. When they saw the open ceiling, they all screamed and rushed towards it!

"Flame Dragon King!" Kaido also saw this scene, with a sneer on his face, his body turned into a dragon, wrapped in flames, and fell on him regardless of other people's attacks, and rushed directly to the top!

'Boom! ! '

Kaido's body pierced directly into the second floor, and, by this impact, the already broken ceiling became even bigger!

"Don't worry about the navy, just rush up!"

"Oh, oh, don't worry about the passage, just rush up!"

"Come on, escape from the city!"

Countless criminals didn't fight the naval jailers anymore, but rushed towards the sky directly!

"Quick, stop them, don't let them go up again!"


The navy and jailers also wanted to rush up to resist, but they were stopped by Huang Yuan!

He wants to zoom in!

"Are you ignoring our existence?" Huang Yuan's eyes turned cold, and he folded his hands together. He shouted, "Get out of the way! Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"


Countless light bullets directly hit the front in a covering manner, and the dense light bullets were like a barrage, killing most of the criminals directly!

"Hahaha, Yellow Ape, this kind of trick is not good for us!" A criminal on the sixth floor blasted away the light bullets that were attacking him, laughed loudly, and rushed out directly to the upper floor go!

"General Qingzhi, I'll go up first!" Yun Ye stomped on the air and chased after him!

"Ice Cube Storm Pheasant's Mouth! Two Thorny Spears!" Aoki Pheasant responded, and also made a move. The cold air surged from behind, forming a lifelike ice bird and ice spear, and killed the criminals!

‘Boom boom boom! '

Countless criminals were directly frozen or stabbed by ice spears, and died directly.

"I won't let you pass!" Magellan turned into a poisonous giant, and his actions were not so fast. He just tried his best to stop the criminals who wanted to rush up!

At this moment, he held back Caitlinna and the seriously injured Wald!

"Magellan, you bloody bastard!"

Catalina and Wald were very angry, but they could only deal with Magellan's attack.

"Don't try to run, Kaido!" Yun Ye jumped to the second floor, snorted coldly at Kaido who continued to go up, and swung a terrifying sword with extreme coldness: "Ice Slash!"

Slash through the air and kill Kaido!

"Huh?" Kaido stopped his forward momentum, suddenly changed into a human-beast form, turned around and pulled out a stick.

'Boom! '

A wave of terror erupted, and the cold air spread to Kaido's body along the mace, trying to freeze him.

But Kaido just snorted coldly, and shattered the ice as soon as he exerted force, but his movement was also stopped.

On the other side, Barrett, Redfield, and the huge battleship also got rid of their opponents and came to the second floor!

Huang Yuan, Xiliu, and Aokiji also rushed up on moon steps.

Magellan is still holding back Caitlina and Wald as much as possible!

But at this moment, something happened suddenly, and another group rushed out, the leader was a tall man in strange clothes!

They are 5.5 layer people!

"Hee-ha, it looks like it's just in time!" Ivankov looked at the battlefield and laughed.

The people in their New Shemale Paradise naturally also saw the riot this time.

Ivankov secretly said a good opportunity, the hope of going out is here!

Without hesitation, he also led all the people in the New Shemale Paradise to rush out, and arrived here too!

This sudden scene naturally shocked everyone, even Magellan did not expect it.

He looked at Ivankov in front of him and several of the criminals who were judged missing, and his face suddenly changed: "Revolutionary Army, Ivankov? And those guys who disappeared..."

"Hee-hop, it's really an honor to be remembered by Warden Magellan!" Ivankov laughed, showing an inexplicable smile: "Then... please let the warden get out of the way!"

"Damn it!" Magellan's face became incomparably gloomy. Since when is there such a force in the prison?

He, the prison warden in charge of Push City, doesn't even know!

"DEATH WINK!" Without the slightest hesitation, Ivankov directly launched an attack. With a blink of his eyes, a terrifying impact directly repelled Magellan's poisonous giant soldiers.

Caitlina and Wald also stared at Ivankov.

However, they were only surprised for a moment. Seeing Magellan being knocked into the air, they were immediately overjoyed.

But how could Magellan let them succeed, spit out scarlet poisonous bullets, and stopped their actions again!

"No, we can only defeat Magellan! Otherwise, this guy won't let us go up!" Caitlinna's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and she looked at Magellan with killing intent.

"That's the only way!" Wald's face was not good-looking. If Magellan was not defeated, they would not be able to go up!

"Hey, Magellan, I don't want to get involved in the matter between you and them, you fight slowly!" Ivankov laughed, and wanted to go directly past them and rush up.

But they are all criminals, so naturally Magellan can't let him go up!

The big hand is also covering the people of the new Shemale Paradise, trying to block their way!

"It seems that you won't let us go up?" Ivankov also turned cold. He would not be happy to stand in front of this big hand and attack his people!

"DEATH WINK!" With a blink of his eyes, the poisonous hand was directly crushed.

The venom splashed, and the'chichi' smoked!

"Don't even think about it!" Magellan's eyes were determined. Although he had suffered serious injuries, he still stood in front of them!

But how could he block the attack of the three strong men with his seriously injured body.

Moreover, Wald was injected with a booster hormone by Ivankov, and his combat power returned to its peak. After a few rounds, Magellan... lost!

Katerina wanted to kill Magellan, but was blocked by the jailers desperately.

In the end, she just cut it, and could only ignore Magellan who was going to the end, and rushed out directly to the upper floor.


Second floor.

The battle is still going on!

Even the scale is even bigger than before!

Several strong men attacked each other and destroyed all the buildings on the second floor!

The body of Kaido's dragon is full of scars, including sword wounds, frostbite, and burns, but even so, his offensive has not declined!

This terrifying monster seemed to be invincible, but still alive and well!

"Go to hell!" The huge battleship San Juan, the wolf incarnate, smashed countless naval jailers to death with a fist, and finally rushed towards Yun Ye.

Looking at the huge black fist that struck, Yun Ye snorted coldly, and the extreme cold slashed down, directly breaking through the armed domineering power of his fist, leaving a deep bone wound on his fist, and the cold air spread and froze , Freezing his entire arm!

"Ah, it's so cold!" San Juan Bad Wolf stepped back, clutching his frozen arm and howling nonstop!

"It's just rubbish!" Yun Ye snorted coldly, leaned forward, and slashed down with his sword again!

With this guy's huge size, he couldn't dodge this blow at all. When he was slashed by Yun Ye's sword, a lot of blood gushed out, and the wound froze instantly, spreading towards his whole body!

However, his body was also strong, he held Yun Ye's sword forcefully, and smashed his huge fist towards Yun Ye again.

Yun Ye dodged it quickly, and wanted to attack again, but he sensed the danger coming from behind.

"Let me see your strength, Rear Admiral!" Over there, Barrett rushed towards Yun Ye, sneered, and punched Yun Ye.

Although Barrett's size was not comparable to that of San Juan Dire Wolf, the sense of threat he brought to Yun Ye was much greater than that of San Juan Dire Wolf!

Yun Ye frowned, and also slashed out with a sword!

'Boom! '

Fists and swords collided, and a terrifying impact swept all around.

The two retreated at the same time.

Barrett looked at the frozen ice on his fist, with a ferocious arc on the corner of his mouth: "I have some skills! Navy!"

"Barrett?" Yun Ye looked at Barrett and said coldly.

Yun Ye was no stranger to Barrett, and Barrett knew more information than Redfield!

"Hey..." Barrett sneered, and killed Yun Ye without any nonsense.

Fighting to this extent, there is no need to talk nonsense!

Barrett used the combined fruit ability to fuse with stones, guns, etc., and turned into a giant with a size of more than ten meters. He clenched his fist and blasted the huge fist towards Yun Ye.

Yunye also made a direct attack, and Yinxian pulled and slashed the thin thread to meet it!

'Boom boom boom...'

A war broke out between the two sides in an instant!

All around are fighting.

Soldier against soldier will be against general, everyone has his own opponent.

But at this moment, from the floor below, Caitlina, Wald, and everyone in the New Shemale Paradise rushed up at this moment and joined the battlefield.

Make the scene change again.

"That guy is... a cadre of the Revolutionary Army? Where's Magellan?" Huang Yuan looked over and his face suddenly darkened. It wasn't Ivankov's appearance that changed his expression, but Magellan's absence.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart.

"Kizaki, don't keep your hands! If this continues, they will probably break out!" Aokiji, who was still fighting with Kaido, suddenly shouted at Kizaki, and at the same time let the others who were still fighting Fighting naval jailers stand back!

When they burst out with all their strength, they can't control their strength, and it is likely to affect other people!

It is also because of this that he never used the power of awakening from the beginning to the end!

After finishing speaking, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations from Aokiji's body, and almost instantly, everyone present shuddered involuntarily.

"Hahaha, are you going to be serious?" Kaido laughed. He knew that Aokiji still had fruit awakening and didn't use it. Seeing Aokiji's posture now, he knew that Aokiji was going to be serious up!

But he is still not afraid!

The terrifying cold air swept across and raged, freezing Kaido directly, but without the blessing of Yun Ye's cold air, Aokiji could only freeze Kaido briefly, but could not completely freeze it!

"I'm not going to wake up yet!" After hearing Qingzhi's words, Huang Yuan pursed his lips slightly and said, "However, it's time to be more serious. I can't let you escape unscathed, right?"

With a sound of 'swipe', the yellow ape suddenly turned into golden light and rushed towards Laidfield, golden light shot out from under his feet: "Old guy, have you ever been kicked by light?"

"Hahaha, Yellow Ape, it's been a long time!" Redfield gave an evil laugh, and stepped back slightly to avoid the blow of Yellow Ape.

However, the attack of the yellow ape followed closely again, and the lightsaber in his hand slashed down, and Redfield raised his sword to block.

The collision of swords erupted with terrifying power, and the ground was shattered inch by inch.

As the golden light scattered, Laidfield was sent flying, but he landed firmly after turning over in the air.

However, the attack of the yellow ape has not stopped, and when Laidfield fell, several laser lasers were already coming in front of him.

'Boom boom boom...'

There was an explosion in the field, and the aftermath of the explosion swept Redfield, knocking him into the air, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

On Yun Ye's side, Barrett was obviously at a disadvantage against Yun Ye at this time.

The two guys in the middle, Caitlinna and Wald, also joined the battle, but Yunye's combat power was terrifying, and the three of them were not in their prime, so they joined forces, and they were still beaten by Yunye!

Yun Ye also erupted here, slashing Barrett's chest with a sword, knocking Barrett away, leaving a deep gash on his body, blood flowing down continuously!

The backhand is another sword crescent sky, blasting Caitlinna away, turning around to meet Walder's attack, and knocking Walder back again!

One person suppressed three strong men!

Countless people were dumbfounded, secretly lamenting that this Yeblade is worthy of being able to freeze Kaido, this strength is indeed terrifying!

"Damn it, is it so strong?" Barrett stood up holding his chest, looking at Yun Ye sharply.

At the same time, he is also very dissatisfied with his current strength. The current him is estimated to be only six to seven percent of his strength in his heyday, and he cannot have much influence on Yunye at all.

Another reason is that Yun Ye is too strong!

After the armed color reaches a high level, with the attack of the great swordsman and the double Zanpakuto, Yun Ye is much stronger than when he was fighting against Kaido!

Has stepped into the top level of the world!

In the other place, Xiliu's murderous nature broke out completely, and he directly killed countless criminals. At this time, he was considered to be a murderer. He raised his knife and fell, and his whole body was already stained red with blood.

However, his actions were also seen by Ivankov, and when he saw his own person being ruthlessly killed by Shiliu, his face also became gloomy: "How dare you attack my little cutie, Shiliu, you bastard... ..."

With that said, he rushed out: "The new shemale boxing technique..."

"Ivankov? There is also the Lightning of the Revolutionary Army. Let me kill you!" Shiliu's face showed a bloodthirsty look.

'Boom! '


The battle lasted for most of the day, and it has reached the first floor!

The lower floors are already in a mess, there are countless casualties, and the ground has been stained red with blood.

At this time, almost all the strong men were wounded, and even Yun Ye was exhausted, but he didn't suffer too much injury.

There is also Huang Yuan with a calm demeanor, and besides panting slightly, there is no injury on his body...

But judging from the scene, Huang Yuan is still working hard...

All kinds of big moves kept exploding, injuring many people, but I don't know how much power this old boy used.

Won't wake up, what a liar...

Anyway, Yun Ye didn't believe that this guy wouldn't wake up.

The criminal side is even more tragic, and the weak can hardly reach this level.

The strong men were also seriously injured, but they had already seen the hope of escaping!

Kaido has a lot of wounds on his body at this time, blood is flowing down, but many of them have healed...

The name of the strongest creature in the sea, land and air is fully displayed!

But at this time, he was also a little impatient. During the melee, his physical strength was also consumed a lot. Although his physique was extremely terrifying, he had already shown signs of decline. Fortunately, they had already broken through to the first floor. As long as they rushed up, they would able to escape!

Kaido is a blue dragon, he can travel in the sky, as long as he is given a chance, he can directly rush to the sky, so that no one can catch up with him!

"Oh lol lol, you can't stop me! Fire dragon torch · rising dragon · flame gossip!!"

Kaido turned into the body of the demon dragon again, and the raging flames condensed into the Flame Dragon King. The scorching heat swept all directions in an instant, suppressing the coldness of Aokiji!

The body of the magic dragon swims, scorching the ground with scorching heat, melting the rocks, the flame dragon king is so huge, he regards everything in front of him as a target, and rushes past fiercely!

"Let's attack together, as long as the navy is repelled, we can go out!" Laidfield also shouted, the sword force surged on his body, and the blow of the great swordsman was as powerful as a bamboo!

"Ultimate cannon!" Barrett's fusion fruit was launched, and the rocks on the ground were combined, and his arm turned into a giant fist. His thick armed color covered it, and he punched out!

"Momo cut it a hundred times!" Wald roared.

"The Roar of the Demon Fox!" Caitlina's figure changed, her nine tails swayed behind her, she opened her mouth, and a terrifying shock wave blasted out!

San Juan Wolf, Ivankov, Lightning and other powerhouses all unleashed the most terrifying blow in tacit agreement at this moment!

"Oops! Huang Yuan and Ye Ren, come and help, don't let them rush out!" Qingzhi saw this move again, his face changed drastically, he greeted Huang Yuan and Yun Ye, pressed his hands on the ground, endlessly The ice crystals shattered and turned into an invisible terrifying cold current that rushed over: "The cold world!"

Yun Ye's face also sank, and he walked to Qingzhi's side in a short step. The Frozen Sky and Hundred Flowers Burial needed time to condense, and it was too late at this time, so he could only retreat to the next best thing. Simultaneously used, the use of high-level armed colors, the most terrifying move broke out: "One-shot style, extreme cut, a line of sky!"

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!" Huang Yuan crossed his hands and blasted endless golden light.

"Slash with the blood blade!" Shiliu also made a move!

The attacks of all the powerful players on the scene broke out at the same time!

When all the attacks collided, the entire advancing city was trembling, the power was swept away, the sea was rough, and the waves were layered!

at last--

'Boom! '

Explosion, explosion!

Like a nuclear bomb exploding in the center of the arena, a terrifying shock swept through everyone in an instant.

The weak at this level couldn't bear the impact for an instant, and their bodies exploded directly!


The strong ones were also swept away by the impact, and felt a terrifying force hit them like a sledgehammer, each of them spitting out blood and flying backwards!

Some were blasted into the sky, some crashed into the lower floor, and some were directly blasted out!

The explosion shock wave impacted in all directions, and the building was directly shattered. This propulsion city exploded directly from the second floor!

The shock wave impacted the sea surface and pushed the sea water away. Looking down from a high altitude, with the entire Propulsion City as the center point, the sea surface directly sank into a large bowl-shaped hole!

Yun Ye and Kaido were blasted into the sky, bleeding from their mouths.

The icy wings spread out behind Yun Ye, floating in mid-air.

Over there, Kaido Yulong's body was entwined with flame clouds, staying in mid-air.

"Hahaha, it finally came out!" Kaido laughed wantonly, his domineering color swept across the world, stirring up the dark clouds in the sky, howling the wind, lightning and thunder!

"It's not over yet, Kaido!" Yun Ye took a deep breath, wiped the blood from his mouth, pointed his sword at the sky, and a chill pierced into the clouds, Yun Ye stared at Kaido and all the enemies below indifferently, whispering like a god: " Burial of Frozen Flowers!"

"Do you still have the strength? Yeblade!!! But, by yourself, do you want to freeze me?" Kaido heard Yun Ye's words, the dragon's eyes flashed cold, and it transformed from a dragon into a human beast Form, surrounded by flame clouds under his feet, let him levitate in the air, hot flames spread from his body, and finally converged on the mace, the high temperature and heat burned the mace red, flashing the sun's rays.

"David Flame Gossip!" Kaido yelled, and he rushed out like an arrow!

In the sky, ice flowers are falling like snowflakes. The speed is not slow, but it brings a strong sense of oppression to everyone!

At this moment, those who are knowledgeable are all looking up at the sky, the sense of threat comes from those crystal clear ice flowers...

‘Boom boom boom! ! '

Kaido breaks an ice flower with each stick, but every time he breaks a flower, there will be a soft 'click' sound!

The ice flakes shattered, and a terrifying chill invaded Kaido's body.

But Kaido didn't care, he fought back and rushed to Yun Ye, and smashed out with a stick!

Yun Ye had no time to dodge this blow, and with excessive physical exertion, he couldn't react at all. He was hit head-on, and his whole body was thrown from the sky, directly crashing into the city of advancement, 'Boom boom boom' smashing through the ground continuously, Finally smashed into the sixth floor!

"Cough cough..." Yun Yeban knelt in the big pit, coughing blood non-stop, obviously seriously injured!

He looked up.

On the upper floor, the ice flowers fell, as if they were spiritual, and they floated directly towards the enemy...

"Not good!" Laidfield had the most profound sense of knowledge, his face changed drastically, and the sword raised his hand and directly slashed out a terrifying slash, colliding with the ice flower.

With a 'boom' sound, the ice flakes shattered, but an invisible chill invaded his whole body. With the sound of 'cracking' freezing, it seemed to freeze him up!

Barrett, Caitlina, Wald, San Juan Wolf, Ivankov, Lightning and others were all treated the same, and ice flowers floated towards them!

They also shot to smash, but they encountered the same fate as Redfield!


In the arena, there were a hundred such voices...

A terrifying chill swept across, freezing a large area of ​​the sea!

In the arena, ice sculptures also appeared!

Inside every ice sculpture is a strong man!

With a bang, Kaido, who was also frozen, smashed into the ice layer!

But soon, the strong men in the ice cubes began to struggle, and the ice cubes shattered. However, their faces were still pale at this time, and the cold air entered their bodies, causing their bodies to suffer very serious trauma.

After breaking through one by one, they also coughed up blood, and the coughed up blood was instantly frozen into beads.

Obviously, all of them were severely injured by this blow, and they also left indelible sequelae!

Yunye's blow can be said to have wiped out their fighting power!

"Damn kid!" Kaido appeared from the ice pit, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, he was so furious that he was almost frozen again!

But the next moment he showed a ferocious smile, and that kid shouldn't feel bad after being hit by himself!

'time to go! ’ Kaido glanced around, finally looked at Aokiji and Kizaru, and grinned: "Next time, I will directly attack your navy headquarters, navy... you all wait for me!"

As he spoke, he turned into a dragon and soared into the sky!

"Navy, remember this too!" Barrett clutched his chest and coughed up blood, but he knew he couldn't stay here anymore, so he left directly with a flash of his figure.

Ivankov's face was extremely gloomy. In this battle, he didn't know how many little sweethearts were killed here. He miscalculated. He thought that with the strength of Kaido and others, it should not be difficult to escape from prison, but no. think……

"It's time to go!" Lightning was slightly weaker. If it wasn't for Ivankov's shot, he would probably still be trapped in the ice at this time.

"Go!" Ivankov turned around directly, followed by a dozen people behind him, and they were the ones who survived!

In this battle, they suffered heavy losses!

The rest of the people also left directly. Fortunately, the sea has been frozen. They don't have to worry about being trapped by the sea. As long as they escape from the city, they have dozens of ways to leave!

If you don't leave, Qingzhi and Huangyuan will come back. This is the only chance!

Now they can't resist the attack of the green pheasant and yellow ape!

"Damn it..." Qingzhi looked at the criminals who were fleeing in all directions, and couldn't help cursing, his face was extremely gloomy!

Huang Yuan also had a very ugly face, he said solemnly: "Where is Major General Yeren?"

"Oops!" Hearing this, Aokiji's face changed again.

"I'm fine..." Yun Ye, who used his return path to temporarily suppress his injuries, rushed out from the sixth floor stepping on Shunpo, but just as he landed, he spit out another mouthful of blood...

"It's fine, let's count the number of people first!" Qingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and then his face became serious.

"Alas, it's a bit troublesome this time. Those who escaped are all troublesome people..." Huang Yuan sighed...

Looking at the messy battlefield, Yunye and Qingzhi fell silent.

Soon, some navies and jailers who survived the battle began to clean up everything, and counted all the people who escaped and died in battle.

Countless naval jailers died in this battle, and the death toll exceeded a thousand!

The criminals lost even more. Almost 60% of the criminals died in this battle, and the remaining 40% were recaptured.

But more importantly, those who successfully escaped...

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