One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 186 Joint Strike (Two in One)

"Damn! Who are you underestimating! When I was in the sea, you were not born yet!" Wald couldn't stand Yun Ye's ridicule, his face was extremely gloomy, he shouted, and the sword he had snatched from the jailer in his hand Slashed at Yunye with a slash: "Momo slashed a hundred times!"

He was originally a swordsman, and with the increase of fruit, the power of this sword is comparable to that of a great swordsman!

The magnificent slash broke through the space, and went straight to Yunye!

"It's not your time anymore, so can you please lie down?" Yun Ye looked at the attacking slash, still without much expression on his face.

He raised his sword and cut down: "Yueya Tianchong!"

A more terrifying and magnificent slash shot from Yun Ye's sword edge, along a straight line, the ground was cut directly where it passed, and finally collided with Wald's slash!

'Boom! '

The two terrifying slashes collided, and boundless sword energy raged, cutting a large area around, leaving a series of incisions.

However, it was only a brief stalemate for a moment, Yunye's slash broke Wald's slash, and the attack continued unabated!

With a 'chi' sound, Wald was directly slashed, and one arm was directly slashed off!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The pain made Wald scream, clutching the wound. , his face was pale.

Yun Ye rushed over, a cold look flashed in his eyes, Yun Ye would not hold back when you were sick and killed you.

But at this time, another figure stood in front of Yun Ye, and slashed at Yun Ye with a sword!

It's Redfield!

Redfield naturally knew that if they didn't break through, the longer they stayed here, the less likely they would be saved.

Therefore, at this moment, he also shot directly.

In addition, it had been a long time since he had fought anyone at the level of the great swordsman, so his hands were a little itchy.

Yunye's face jumped when he heard about it, his expression froze, he stopped suddenly, and blocked with his sword.

With a sound of 'clang', the two swords clashed together!

During the stalemate, Yun Ye looked at this slightly old guy and narrowed his eyes: "Who are you?"

‘Could it be the Red Earl who ate the vampire fruit? ’ Yunye had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure.

In his previous life, he didn't know Red Earl Redfield very well, he just knew that there was such a character.

Another thing is, apart from the characters that appeared in the original book, there are still some criminals whose strength is quite impressive!

For example, in the distance, there was a criminal whose armed color had also reached an advanced stage, repelling many jailers!

Therefore, he cannot determine the identity of the other party.

"My name is Laidfield, but there should be no rumors about me now, right?" Laidfield forcefully pushed Yun Ye back with his hands, and said to Yun Ye.

These legendary characters, the world government, will erase their names, and this is the reason for the Rocks Pirates.

As a legendary pirate, Redfield naturally enjoyed this treatment.

' Sure enough? 'Yunye was sure in his heart, but he said in his mouth: "Red Earl Laidfield, the legendary pirate, a legendary figure who can stand on equal footing with Roger Whitebeard and the Golden Lion by himself, I didn't expect you alive?"

In fact, Yun Ye only knew about this person, but he was not very clear about the specifics.

But if I remember correctly, Redfield seems to have eaten the vampire fruit after escaping from prison?

It also means that he is not a capable person yet.

But Yun Ye can judge from the fight just now that Laidfield is a great swordsman just like him!

"I didn't expect anyone to remember the old man. It seems that our era has not passed!" Redfield said slowly.

"Don't talk big, your era is over long ago, and the future will only be the era of the navy!" Yun Ye looked at Laidfield and said coldly: "I've already buried half of my body in the ground, so why don't you come out and bully others?"

Redfield was not angry, but laughed loudly: "Your mouth is really smart, but you don't know what your strength is. Let me see what the current great swordsman is capable of, Navy brat!"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Yun Ye snorted coldly and charged forward with his sword in hand!

‘Clang clang clang...’

Two strong swordsmen at the level of great swordsmen attacked each other, and a series of terrifying slashes ravaged the audience!

The huge movement naturally couldn't escape the eyes of everyone present.

"It's such a fierce battle, such a sharp slash, are both of them great swordsmen?"

"That Rear Admiral, is that Nightblade? Even the Red Earl can't suppress him?"

Many people on the sixth floor are no strangers to Redfield, but they were surprised to see that a navy could block his attack.

"I can't see through your heart..." The two swords collided again, and Laidfield looked at Yun Ye with a red light in his eyes. He wanted to see through Yun Ye's heart, but found that he couldn't see through it at all. .

"Can you see through people's hearts? It's really scary! But this kind of thing can only be useful to the weak!" Yun Ye said lightly, raised the sword in his hand, and slashed out again.

'Clang! '

Laidfield blocked, and the next moment his right leg swept out, kicking Yun Ye's abdomen.

Yun Ye dodged and slashed down with a sword, and the terrifying sword energy swept across again.

Yun Ye didn't use the ability of Hinlun Wan, but only relied on the realm of the Great Swordsman to fight against Redfield.

"Are all the brats so arrogant now?" Laidfield gave an evil laugh, covering Yun Ye with a domineering look, trying to hinder Yun Ye's actions, and swung out a more ferocious slash.

‘Clang clang clang...’

The duel between the two swordsmanship and swordsmanship was extremely thrilling.

"Yueya Tianchong!" Yun Ye took Laidfield's blow hard, took a step back, his eyes flashed red, and he took a step forward, the silver fibers were covered with thick armed domineering, and he slashed and slashed horizontally!

"Round Slash!" A solemn look flashed in Laidfield's eyes, the pitch-black blade was entwined with overlord-like arrogance, and he hard-pressed Yun Ye's sword!

'boom! '

This time it was no longer the sound of Jin Ge, but a loud noise like thunder!

With this blow, Yun Ye was knocked back, and blessed with a domineering slash, it was extremely terrifying!

"Don't you have a domineering aura? Hehe... It seems that the navy has restricted you! Brat!" Laidfield took advantage of the victory to pursue, and in a flash, he came directly to Yunye's back, and slashed down with a sharp sword.

"So what if you don't have it? I'll kill you!" Yun Ye snorted coldly. He naturally possesses the Overlord Color, but he doesn't plan to use it. Owners of the Overlord Color are all lawless existences. For the navy, having the Overlord Color means It is uncontrollable, and if it is exposed, it is likely to be targeted by the world government.

Without the strength enough to overwhelm everything, Yunye didn't want his navy status to be noticed by the world government. Apart from increasing troubles, there would be no benefit at all!

Yunye turned around, holding the silver thread in his hand.

'Boom! '

There was a roar, and the ground couldn't bear the force of the two people's attacks, and it began to crack inch by inch, and the terrifying cracks spread to the surroundings!

This time, both of them were sent flying by the opponent's attack!

'Tch, the old guy is really can he still have such strength after being locked up? ’ After landing, Yun Ye made a sound, and just about to move, his brows frowned, and his knowledgeable color jumped wildly.

Over there, Kaido rushed towards him at some point.

"Rear Admiral Yeren, be careful!" A navy exclaimed upon seeing this.

"Oh lolo lolo... this is not a one-on-one battle! Navy boy, die for me! Jiang III Yin Naraku!" Kaido jumped into the air, the mace was wrapped with a terrifying domineering look, A stick hit Yun Ye hard!

No need to be reminded, in such a dangerous place, Yun Ye's knowledge is always open, facing Kaido's attack, Yun Ye just snorted coldly, but he didn't dare to be careless: "卍解·大红莲冰轮pill!"

A chill spread out from the edge of his sword, and then, a pair of ice wings appeared behind him, and as the ice flowers twirled, the chill that was not inferior to the green pheasant spread across the audience!

"It's so cold, is it Aokiji?"

"No, no, it's the Rear Admiral."

"There is no doubt that he is a devil fruit capable user!"

"This cold air is not inferior to Aokiji, is it?"

Countless people felt the chill, and thought it was Aokiji's attack again, but when they took a closer look, they found that the source of the cold air was not Aokiji, but that terrifying Rear Admiral!

Redfield on the side also narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking to himself: 'Did this guy not use his full strength when he was fighting me? Devil fruit ability users...'

"Hey, it's really scary, is Major General Ye Ren serious?" Huang Yuan also looked at Yun Ye after fighting.

Those criminals on the sixth floor also looked over, all surprised, that rear admiral is actually a devil fruit ability user?

The great swordsman and the devil fruit are really good for monsters!

On this side, Yun Ye turned around and pointed air at the tip of the sword: "The Flower of the Cross!"

'Crack! '

The cross ice that appeared out of thin air froze Kaido directly in the air without him reacting.

"One knife flow, extreme ice slash!" Yunye erupted suddenly, and a terrifying cold burst out from above the silver fiber, and he stepped forward with one step, directly hitting Kaido.

Yun Ye knew that his blow would not be able to freeze Kaido!

Kaido came back to his senses over there, and with all his strength, cracks appeared in the ice that froze him!

But at this moment, Yun Ye's more terrifying attack had arrived!

With a 'chi' sound, a more terrifying cold burst out, freezing Kaido once again!

"Ahhh, I can't freeze me! Flame Dragon King!" Kaido stared at Yunye in the ice, a heat wave erupted all over his body, coupled with his terrifying strange power, he broke through the ice abruptly!

Kaido grinned and looked at Yun Ye: "Not bad, your strength has actually increased again! But it's not enough!"

He charged at Xiang Yunye again, flames wrapped around the mace, and thunder smashed out!

Yun Ye snorted coldly, and the cold air was also wrapped around his hands, colliding with it!

'Boom! '

'Boom boom boom...'

The two fought together in an instant, and the terrifying power swept out!

"You're right, this isn't one-on-one, Kaido!" Over there, Aokiji leaped over, and an ice spear appeared behind him, charging towards Kaido!

"I'm on guard against you!" Kaido laughed, turned around and threw a terrifying punch, blasting the ice spear!

On the other side, the yellow ape pierced Caitlina with one finger, and Caitlina vomited blood and flew backwards.

Facing the general's strength, she could only resist briefly, but after a long time, she fell into a disadvantage.

Caitlinna wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said loudly, "If we don't break out, we will all die here!"

They are all just out of trouble not long ago, and their strength is not at the peak, but the enemy is powerful one by one, and they are all at the level of generals. If they continue to fight, they will definitely lose!

"Barrett, where do you want to go?" On the other side, Shiliu, who fought with Barrett, was also wounded. Barrett's strength was beyond his imagination. The power that Barrett erupted was so terrifying.

Even he suffered a disadvantage.

Barrett knocked Shiliu back with one blow, so he was no longer fighting with him.

"Hey, this situation is a bit wrong now..." Barrett also had wounds on his body, but he didn't care, and let the blood flow down. I couldn't help frowning.

Their offensive has been suppressed by the navy and the jailers, and it has already shown signs of decline.

The main reason is that they do not have the advantage in terms of the strong, and they are beaten!

Wald clutched his broken arm, his face was extremely cold, he said: "Pierce through the ceiling directly, I will use my fruit ability to strengthen your attack, and it should be able to directly penetrate the ceiling!"

Redfield glanced at Yunye, narrowed his eyes, and came to Walder's side and said, "Use your fruit ability to enhance my slash, and I'll break the ceiling of the upper two floors!"

"Okay!" Wald nodded without hesitation.

"Yo yo, do you think we didn't hear?" With a flash of golden light, the yellow ape appeared and struck at several people.

"Leave the yellow ape to me, you go and pierce the ceiling!" Barrett grinned, stepped in front of the golden light, and smashed the golden light with his fists!

"Let me be your opponent! Kizaru!" Barrett stepped on his feet, and a terrifying force erupted, causing the ground to collapse. With this force, he also rushed directly towards Kizaru.

"Here comes another big man! Descendant of the devil, Barrett!" A solemn look flashed in the eyes of the yellow monkey, and the golden light in his hand turned into a lightsaber, and rushed out likewise!

The battle broke out!

"Then don't waste time!" Redfield glanced at him and said directly to Wald. At the same time, he also had a terrifying sword force on his body. He shouted and swung his sword towards the ceiling: "Where to cut!" !"

"Momo increase!"

With the two joining forces, the most terrifying sword erupted!

But when the two of them swung this blow, their bodies shook at the same time, and blood overflowed from their mouths!

Wald wanted to strengthen the great swordsman's slash, but the fruit ability was too much, and his body couldn't bear it.

The same was true for Redfield. He felt as if his sword-wielding arm was about to collapse, and he was still trembling slightly!

But the two teamed up, and the slash that erupted was also very terrifying!

This sword energy was almost a thousand meters long, and the terrifying fluctuations swept out instantly, causing countless people to look this way.

All the people who saw this scene changed their faces. They couldn't resist such an attack!

Fortunately, the target of this sword is not them, but the ceiling!

With a sound of '嗤', the slash cut down, like cutting through tofu on the wall, and then, the slash kept going upwards, directly piercing through everything on it!

Until it disappears into the sky...

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