One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 125 My lord is the Quincy Master...

Chambord Islands.

Island number seven.

Night bar.

With the support of the billion Baileys blackmailed by Yunye, after a period of development, the Yese Bar, which was already the boss, has grown again, and its power has a faint tendency to spread to other islands.

But also because of the rapid development, the navy is also eyeing them...

However, at this moment, Ye Qi suddenly received a call from Yun Ye.

In the night bar, all the top leaders of the night killer organization gathered here.

"Yeah, I see, my lord, we will rush to the new world in a while!" Ye Qi nodded, a slightly serious expression appeared on her pretty face.

'A new world...'

While hanging up the phone, Ye Qi had longing and admiration on his face.

She also read the previous newspaper, and the reputation of Quincy spread throughout the world!

Even those big pirates in the new world can compete!

Originally, Ye Xing still had some resistance in his heart to Yun Ye's strong acceptance of them as his subordinates, but now it seems that joining the Quincy's camp would be a wise choice...

At least, they have a backer...

Seeing Ye Qi hang up the phone, Allen asked cautiously: "Boss, do you have any instructions from your lord?"

Ye Qi nodded and said: "Yes, my lord told us to go to Moon Night Island in the New World."

"Moon Night Island in the new world, the headquarters of Wangxu Hall! Your lord's sphere of influence!" Alan showed an excited look on his face. He also looked forward to the new world very much, but he often heard people on the island say, what is the new world like? How dangerous, how scary are the pirates there.

He was a little afraid to go there.

It's not that Ye Qi didn't think about going to the new world in the past, but she still has self-knowledge, knowing that there is only one result of going to the new world with their strength, a narrow escape.

But now, the place they are going to is the territory of the King Quincy of the Dark World, that is, the territory of their boss!

Apart from those "Four Emperors", who else would dare to provoke the Quincy?

We all know that Quincy is a lunatic, only those who are not afraid of death or arrogant dare to provoke such an existence!

In short, not only is there no danger for them to go to the new world now, but they also have a backer, an incomparably huge backer!

Ye Qi seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became a little weird: "Oh, yes, the boss also said that if you want to find someone to put on the film, go to the rip-off bar on the 13th island to find a film coater named Lao Lei. The boss said he The workmanship is very good, very reliable…”

Ye Qi was very puzzled, why the old assembly highly respected a coater, and even praised this old Lei for his good craftsmanship...

"Do you know who this old Lei is?" Ye Qi looked at all the younger brothers below.

The younger brothers looked at each other, and one of them suddenly raised his hand: "Boss, he seems to be a film coater. I also heard that his craft is very good. Many people want to go to sea and ask him to go there for film coating."

"Rip-off bar?"

"I heard that the things there are very dark, and the proprietress is also a black-hearted businessman."

'black merchant? ’ Ye Qi murmured in his heart, and then said: "Okay, it's still early in the morning, let everyone check the supplies and prepare to go. We will go to Island 13 to find this coater named Lao Lei."

In this way, a group of people walked towards the thirteenth island.


Island Thirteen.

Rip off the bar.

Xia Qi also held a newspaper in her hand, looked at Lei Li who was drinking, and exhaled a puff of smoke. Xia Qi said, "This is the little brother Quincy you mentioned before?"

There was an inexplicable gleam in Lei Li's eyes behind his glasses, and he said with a smile, "This kid is really capable. It's only been a while since he's been in the New World, and he's made such a big commotion!"

Xia Qi nodded approvingly: "Well, he is a troublemaker."

After a pause, Xia Qi continued: "It seems that even without your help, it is possible for him to escape under Huang Yuan's hands."

At that time, after a short fight with Huang Yuan, Lei Li found an opportunity to slip away!

Based on his experience, it is relatively easy to hide his breath from being perceived by the color of knowledge.

With a little trickery, Lei Li quietly retreated...

Lei Li smiled, and said: "This kid is very vengeful. This is to suppress him with domineering looks before taking revenge on me. Hehe...he is a thorn in the head!"

Lei Li's sense of knowledge is also very keen. Although he knew that Yun Ye deliberately dragged him into the water, he didn't have too much malice. Instead, there was a sense of mischief in it...

So Raleigh didn't care too much about it, but more importantly, he thought that Yun Ye had something to do with Roger...

"Do you know his specific identity?" Xia Qi asked suddenly.

She also heard from Raleigh that the Quincy may have something to do with Roger...

Lei Li shook his head lightly: "I don't know, this kid is very mysterious, but he must have something to do with Roger to be able to say such a thing, otherwise it would be impossible to know such details..."

After all, Lei Li is not a god, and naturally it is impossible to know that Yun Ye traveled through time and knew most of the secrets in the world of pirates...

Until now, he still thinks that Yun Ye is someone from Roger...

"Beihai was born, but it has something to do with Roger... Hehe, this little guy has a lot of secrets!" Xia Qi blew out a smoke ring, dragging her chin and leaning on the wine table.

Holding Yun Ye's reward order in the other hand, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Rayleigh smiled, did not speak, took a sip from the small flagon in his hand, and there were no simple people related to Roger.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then it was pushed open.

The doors of the bar are all automatic doors that open with a slight push.


The two became curious at the same time. At this time, the bar hadn't opened yet.

In addition, this bar is notorious, except for some regular customers who come here to seek information from the proprietress Xia Qi, it is impossible for ordinary people to come here.

Then, they saw a beautiful woman with long legs wearing a black and gold tight dress, outlining her perfect figure, stepping on a pair of black boots, and walking in: "That... Is Lao Lei, the film coater, here? I'm here Find Lao Lei's coating!"

It was none other than Ye Qi.

Lei Li's eyes flashed, and he looked at Ye Qi: "Little girl, who told you that Lao Lei is here?"

Many people know Lao Lei, a film coater, and know his superb craftsmanship, but no one knows where Lao Lei lives.

Lao Lei can only be found where he works!

So here comes the question, how did the little girl in front of me know that he was in the rip-off bar on Island 13?

Xia Qi also looked at it with great interest, and Ye Qi's information appeared in her heart: "Ye Qi, the boss behind Island No. 7, a member of the killer organization..."

Ye Qi didn't know why, but felt her whole body tremble, as if being oppressed by something.

She had experienced this feeling before, and it was experienced in Yun Ye!

In an instant, she realized that the two people in front of her were definitely big shots!

"That... that, it was my lord who asked me to find you for coating." Ye Qi said cautiously.

Lei Li restrained his momentum and looked at Ye Qi: "Who is your lord?"

Ye Qi was obviously relieved, and said cautiously: "My lord is the Quincy Master..."

Xia Qi and Lei Li: "..."

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