Charlotte Lingling rushed out from the ground, furious, and roared loudly: "Mask brat! You damn bastard, I won't let you go!"

However, looking around, where is Yun Ye?

Jianwenshi couldn't sense Quincy's aura, and immediately realized that Quincy had escaped!

How dare this damned guy treat her like this!

Charlotte Lingling was furious. It's been a long time, she can't remember how long she hasn't been so angry!

Extremely angry, she directly found trouble with Whitebeard.

An old woman's hysterical roar came from behind, Yun Ye ignored it and drove the boat away.

In the field, another battle broke out.

Among the Whitebeard Pirates, a deeply hidden person was looking at the direction where Yun Ye disappeared, his eyes flashed, and he said to himself: "Is the elemental fruit... It looks like it's well developed... However, Dad's fruit is stronger...'

"Gu la la la, Lingling, you are really embarrassed like this!" White Beard laughed loudly, and punched him.

"Shut up, Newgate! Since that guy has escaped, I will let you bear my wrath!" Charlotte Lingling roared angrily, slashing Napoleon in her hand.

'Boom! '

There was another violent wave in the arena...

The battle lasted for a day and a night before it came to an end!


A few days later, Yun Ye returned to his Wangxu Palace headquarters, which is Moon Night Island.

After Yun Ye left, White Beard and the members of the Big Mom Pirates fought for another day and night before finally deciding the winner.

Both sides suffered injuries, and finally the Big Mom Pirates retreated and the curtain came to an end.

The newspaper of the news agency was rushing to draft the manuscript, and the president of Morgens personally wrote the manuscript, and within a day, spread this shocking news through Newsbird!

[The Battle of Sibeia Island ended, the war involving two "Four Emperors" ended with the retreat of Aunt Charlotte Lingling...

During this period, the newly promoted King Destroyer entered the battlefield, first against Katakuri, the leader of the generals, and then against the aunt Charlotte Lingling!

During the battle, Quincy burst out with enough strength to fight against Charlotte Lingling, shocking everyone present!

After the world government learned of the news, it was also shocked, and the danger level of the Quincy was raised again!

A man with a bounty of one billion! Destroyer!

A bounty of one billion Baileys is extremely rare in the new world. Only those pirates at the level of the "Four Emperors" have such a high bounty! 】

The name "Four Emperors" had already been called the four great pirates before, but it hadn't been widely spread and was recognized by most people.

It was Yun Ye who said this title on the battlefield, and Morgans heard it and passed it on through the newspaper.

Because of this, the name "Four Emperors" referring to the four big pirates was completely determined!

It was a while earlier than the original!

It is also because of this battle that the Quincy's prestige in the new world is even stronger!

A monster capable of fighting Big Mom!

Although he was at a disadvantage, no one dared to underestimate the newly promoted King of the Dark World!

Even the bounty has been increased to one billion!



Doflamingo tightly squeezed the newspaper in his hand, his face uncertain.

Diamanti also held a newspaper in his hand, and said with emotion: "The strength of the Quincy seems to be getting stronger..."

When he saw Quincy for the first time, he felt that he didn't have this strength. Although he crushed himself and defeated Doflamingo, he could see at that time that Yun Ye's strength was the upper limit!

But after entering the great route and entering the new world, the strength of the Quincy seems to be getting stronger day by day!

Now there is news that they can fight against aunt Charlotte Lingling, which shocks everyone!

The bounty of one billion is the fear of the world government for the terrifying power of the Quincy!

After listening to Diamanti's words, all the cadres present nodded in approval.

They also know something about the Quincy Master.

At this time, baby5, who was still a little lolita, looked at the dignified expressions of several cadres, and said weakly: "The Quincy...isn't he our ally?"

Hearing this, many cadres were stunned for a while, and then there were strange smiles on their faces.

Doflamingo's eyes flashed, and he said with an inexplicable smile: "Oh, yes, we are allies..."

Although they are an alliance on the surface, only a few top cadres know that their alliance with Quincy is too fragile and can be torn up at any time!

Now there is news that the Quincy can fight Charlotte Lingling.

Doflamingo is also very troublesome, if there is another alliance like Kaido...

Their Don Quixote family can't bear it...


dark world.

At this time, several dark kings also looked shocked, shocked by this news.

Moreover, they began to think about how to deal with the famous king, the Quincy!

After knowing that the Quincy has the strength to counter Charlotte Lingling, they dare not be careless anymore...

A bad one may put their forces in danger, or even be destroyed...


new world.

On an island where the Red Hair Pirates are stationed.

At this time they are throwing a banquet.

A feast to celebrate their victory!

Their Red Hair Pirates won the battle with the Hundred Beasts Pirates and became the "Four Emperors"!

The atmosphere of the Red Hair Pirates is a bit different from other pirates, they don't have too many levels here.

Beckman took a puff of cigarette before saying, "It seems that a real king is about to usher in the dark world!"

The Quincy slashed at the Dark World for the first time, and many people guessed his inner thoughts.

That is to unify the entire dark world!

Otherwise, it is impossible for a strong man of the level of Quincy to just want to be a mere cockroach in the dark world.

The redhead took a sip of the wine and said with a smile: "That's fine, the new world has finally stabilized. If there is another "emperor", the balance will be broken. Maybe the Quincy also saw this."

Jesus Bu suddenly curled his lips and said, "This guy is a restless master. He has caused so many troubles just after he entered the new world. I don't think he will just live in the dark world."

"Hahaha, it's true, this guy is very fierce! He directly broke into the battlefield between White Beard and Big Mom, but he was extremely arrogant!"

"That crazy woman Charlotte Lingling suffered such a big loss, but she won't let it go, she will definitely take this anger on him."

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