After listening to Weiss, Jiang Feng nodded.

No matter who is in the universe, a parallel universe is generated every time it passes through space. If it is not processed in time, it will indeed cause the entire Supreme Space to fall into chaos.

Jiang Feng remembers that in the original work, the future Buma also made a time machine, allowing Tennánks to ride the time machine, crossed over time and space when Goku was still alive, and told them about humanoids.

Trunks gave Goku the special effects he brought from the future. He wanted Goku to survive, and defeated the Cyborg with other Z fighters, thus changing his World.

But how can Tennex think that he crossed over space and time just came to a parallel universe, and that the future of this world will change without affecting their space and time.

But once the parallel universe is created, ordinary methods can’t make it disappear at all!

In the original work, Zamas killed the king of the kingdom, snatched the ring of time, looked for the super Divine Dragon to make a wish, and even led to the creation of 3 parallel universes …

But in the process, he not at all saw the Supreme God in Weiss’s mouth appear to erase the parallel universe.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng turned to Weis with doubtful eyes: “Mr. Weis, has this Supreme God not been in a long time!”

“En! How do you know?” Weiss looked at Jiang Feng with a surprised look.

In this regard, Jiang Feng is just a shallow Issho, without explaining anything.

He can’t always say that he is a crossed over, he hasn’t seen it in Dragon Ball anime, is this Supreme Spirit who masters time and space?

“The Supreme God, who has mastered time and space, has disappeared for 100 years. During this period, the Supreme Space has produced many parallel worlds. Without that adult to erase these parallel worlds, the entire Supreme Space is in danger!”

“Now there are more than a dozen parallel worlds in Supreme Space, all believe oneself infallible in the universe. It is caused by the abuse of time and space energy, and these parallel worlds are not very stable inside. Some may collapse soon. “

“Although these guys who abuse the energy of time and space have got their duement, but the parallel worlds they have produced have not disappeared!”

Weis’s face was positive, and then the topic said: “If Parallel World collapses, it will not be a trivial matter. Even the universe of the Lord World will suffer, and there will be 100000000 million 100000000 lives lost. The entire Supreme Space, also Only the entire Sir Wang and Lord Dragon God and their direct reports can survive! “

Hearing this, Jiang Feng’s eyes changed slightly. Those who can survive in Weiss’s mouth should be those who manage the universe outside the universe.

The direct reports of the king are a group of angels, including Archangel and Weiss. The power of the dragon god is unknown, but it should be some Divine Dragon!

But all the parallel worlds collapse, and the main world will collapse too. This is too terrifying. Think of World Great Annihilation, there are more than a dozen kings in the entire Supreme Space, a dozen dragon gods, and a dozen Archangel … … just a chill!

“What about the god of space at that time? Didn’t another god of space and time arise when the parallel universe was created?” Jiang Feng curiously asked, after hearing Weiss said so much, he had wanted to ask this question long ago.

“No, no god of time and space!”

Weiss paused, continuing: “Time and Space Strength is the most mysterious and forbidden Strength in the world. Except for the god who masters the rule of time and space, all life lives in time and space.

Including all Sir Wang and Lord Dragon God!

Because Supreme Space itself is a time space, and once the extra time and space are generated, it is very easy to generate some distorted or some about to collapse world, so space-time travel will be strictly forbidden by the gods! “

Hearing this, Jiang Feng touched the tip of his nose. It seems that he came here across time and space. If the god of time and space wants to erase the parallel world, this parallel world will also be erased.

How do you feel that the creatures of this world will disappear, all of them?

“Why does Mr. Navis want me to be recognized by Time Rule?” Jiang Feng asked again.

“The God of Time and Space has not appeared in 100 years, neither Lord Dragon God nor all Sir Wang can find him! Long time ago, 2 adults wanted to find a trainee God of Time and Space! But although the universe of Supreme Space is numerous, But there are few creatures with time talent! So far, 2 adults have not found a suitable candidate! “

“Only if the soul is approved by the time rule, it is possible to contact the time and space rule and get the recognition of the time and space rule! And I want you to be recognized by the time rule, and I want to introduce you to 2 adults!”

“It’s a pity! You chose to destroy Rule in the Level 5 Temple!” Weiss shook his head in disappointment.

“It’s really a shame! I believe that Mr. Weiss will find a more suitable person soon!” Jiang Feng raised his hand and touched his hair said with a smile, his face not at all disappointed.

After hearing so much, he flatly would not tie himself to a parallel world. In this space-time, there is no chance to understand the space-time Rule, which does not mean that he did not have it in the original space-time.

With his knowledge of the strength of time, he thinks he will never be worse than beings in other universes.

“Everyone had only one chance, but now I can give you another chance to go to the Level 5 Temple to realize the time Rule!”

Weiss asked impatiently again to start to talk. UU Reading Book

About this! Jiang Feng was determined and showed a very unconcerned look.


“Don’t really think about it? If you become trainee, you will be able to walk across the entire space!”

“Thank you Mr. Weiss for your appreciation! But the ingenuity that I feel below is not enough to get the recognition of Time Rule!”

Weiss kept asking, as soon as Jiang Feng shrugged off, Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed at last: “Mr. Weiss, let’s talk about this later! When can my fight with Master Billus begin? ? Believe Master Billus must be looking forward to it too! “

“En! At any time, although your current Strength is not enough to defeat Lord Billus, it is possible to start an unprecedented battle with Billus!” Weiss looked seriously at Jiang Feng, lightly saying.

“Mr. Weiss can tell the next, how much is the gap between the next and the adult Billus, the equivalent of destroying God’s strength?”

This problem, Jiang Feng generally knows that the original work mentioned that the super blue is equivalent to 80% of the strength of Bilus, and he is an ancient super Saiyan god. Strength exceeds super blue, which should be equivalent to 90 of the destruction god Strength. More than%, infinitely close to 1%!

If it was put before, he would naturally not ask this kind of question, and it would be nothing more than looking for abuse, but since turning into the ancient Super Saiyan God, he has a confidence in his heart, and has a faint idea of ​​comparing with the destructive Billus .

:. :

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