“You guy is finally back!”

He predicted that the fish’s eyes were on Jiang Feng, and the little tentacle did not forget to feed the barbecue into his mouth.

Weiss also turned to Jiang Feng, slightly surprised, showing a faint smile, and then continued to taste his food. He waited until after eating the barbecue in his hand, and was satisfied that moved towards Jiang Feng said: “Nice, your super race The Asian god is very restrained and full, and it feels like you have reached the new bottleneck period! “

Jiang Feng said with a faint smile: “Mr. Weiss has good eyesight. He has reached the new bottleneck. Unfortunately, at this step, I don’t know how long it will take to get out! Compared to the previous way of ascending the god, the later step is Divine Dao The road is more difficult! “

“Mr. Weiss! I don’t know if there is any way to get me to the real Pantheon?” Jiang Feng looked towards Weis with a gaze.

Now the 50th stage Divine Stage’s dimensional pressure is not enough to stimulate his dimensional level improvement. To improve the dimensional level, he needs more intense stimulation, and Divine Stage above 51st stage is the best choice.

Weis took a deep look at Jiang Feng and shook his head slowly said: “The real Pantheon is in the highest space in which Sir Wang lives, and the general God in the universe is not qualified to be summoned by all Sir Wang, even the God of Destruction. Lord Ruth has never seen all of Sir Wang since the birth of the Seventh Universe! “

“Really?” There was a touch of disappointment in Jiang Feng eyes.

Although he had expected that traveling to Pantheon would not be so easy, when he really heard the answer, he would inevitably feel a sense of disappointment.

“Actually, I wanted to introduce you to all Sir Wang, but unfortunately you chose to destroy the rule instead of the time rule in the Level 5 shrine!” Weiss shook his head, saying meaningfully.

“En! Is there any connection between the two? What does Mr. Weiss’ words seem to mean?” Jiang Feng stared at Weiss with a puzzled expression.

“In fact, whether it ’s the seventh universe or the other universe exists in one space, we call it the Supreme Space! And there are three Supreme Gods in the Supreme Space, one is the dragon god who holds the universe and the other is The King who rules the disappearance of the universe, and there is a person who is the Supreme God who rules time and space! “

“Dragon Divine Palm holds the power of creation in the world. All universes are created by him. The Strength mastered by the King is used for the Destruction Universe. The last Supreme God is mainly responsible for managing time and space!”

“Every time you cross over space and time in the universe, a parallel universe is created, and the parallel universe is exactly the same as everything in the original universe. Once the parallel universe is born, even all Sir Wang and Lord Dragon God have no way! “

“The dragon Divine Palm holds the power of creativity and will not say much. It cannot be used for the Destruction Universe at all. Although the whole Sir Wang can destroy the parallel universe, he cannot kill the parallel universe itself and the dragon god of the parallel universe!”

“This leads to the birth of a parallel universe, a full Sir Wang and an adult dragon god.”

“Think about it, if a few full Sir Wangs are arguing, I am afraid that all cosmic creatures in the entire Supreme Space will be destroyed!”

“And Lord God, who is in charge of time and space, can erase the existence of the parallel universe!”

“For example, time is moving towards one direction. You can think of it as a line. Once crossed over time and space, another time line will be born. But God, who is in charge of time and space, can wipe this extra time line. Get rid of it! “

Weiss looked at Jiang Feng,

Slowly revealed the little-known secrets in the universe, and forgot to enjoy the delicious barbecue.

“Supreme God?” Jiang Feng eyes flashed a surprised look. Although he already knew that there was a higher level of God, didn’t expect a full 3 positions.

Just now, Weis seems to have said that the matter of erasing the parallel universe, is there really a God who can erase the parallel universe?

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng heart shivered with cold, secretly rejoicing that he was not greedy, in the special space of the Level 5 shrine, he also took time Rule and Space Rule together!

If you get these two gods, you will become a high-level God in this parallel universe. Maybe at some point, you will be wiped out by that god.

That’s true, I don’t even know when I die!

So the question is coming, why did Weiss say this to himself? Could it be related to the one in Weiss’s mouth, the Supreme God who masters time and space?

“Mr. Weiss told these big secrets, I don’t know what I want to understand? Wouldn’t it be the time and space God who wants to be the 7th universe!”

Jiang Feng looked curiously at Weiss, and started to talk with a smile and asked, let alone mention that when he became the supreme God, there was really a little excitement in his heart.

When he first came out of the Temple of Ascension and heard that Weiss mentioned something about the high-end God of the Seventh Universe, he understood that Weiss had intentionally opened the Temple of Ascension for him.

In order to allow him to understand a universe rule and become the high-level God of the seventh universe, now it seems that Weiss hopes that he can understand the time rule.

“Hahaha! Becoming the Space-Time God of the Seventh Universe, impossible! No matter in which universe, it is impossible to have a high-level God who masters space-time!”

Weiss said with a smile. He snatched a barbecue from the gourmet tree and smelled it. There was a flash of light in his eyes. “You should not see the rule of time and space in the special space of the Level 5 shrine?”

“En!” Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. Weiss was right. In the special Rule Space that he was transferred by the light, not at all, he saw a planet made of Time and Space Strength.

There is a planet formed by the strength of Time and a planet formed by the force of Space.

Is there a reason for this?

As soon as Jiang Feng was thinking, the barbecue in Weiss’s hand had been fed into his mouth, and his face showed a very satisfied expression.

“This World is only a person, Time and God, that person! Others’ use of Time and Space Strength is forbidden!”

“The only way in the universe to use Time and Space Strength crossed over time and space is to use the time ring created by that adult! And each time ring is kept by the gods of the universe …”

“But even if the gods of the world can use the time ring, they can only watch the past and the future through time and space, and cannot change time and space!”

“If you just look at the past and the future as a passerby, you will not generate a parallel universe, but a parallel universe is very easy to produce. Even if it is glanced at by people from the past and the future, it is possible to create a parallel universe!”

“Once the parallel universe is created, the time ring created by that adult will react and split an emerald ring. Afterwards, you need to give this ring to that adult and let that adult destroy the parallel universe!”

Weiss spoke seriously, Jiang Feng listened carefully, and God of Dragon Ball World had strict control over time and space.

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