In the distant Star River, the planet Salitan!

Soon after Jiang Feng left, Saiyans who fled from the planet of Vegeta began to explore everything on the planet of Salitane in 4 places. In their opinion, they are likely to survive on this planet in the future, so it is necessary to observe this planet.

There are no living things on the planet. For a short time, the Saiyans only opened a few potholes on the tall icebergs to provide shelter for female Saiyans and Saiyan children.

The events on Vegeta’s planet have greatly affected these Saiyans. The male Saiyans are unwilling and angry, and they have been fighting in the world of ice and snow and doing various exercises.

The harsh climate of the Sultan planet turned into a great place for Saiyan cultivation, and the ice-cold environment can stimulate them to improve Strength.

They know that their Strength is too weak. If they have a Strength that can match Frieza, they don’t need to hide in the east to hide in this low-level planet that no one cares about.

In the stone cave halfway up the mountain, Hine and Assel stood in front of the cave and looked into the distance. They looked in the direction of Vegeta planet.

“Assel, why don’t you say they’re not back yet? Couldn’t it be an accident?” Himechi asked worriedly moved towards Assel.

Jiang Feng has the ability to move instantly. They all know that they were moved to the Salitan planet in an instant, but now it has been more than an hour!

Did something happen? Did they encounter Frieza and was stopped on the way?

Himei had a fantasy in her heart!

“Relax! Himechi! They will be fine, but the guy will move instantly. Even if they meet Frieza, I don’t think they can stop them in an instant!” Ah Sale put his hands on Hine’s shoulders, comforting Hine.

In fact, Jiang Feng and Broly Jr. returned to the planet Vegeta for a long time and did not return. Assel also felt very strange, but only when he saw a worried look, these doubts were not raised in his mind. .

She knew that talking too much would only make Hine’s thoughts about that’s all.

Just when 2 people guessed.

In the sky, each and everyone suddenly appeared transparent balls wrapped by the Space barrier, and these shiny transparent balls made Saiyan stop and wait and see.

Immediately after the Space barrier disappeared, a silhouette of each and everyone black fell, and some Saiyans fell directly to the ground, while others floated in the sky and looked around vigilantly.

“Yi! Those who seem to be Saiyans, how could they appear here!” The face of Saiyans practicing in the snow changed slightly, and all moved towards the place where the silhouette fell.

Seeing this scene, Hine and Assel looked happy, and quickly moved towards where the silhouette appeared.

In a forest surrounded by ice, hundreds of Saiyans either floated on top of the forest or fell into the woods. As most of them were seriously injured, they could not help being frowned in the face of cold winds.

“Where is it here?”

“Aren’t we on the planet Vegeta? Why did you suddenly appear here?”

“The environment here is obviously not the planet Vegeta,

We are not ready in Vegeta planet. “

A few Saiyans looked around and confirmed that this is no longer Vegeta planet. As for why they appeared here, no one could say clearly.

“Browley! This is the planet you left before leaving the planet of Vegeta!” Giles said after observing all around moved towards Broly.

“En!” Broly lightly nodded, his eyes continually glanced around, but he didn’t at all find the person he was looking for.

“Strange! What about Maple Sensei!” Little Browley murmured with anxiety on his face.

At the last moment on the planet Vegeta, he clearly saw the changes in the planet Vegeta. It is no surprise that the strange-looking guy really destroyed the planet Vegeta!

Thinking of this, Broly’s little face was even more worried!

At this time, a group of Saiyans observed a large number of silhouettes scattered from the other side of the mountain in the distance. Those people were also wearing a tight combat suit, but it appeared that the combat suit was brand new.

Notice the brown tail on the opposite side behind. These Saiyans who have just arrived on the planet of Salitan have turned wild.

“Isaiah, they are also Saiyan! How can there be other Saiyans on this planet! And they look so familiar!”

I don’t know which Saiyan shouted, all Saiyans set their sights on the distance. After seeing clearly that the opposite side is also Saiyan, they could not help but relax, but their eyes were still full of doubts.

“Broly! Badak!” Ginny looked so happy and flew from the distant in the sky to Broly’s side. At this moment, Badak was lying beside Broly.

“Kruga! Giles! You two are alive! Very good!” Assel came to the surviving members of the Badak squad casually said.

“What about that guy!” Assel came here, not at all to see Jiang Feng’s silhouette, curiously asked.

“I don’t know! Vegeta planet was destroyed when we came! But that guy has time to move us away from Vegeta planet, he must have a way to leave! Wait!” Said.

Hearing this, whether it is the Saiyan who has just arrived on the planet of Salitan, or the first Saiyan who came here, is ugly complexion silent.

“Did Frieza do it?”


“What, not Frieza? Who is that?”

Assel looked startled. It wasn’t Frieza who destroyed Vegeta’s planet. Who did their Saiyans mess with? So much terrifying deposit to follow!


Secluded Universe Space!

Vegeta’s planet under the Destruction Strength of Bilus, UU Reading is like a huge firework, after the last light blooms, it disappears from the universe sadly.

In the cosmic space, the huge Vegeta planet suddenly disappeared. Except for the surviving Soldier of Frieza Legion and the Saiyan who was transferred to the Salitan planet by Jiang Feng, no civilization knows that the fighting nation Saiyan has perished. News.

I believe many civilizations will be relieved after knowing the news.

At this moment, Vegeta planet is no longer there, but the three silhouettes still stay in the Space where Vegeta planet is located.

Jiang Feng thought of it, removed the Space barrier surrounding the body, and looked at Billus and Weiss with solemn eyes.

Sure enough, where Virus exists, Vis spends most of its time, just now Vis was also on the planet Vegeta, but for some other reasons, Vis did not appear at the same time as Vilus at the same time That’s all in front of myself!

In the face of Billus, his Space Ability is barely useful, but in the face of Weiss’s Space Ability is not enough.

Pirate of Marine Tyrant Fist

Pirate’s Marine Tyrant Fist https: //

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