“Although your divine power is not strong, it’s better than those ordinary Gods! You even know how to hide your breath. Unlike those savage monkeys, you only know how to display combat power and release body energy stupidly!”

In the destruction of Divine Eyes, the Saiyan’s behavior of not converging energy is like showing off. Obviously, Strength is a mess, but there is only a combat power value in his eyes!

And Jiang Feng’s convergence is not just high-level spiritual pressure, which is the divine power in Billus’s mouth, but also the energy breath of the body, which is the gas in Goku’s mouth!

“Many thanks Lord Billus praise!” Jiang Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Billus lighted up, and asked with great interest, “Do you even know the name of God?”

“I know the King of the North, and I have heard of the Lord Billus from the mouth of the King, and the King of the North also warned that if you meet Lord Must, treat him with courtesy, you must not offend Billus. Adult … “At this time, Jiang Feng could only arbitrarily arbitrarily push the origin of Billus onto the King of the North.

“en! Not bad!”

Billus is nodded and in a very good mood. 1000 wears 10000 and wears horse butt. Jiang Feng’s words are very useful.

“Hey! Who is this guy? Wouldn’t it be the Soldier of Frieza Legion? Although I don’t know which planet is your strange-looking creation! But if it is Frieza Legion’s person, then die Come on! “

One’s rough voice came, and suddenly the atmosphere was frozen.

Jiang Feng suddenly “ge-deng” in his heart, knowing that the major event is not good. The last person who talked to Ruth like this has become the dust of the universe with his mother star.

“Oh! Strange creature, your Saiyan monkeys are getting more and more arrogant. This planet will disappear from the universe forever!”

Birus’s face was instantly covered with dark clouds, and he became sober, his voice was very indifferent. Golden’s eyes did not have a trace of emotion, but Jiang Feng was shocked by what he said.


Frieza hasn’t started yet! Vegeta planet is about to be destroyed in the hands of Billus!

Jiang Feng only felt that a cold chill hit his heart, and the whole body’s hairs suddenly stood up. He who knew Billus’s character naturally knew that Billus stood by one’s word and said that destroying Vegeta planet would destroy Vegeta planet!

If Billus wants to destroy a planet, it is just a matter of flicking his fingers. When the time comes, although he won’t be injured by the destructive power of the planet explosion, Broly and the others can’t escape the fate of death. .

Jiang Feng quickly said to Billus, “Master Billus, these Saiyans did not even know that you existed, and they offended you so please don’t take it to heart!”

Bilus looked cold and stared at the golden eyes. The strong Kamui suddenly reduced the surrounding temperature by dozens of degrees.

“Since you know the name of your own god, then you should know how to destroy God’s behavior and insult the god. This is not a thing that can be forgiven.

Saiyan and this planet will disappear from the universe together! “

Speaking of purple light glittering on the finger, a small purple energy ball appeared, and there were several circles of crystal bright light around the purple energy ball rotating around the energy ball hua hua.

This is a super energy ball that can destroy the entire Vegeta planet in one fell swoop!

See the little Sakino-colored energy ball on Destructor’s finger!

Jiang Feng’s pupils suddenly tightened. He had God’s Force. It could be said to be a God, but the ordinary Saiyan in Birus could not feel it, but he could clearly feel it.

The devil God’s Strength is full of aura of destruction and tyranny that makes people trembling in fear.

Sure enough, Devil Billus even used Destruction Strength at this time. This is really a plan to destroy Vegeta planet!

Jiang Feng saw that the boat was ready, his brain was spinning fast, and his mind moved the Space barrier to immediately surround the Saiyans. Of course, except for the act recklessly, he annoyed the guy of Beruth, he wanted to move the others directly to Sali Tan Star.

As for the guy who provoked Billus, Jiang Feng didn’t dare to move, and saved this guy Billus absolutely and irreconcilable.

Billus did not hesitate to shoot directly, and flew into the air looking at the ice-cold planet at Vegeta, an energy ball little by little gliding with purple rays of light close to the ground.

As it continued to descend, the atmosphere began to turbulent, and the invisible air waves around the Level 1 layer seemed to be drained by the sea, sweeping across all directions.

Soon, the energy bomb finally broke through the ground and suddenly hit the earth’s crust. Immediately hōng lòng’s boom stunned the starry sky, and the surface was suddenly splashed with countless huge lava pillars of up to several thousand meters, and the plate burst in this brief moment.

In fact, at the moment when the energy bomb of Birus fell, Vegeta’s ending was already doomed.

With the sound of one after another kāchā, the earth ’s core swelled immediately, and the planet began to expand sharply. At this time, the energy of terrifying was intensifying, and the Vegeta planet was already entering the countdown to destruction.

However, at the moment of the Earth’s core Shatter, the hard Space barrier of each and everyone included the surrounding Saiyans.

Mobility started, Saiyans surrounded by Space barriers disappeared in the moment when the planet exploded!


Secluded Universe Space!

Vegeta’s planet looks like a huge firework. After blooming the last light, it finally disappears from the universe sadly. With it, it also annihilates the formidable Saiyan family.

Of course, this is the perception of most civilizations in the universe.

The huge waves caused by the explosion of Vegeta planet directly lifted all the cosmic spaceships surrounding Felisha Legion.

Many of these universe spaceships have been affected. uukanshu.com was destroyed by the aftermath of the explosion.

At this time, the circular universe spaceship that Frieza was riding on, swayed in the universe space for a while, and finally stabilized the hull.

“What happened to King Frieza just now? Vegeta planet is gone …” Dodoria got up from the floor, looking at the space in front of the universe with an incredible look.

Before, they could clearly see the Vegeta planet on the cosmic spaceship. At this time, the huge Vegeta planet has become dust in the universe.

Who destroyed the Vegeta planet?

What exactly happened on Vegeta planet? Why do the guys with abnormal combat power appear from 2 to 3? But their combat power detector cannot detect them at all.

“Fuck! Who the hell did this?” Frieza wiped the alcohol on her body and looked angry at the disappearing Vegeta planet.

Just now Frieza was standing in front of the protective barrier of the spaceship, looked at the troops that had evacuated from the planet Vegeta, and he was preparing his fireworks show!

I didn’t expect the planet of Vegeta to explode directly, and the huge wind and waves lifted the spaceship of the universe, causing him to spill red wine all over himself.

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