On an ice-cold planet that is extremely far from the planet of Vegeta, the cold wind blows the ground, and the snow is flying in the sky. This planet is completely a world of ice and snow.

Jiang Feng came to this planet, and sensed Ability to scan the planet roughly. It was found that this is an ice-cold planet with no life at all. A super-blizzard is invading the earth at all times.

The weird thing is that although this planet has no life, there is a thick atmosphere of Level 1 surrounding the planet. Jiang Feng suspects that the creation on this planet was completely extinct because of a major disaster.

Obviously, the creation on this planet has not been able to resist the disaster caused by the mutation of nature!

On a towering iceberg.

Fengxue hu hu slaps the ground. As the temperature is always below freezing, the surface soil has become as hard as steel and iron, and Level 1 and Level 1 hard ice layers are paved on this hard land.

Actually here is by no means glaciers, but because of environmental reasons, this has turned into a snow and ice World.

Jiang Feng side Assel only felt that after a brief dizziness, after eyes opened, she found that the scene of the world of ice and snow was in sight.

“Well, where exactly is this, and how did we get here all of a sudden? Is it just what you call Super Ability momentary movement?”

“But the environment of this planet is too bad! Will we Saiyans live here in the future?”

This is not a familiar scene for Assel! Not even the Vegeta planet, so Assel knows that they have left the Vegeta planet and come to other planets, but the environment here has disappointed Assel.

When it comes to Super Ability, Jiang Feng didn’t say much. Dragon Ball’s World already has Super Ability. Many races in the universe have magical Super Ability. He described his Space Ability as Super Ability.

As for why to choose this planet …

“Here is just a planet that’s all I picked randomly. It should be at least 5-6 days away from the planet Vegeta.”

Jiang Feng lightly saying, he didn’t intend to find a habitable planet in the universe, no matter which planet he would not stay in.

After all, he crossed over from space-time decades later to this space-time. If he didn’t return to the originally space-time, how would he go home?

And the formation of the universe in any time and space for Strength is possible. For these Saiyans, they were able to survive by chance, and they restarted in any time and space.

In the space and time of decades later, it seems that among these 100 Saiyans, Broly existed, and other Saiyans were destroyed by Frieza along with the Vegeta planet!

In fact, this planet Jiang Feng doesn’t know what it is called, because he doesn’t plan to stay more, Jiang Feng didn’t choose carefully, but just picked it that’s all in the universe.

“Itinerary of 5 ~ 6 days! Is it Salitan star!” Assel slowly thought for a moment.

Salitan is near the planet Vegeta, which is a 5-6 day trip, so most Saiyans know its existence.

Although there is air on the planet, it is often unsuitable to live due to the severe snowstorms at the planet level due to the harsh conditions. Even it is not qualified as a transit station, so it has little value to the Saiyans and has been deserted No one cares.

Thinking about it, Assel looked confused towards Jiang Feng. She didn’t understand why Jiang Feng brought Saiyan to this planet. Is it to avoid Frieza?

Salitan is starless and uninhabited. The world of ice and snow, so Legion of Frieza would never imagine that there would be surviving Saiyans living here?

But the environment here is not suitable for them to survive!

Isaiah’s Physique is able to withstand the severe cold of Salitan, but what do they eat here? What to drink? No creation exists means no food!

“Here it is …” Just as Axel 100 was puzzled, Axel, who was in her arms, opened his eyes stupidly.

On the planet Vegeta, Badak decided to fight Frieza to the end,

But he couldn’t bear the fact that Himei followed her to death, so she shot Hine and stunned him, and let Assel the entire escort Himechi follow Keslow and the others to leave Vegeta planet.

In this regard, Jiang Feng naturally has no objection!

In fact, Jiang Feng also discouraged Badak, but Badak seemed to have seen a certain prophecy, and when he left, he had a very deep look, and apparently had made up his mind.

Therefore, Jiang Feng didn’t say much, he chose to respect Badak’s wishes.

“Where’s Badak!” Soon, Ginny found herself in an unfamiliar planet, and the facial expression grave escaped from Assel’s arms.

“Himei! Don’t look for it! The Badak guy has made up his mind to stay on the planet Vegeta …” Seeing Hine’s face panicking, a look of despair, Assel stepped forward to comfort Hine.

Assel knew that Gine had to send away Son Carcarot, who was not born long before, and then her husband Badak left her choice to fight Frieza to the end.

Son is still alive, but her husband is 9 dead and dead, at this time Hine’s heart is almost desperate!


Vegeta Star, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com royal palace!

The magnificent palace that was brightly lit in the past is now unbearable to look at. This is the last position of the Saiyans.

In the broken Great Hall, dusty red carpets are scattered with scattered masonry and rubble. The former splendorous and majestic palace has now become the Saiyan Battle Conference Hall!

At the Great Hall center, several High Level Saiyan fighters were covered with dust, all of them with a facial expression grave standing beside the table and silent.

Suddenly, a High Level Saiyan warrior said to other Saiyans in a heavy tone: “King Vegeta has not yet appeared, apparently bode ill rather than well, and this war is very bad for us Saiyans. , We Saiyans cannot die in the hands of Frieza in this way! “

“The next part of the people will continue to fight, and some will find a way to leave Vegeta planet! Otherwise, there will be no one who will avenge me on Saiyan in the future!”

This High Level Saiyan warrior is a healthy bald Saiyan. King Vegeta confesses before he leaves that he is responsible for everything inside and outside the Imperial Palace.

Now King Vegeta, whereabouts unknown, is mostly dead, and he is hosting everything on Vegeta’s planet.

“Master Albert, we still have 200 Saiyan fighters who can fight at the moment. They are all dead and willing to fight against the guy of Frieza!” The long-haired Saiyan on the side glanced at the fierce rays of light, whispering anger in speech.

“200 Saiyans? Too few. They are not the opponents of Frieza Legion at all. We Saiyans cannot die in Frieza’s hands!” Albert was angry and helpless.

To this day, he has to admit Frieza’s formidable, and if he fights again, the Saiyan may all fall into Frieza’s hands, then he is the sinner of the Saiyan family.

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