Badak could not help frowning, and his originally face became a little more gloomy.

Jiang Feng’s words Badak not at all suspected that Jiang Feng felt very mysterious to Badak. Knowing the secrets of the Frieza family, Jiang Feng acted too calmly in the face of Frieza, who was about to destroy Vegeta planet Already.

This calmness is not pretended, which is absolutely hidden from him, maybe Jiang Feng really has any way to leave Vegeta planet.

the past few days He also thought that the Saiyans simply couldn’t resist against Frieza, maybe they could take advantage of that now, Frieza has not yet launched Attack on the planet Vegeta to keep part of the Saiyan Bloodline.

Let these Saiyans thrive on other planets until one day they grow to the height of Frieza and then avenge Frieza.

But keeping a portion of the Saiyan’s Bloodline means giving up most Saiyans. Do their Saiyans live like strague dogs while struggling on whilst at death’s door?

For Badak, this choice is difficult to make, because it violates the Saiyan education he received from childhood, and it is not consistent with their Saiyan Spirit concept.

But he had to admit that this was the only way for the Saiyan to survive …

“Himei! Follow Kiat and Broli off Vegeta planet! Latiz and Carkarot are on other planets, you have to find them and take care of them!”

Badak groaned, a flash of decisiveness flashed in his eyes, and it was clear that Badak had already planned to co-exist with the planet Vegeta.

“Badak! I want to stay, too, and I believe Radiz and Carkarot will take care of themselves!”

Ginny walked up to Badak, reached out and held Badak’s strong arm, with a very firm tone.

“Can we Saiyans only choose to escape? That’s the coward’s behavior!” Kruga’s face went green and white, constantly changing.

The Saiyans in the room have different faces. On one side is the battlefield of 9 dead. On the battlefield, although they will die on the battlefield, they keep their dignity.

The other side is the road to survival, fleeing the planet of Vegeta. Although they will escape, they may live in doubt for themselves all their lives in the future.

It is war, it is escape, it is difficult to choose!

“That being the case, everyone will take a stand!” Giles, who had been silent, suddenly started to talk, and he knew is by no means that every Saiyan would treat death as if he were home, and regard the fighting above all else.

Whether fighting or fleeing is their freedom!

“I don’t intend to fight the monster in Frieza, I choose to leave Vegeta planet!”

Assel’s first start to talk, without any shame, 110000 battle strength to challenge more than 50 monsters of 10000 battle strength is simply unreasonable.

Sailor’s militant blood, and that noble self-esteem not at all made Assel lose his mind.

“Hmph! I won’t run away if I die. Even if I die, I will bite a piece of meat from Frieza!” Kruga slammed the table and said angrily.

“Sorry everyone! After my calculations, we Saiyans have almost no chance of succeeding against Frieza. I really can’t help it, maybe because I like science a bit more!”

Keslow lightly said, and then started to talk and asked everyone, “I don’t think it’s a coward’s behavior to stay away from the edge. Why do you have to make unnecessary sacrifice if you know you will fail? Is it to complete the so-called Saiyan Spirit?”

In Keslow’s view, now is not the time to heroically fight against the enemy. When should we stand up against the enemy? It is when the gap between the enemy and us is not particularly different.

And the gap between Saiyan and Frieza is too big, and the Saiyan simply should not resist, so Keslow does not want to sacrifice himself for this meaningless battle.

After Assel, Kruga, Keslow and the others, several other Saiyans have also stated their attitudes …

As Gilles thought, members of the Badak squad had their own opinions, and some Saiyan fighters regarded dignity as more important than life.


In ten days!

Frieza’s Legion has completely sealed the planet Vegeta, and the Saiyans are aware of their crisis.

Although there are still some Saiyans who don’t believe that Frieza will shoot Vegeta planets, most Saiyans are awakened!

King Vegeta launched a rebellion and was instantly suppressed by Frieza. Saiyan fighters took up weapon to fight Frieza. Vegeta’s planet has become a mess.

“Evacuation! We must leave the planet Vegeta, find a safe place to be the development base, and then slowly develop, one day we will make a comeback and make Frieza pay the price!”

Where the universe spaceship was parked, a High Level Saiyan warrior came here with dozens of strong Saiyans. The High Level Saiyan warrior glanced at the combat spaceship, said the start to talk of the facial expression grave.

“But Frieza must have tracking equipment on our combat spaceship. Where can we escape?” One of the strong Saiyans was worried.

“Don’t think about it, Frieza must have been manipulated on the combat spaceship! But don’t give it a try, do you want us Saiyan to become extinct in the universe?”

“King Vegeta is dead! However, UU reading Vegeta Prince performs missions on other planets, not at all is implicated, we can make a comeback!”

“I don’t believe so many of us can’t escape one? Legion of Frieza is fighting with other warriors, this is our last chance!” The High Level Saiyan warrior facial expression grave, speaking voice Large, almost roaring!

The same scene, not only happened here, Saiyans with combat spaceships around them, almost all have this idea.

But more than ten days ago, Frieza’s army began to monitor the combat spaceships in and out of Vegeta planet. All combat spaceships leaving Vegeta planet were cleaned up!

The possibility of these Saiyans escaping is almost impossible!


In the jungle!

This is the place where Jiang Feng and Broly stayed before. Strangely, there are many Saiyans here!

There are strong young warriors, young and beautiful female warriors, Saiyan infants 6 to 7 years old, and even Saiyan babies who have just been born for more than ten days.

There are about 3 ~ 4 100 people scattered!

Jiang Feng came here and looked at the astonishment on the faces of these Saiyans.

He remembered escaping the planet of Vegeta. Only members of the Badak team knew that even if all the family members of these members were counted, there were not so many people!

Forget it! do not care! Never let these Saiyans go back to die!

Jiang Feng thought, a weird Space instantly wrapped these 100 people together with himself, and immediately sensed the Ability moved towards the planet outside Vegeta. When the sensed Ability captured a planet, , Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a wave.

With the thought of Jiang Feng, the instantaneous movement immediately started, and several hundred people disappeared from the jungle out of thin air!

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