“Very powerful courage, isn’t this guy a God!”

“I look like, he feels his soul deterrence is more terrifying than King King Lulu!”

Hell was responsible for arranging the ghosts of several Ghost Messengers. They looked nervous and communicated. King Yanluo was usually angry. They also felt the soul deterrence of King Yanluo.

It’s like the difference between standing a volcanic crater and staying under the volcano.

“Don’t release Strength, you will kill the ghosts who are trying to give birth!”

King Yanluo’s forehead was sweating coldly, and the start to talk of the facial expression grave said, “You want to go to the world Sir Wang! Okay, I see!”

Hearing this, Jiang Feng corner of the mouth slightly lifted a radian, instantly converging on the spiritual pressure on him, and everyone in the Immediately Great Hall began to breathe.

King Yanluo sent a little demon to take Jiang Feng to the snake road, the entire way little demon followed trembling with fear behind Jiang Feng, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Soon, Jiang Feng came to the front of Snake Road, which was 1000000 kilometers long, surrounded by clouds, and couldn’t see the end at a glance.

“Okay, go back!”

Jiang Feng moved towards little demon and said faintly, then the perception Ability turned on, and the entire spread along the snake.

Hearing this, little demon’s poor face showed a heavy expression, and he moved towards King Yanluo’s palace without hesitation.


Jiang Feng looked happy and felt the spread of Ability. After a few moments, he saw the tail of Snake Road. With a heart motion, the silhouette of Jiang Feng suddenly disappeared.

“Master … Master!” Ghost Messenger walked as if suddenly thinking something, turned around and looked towards Jiang Feng.

“It’s gone!”

Ghost Messenger dumbstruck’s looking at Jiang Feng disappeared, the registration form recording the ghost in his hand fell to the ground, and murmured in his mouth, “Forgot to tell him that 10000000 can’t fall below the snake path, there is hell there!”

“However, adults should not make such low-level mistakes!”

Little demon looked at at Serpent Road for a moment, but finally he did n’t step into Serpent Road. Let ’s not say if he can find Jiang Feng when he walks on Serpent Road. 10000 He dropped the Serpent Road a lot, like him. It’s really deaths and still alive!

A flash, a silhouette of Jiang Feng appeared at the tail of the snake road, looking up, you can see a very small planet.

“Looks like this is the king of the world!”

Jiang Feng remembers that the king of the world is very small, but the gravity is ten times that of Earth. Goku is hanging here. After about half a year of practice, Goku ’s battle strength has surpassed Naba, and vaguely approaches Vegeta.

It took Goku about half a year to complete Snake Road, and he arrived in an instant.

boom! boom! boom!

Jiang Feng stood up and came to Jie Xingxing. When he heard a fight coming from a distance, he looked up and saw that four guys were fighting together, namely Tianjin rice, Yamu tea, dumplings, and G.

Tianjin rice, Yamu tea, and dumplings are all working together to attack Bike!

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Babrus was the first to find Jiang Feng, ran to Jiang Feng, made a strange move around Jiang Feng, and did not know whether he was welcoming Jiang Feng or warning Jiang Feng.

“Someone is here!”, Dumpling saw Jiang Feng cry out in surprise.

Tianjin rice, Yamu tea, and Bike also stopped their moves and looked curiously towards Jiang Feng.

When they saw Jiang Feng, the first feeling of a few people was very unexpected. They didn’t expect that someone other than them could pass through Snake Road, and this person seemed to be an Earth person.

“Who is this guy! I haven’t seen him at all. Is it a guy who lives in a retreat somewhere on Earth? Did he come to Jie Wang to find Jie Sir Wang practice?”

“It should be! Otherwise he would not go through Snake Road to find the world Sir Wang!”

“Look, look, there is no halo on his head, he is not dead yet!”

“What, how is this possible? How could a living person come to such a place?”

Tianjin rice, Yamu tea, and dumplings communicated with each other, and saw Jiang Feng’s head without an aura.

Immediately speechless in shock.

Even Vic at the side looked surprised at Jiang Feng.

“It’s really not a dead man! I have lived in Jie Wangxing for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a living person come here!”

A locust-like villain hovering on the side of Jiang Feng’s cheek, his little hand clasped his chin to reveal a thoughtful expression, is the second pet of the Northern Kings, Gregory.

“King Sir Wang, Kier Sir Wang, strangers have come to King Wang!” Guregli flew to the north king in front of him and was loudly shouted.

“Understood! Don’t bother me, Goku and Frieza are playing great together!”

The North King ignored Gregory, and still used the two magical antennas to monitor the situation of Nami nemesis.

“Goku, Frieza!”

Hearing this, Jiang Feng’s pump light is slightly condensed. Does Goku have transformed into a Super Saiyan, wouldn’t it say that there is only one wish left for the super dragon ball of the beautiful nemesis.

In other words, Great Elder has instructed Tenten to make his last wish!

The terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from Jiang Feng’s body. In a blink of an eye, he covered the world king. The original gravity ten times suddenly turned into 20 times and 30 times!

Tianjin Rice, Yamu Tea, Dumplings, UU Reading. Www. uukanshu.com and BAK were suddenly crushed to the ground, and even the King of the Northern Territory could not withstand the sudden terrifying spiritual pressure, and a puppet fell to the ground.

“King of the Northern Territory, what’s the situation with that nemesis!” Jiang Feng put away the spiritual pressure on his body, and asked differently.

“You are?” The King of the North Bound stood up, only to find a stranger on his planet.

“Introduce yourself first! I am Master Billus!” Jiang Feng said in deadly earnest.

Billus is the seventh god of destruction in the universe. There is no reason for the King of the North to know that Billus is a few levels higher than the King of the North!

“Destruction, Billus!”

The North King ’s complexion changed greatly, as if I suddenly remembered something terrifying. Cold sweat couldn’t help but slip off his cheek. Mood grave said, “What can I do to help you?”

“Not long ago, Frieza provoked Master Billus, and Master Billus asked me to teach him. I know he is in the nemesis of the Nami, and the King of the North, you just need to help me find the position of the nemesis of the Nami!”

Jiang Feng lightly saying, in the seventh universe, the deterrence of Billus is still very strong. Now Billus should still sleep in his palace!

He wasn’t worried either, Birus came to his trouble.

To be honest, based on his current Strength, it is estimated that Billus wants to kill himself, and it is enough to move his finger, but he can escape if he cannot fight.

The person who really made him jealous was Weiss, who was the master of the destruction god Billus. Strength was much higher than Billus and he also had some special capabilities.

Jiang Feng remembers that once in the original work, Earth was destroyed once. Weiss Space-Time Reverse restored Earth to its original state. We can see that Weiss can also use Time and Space Strength.

When he met Weiss, he had no chance to escape!

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