Speaking of which, the force value of this Dragon Ball is really high. The terrifying formidable power generated by Saiyan battles is still fresh in Jiang Feng’s memory.

For example, when Vegeta first came to Earth, he had a combat power that destroyed the entire Earth, and then to the super Saiyan behind, the combat power broke 100000000 million.

Even the force value of Second Stage, Third Stage, and Fourth Stage was so high that they broke through the sky, with a planet in their hands, like a tomato that can be crushed easily.

Destroying the planet is easier for them than stepping on an egg by ordinary people.

Fortunately, there are 7 Dragon Balls in this World, otherwise the creation on Earth would be extinct!

“7 Dragon Ball! Divine Dragon!”

Thinking of Divine Dragon, Jiang Feng’s Spirit was shocked!

In this World, Dragon Ball is a cheater that can fulfill most of its wishes, and it is exciting to think about it.

Having said that, speaking from a certain perspective, he is already immortal, what wish does he want from Dragon Ball?

Jiang Feng contemplates for a moment, flashes of light in his eyes, and immediately thinks of a pretty good wish.

However, at this time, Bick and God are dead, and Earth’s 7 Dragon Balls have also become useless stones. If Jiang Feng wants to make a wish, he can only go to Nami Nemesis to use Nami Nemesis’ Super 7 Dragon Balls.

The super 7 Dragon Balls of Namisis can make 3 wishes at once, enough!

Soon, Jiang Feng came to the backyard under Mrs. Brive.

There is a huge spherical cosmic spaceship in the backyard center. You can see that the Cliff Academecian is repairing this spaceship.

“Court Academecian, when will the cosmic spaceship really take off! My lovely Gohan is in that beautiful nemesis, don’t you know that I’m still alive?”

Jiang Feng came to the backyard, and one urgent voice came, urging Burr Court Academecian to complete the cosmic spaceship is Goku’s wife, Gohan’s Mama Kiki.

Gohan went to Nami Nemesis for life and death, Kiki is naturally anxious to do Mama.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng shallow Issho, he remembered that in the original work, Kiki and the turtle Sennin wanted to take a spaceship to Nami Nemesis, but only waited until Nami Nemesis was destroyed, and the spaceship did not take off!

“Husband, our Buma friend came to her, and he said he wanted to go to that nemesis too!”

Mrs. Cliff and Jiang Feng walked up to the Court Academecian of Mrs. Cliff, Mrs. Cliff was introduced.

“Boma’s friend?”

“Is he really Buma’s friend? Why have I never met him!”

“Who knows this! But this guy looks pretty handsome, it must be the idiot of Buma, who has met in unruly places!”

Oolong and Poole talked in doubt in the backyard.

The turtle Sennin on the other side was silent, staring at Jiang Feng tightly, and gliding in his eyes.

When Jiang Feng noticed one strange look, he tilted his head toward the turtle Sennin. He was about 70 to 80 years old, with his head bare, his beard white, his figure squinting, and a skinny figure.

However, Jiang Feng knew that the turtle Sennin was not as simple as it seemed.

Several people exchanged a few words briefly, Jiang Feng made up a lie casually, compiled some dog blood experiences of himself and Buma, the Buma people could not face each other here.

Therefore, several people doubtfully confirmed Jiang Feng’s identity.

“Brief Court Academecian, how fast is this cosmic spaceship? How long will it take to get to the nemesis?” Jiang Feng started and talked to Brive Court Academecian.


“I made a lot of improvements to this spaceship, so it was faster than the one that Goku took before. I estimate that I can reach the nemesis in about 5 days!”

Brive Court Academecian groaned, lightly saying.

“5 days? 5 days, that nemesis can be destroyed hundreds of times by Frieza.”

Jiang Feng frowned, apparently a little disappointed. He who knew the original work knew that Goku would almost become a Super Saiyan at this time.

Goku, who was transformed into a Super Saiyan, fought fiercely, and Frieza was hurried by Goku to directly destroy the core of Nami nemesis, resulting in a big explosion in Nami nemesis.

Even the Super Saiyan Goku almost died here. Of course, the planetary explosion couldn’t kill Goku at all, and it was the universe environment that could kill Goku.

“How do I get to that beautiful nemesis? Take the spaceship of the universe, I’m afraid it will reach that beautiful nemesis, that beautiful nemesis no longer exists!”

Jiang Feng muttered to himself, 10000 1000 thoughts flashed in his heart, suddenly, Jiang Feng’s eyes brightened, as if thinking something!

Perception spreads throughout Earth, and with a change of mind, the silhouette of Jiang Feng reappears, which is already the divination of Grandma here.


Yin Sector, the office of King Yanluo!

Jiang Feng found Divination Grandma, and instantly defeated the so-called Experts that Divination Grandma searched for, so Divination Grandma took him to Yin Sector.

The purpose of his coming here is very simple. First, find the king and ask where Nami Nemesis is, and then use Ability to move to Nami Nemesis.

Before the destruction of Nami nemesis, UU reading www.uukanshu.com must arrive in Nami nemesis and use Super 7 Dragon Ball to make a wish.

Otherwise, the beautiful nemesis will be destroyed. Although Super 7 Dragon Ball followed the beautiful nemesis people to Earth, but after 3 wishes are fulfilled, the Super Dragon Ball will also have a long cooling time.

Jiang Feng doesn’t want to wait that long!

“Divination Grandma, who is this guy! It doesn’t look like a dead person!”

Jiang Feng and Divination Grandma entered the great hall. King Yanluo noticed Jiang Feng, but he did not at all saw the halo above Jiang Feng’s head. Apparently Jiang Feng was dead by no means.

“King Yanluo, he came here to find the world Sir Wang!” Said Divination Grandma start to talk.

“Who are you? Why are you looking for Sir Wang!” King Yanluo looked at Jiang Feng, slamming start to talk, as if interrogating the prisoner.

“Ask something!” Jiang Feng lightly saying.

While speaking, the spiritual pressure on Jiang Feng began to spread, immediately the entire great hall began to tremble, and the ghosts reported by newcomer Yin Sector shiver coldly.

Even Yin Sector’s staff were scared to hide in the corner.

“This is …”, King Yanluo’s incredible looking at Jiang Feng, secretly guessing, is Jiang Feng a higher God?

If not, how could there be such a high level of soul.

Seeing King Yanluo’s expression, Jiang Feng secretly laughed. Although King Yanluo is in charge of the death of the universe creation, his position is definitely under the King God and Destruction God.

The soul level has undergone two transformations. Jiang Feng ’s soul level is more than two human levels, which is equivalent to the Dragon King World ’s King God. Its battle strength exceeds the King King ’s God, but cannot be on the terms of destruction.

In the universe, the king of the gods created and destroyed the gods, and the strength of the two people was different.

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