Jiang Feng’s silhouette stands in midair and gives a high look at City A in the shadows.

On the streets, densely packed residents lifted their heads and looked at the cosmic spaceship of the sky in horror. It was difficult to hide the expression of despair and fear in their eyes.

Hero’s Hero also has that’s all, which is more or less self-protected Ability, but these ordinary residents, simply have nothing to resist the Ability of foreign enemies.

“Poros invaded Earth, and the deaths and injuries of the city of Aohu, 饩 隽 淙, 饩 隽, 匏, and A were severe, and the most serious injuries were the ordinary residents …”

Thinking of the plot in the original work, Jiang Feng secretly sighed in his heart. He knew that in the end, the city A of the grapefruit was instantly destroyed.

However, no matter what the ending in the original work is, since Jiang Feng is here, the ending will definitely not be the same as the original work!

It’s just that Jiang Feng hasn’t started yet. The tortoise’s body in the distance is blooming with strange rays of light. The dragon’s curly hair is motivated and wants to launch the universe spaceship into Earth.

However, the universe spaceship is too large and heavy, and the motivation of the tornado just makes this incomparable gigantic universe spaceship a little shake for a while.

Compared to the huge volume of this cosmic spaceship, the motivation of tornado is nothing.

“Who is it? Which bastard? Actually dare to do something with Lord Poros’s beloved spaceship!”

In the sky, the mission of Meruzagarudo with 5 heads is to guard the spaceship of the universe, and looked at the dragon roll suddenly shot at the spaceship of the universe, and the expression on his five heads was furious, figure Moving towards lightning like a lightning bolt.

“Hmph! Overestimate one’s capabilities!”, Seeing the enemy coming, the tornado was coldly snorted.

Although the tornado can also be felt, Meruzagarudo’s Strength is not simple, but what about it, as long as it is not a monster monster, she does not pay attention to ghost or dragon.

Eyes looked at Meruza Galudo, fluttering head to face, with a slight frown on tortoise, strange rays of light glittering on her body.

I saw that the atmosphere around Meruza Galudo was distorted, as if there were a pair of big hands twisting clothes just washed by hand, and Meruza Galudo’s entire body was twisted into a ball.

“interesting !”

“It looks like the people on this planet have a little Strength!”

“Nice Strength, unfortunately …”

The tall body drive was almost twisted into a twist, but the five heads of Meruza Galudo also communicated with each other, and there was no sense of jealousy in the tone of the speech.

The next moment !

Meruzagarudo’s body turned into fine sand, first disintegrated and then gathered together, and the tall body appeared again in front of the dragon roll.

In this way, the dragon roll and Meruzagarudo …

Jiang Feng can watch the battle unconsciously at this time. His mind is placed on the cosmic spaceship in the sky. The energy rays of light in the anti-aircraft gun tube are getting brighter and brighter, and the corner of the mouth of Jiang Feng raises a radian. .

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Feng ’s spiritual power surged, raising his fingertips to point to the cosmic spaceship, terrifying spiritual power converged at Jiang Feng ’s fingertips, and turned into one brilliant rays of light.

Jiang Feng’s spiritual power is fully on. One spirit flash is enough to destroy the entire Earth, but at this moment, Jiang Feng is not at all full power, a universe spaceship that’s all, it is not worth his full power.

Nevertheless, this spirit flashes on, and even a country can be razed to the ground.

The huge spiritual power beam moved towards the cosmic spaceship. From the perspective of Jiang Feng, although this cosmic spaceship is bulky and sturdy, it is also difficult to resist its own flash.


However, when Jiang Feng ’s spirit flash was about to fall on the universe spaceship, suddenly, one silhouette was blocked in front of the spirit flash, blocking the spirit flash with his own body, so that the universe spaceship escaped the fate that was instantly destroyed …

In mid-air, this figure was instantly engulfed by the spirit flash, although under this blow, Jiang Feng’s spirit flash was blocked for the most part, but the remaining spiritual power beam fell on the universe spaceship and penetrated the universe spaceship.

Suddenly more than a dozen passages in the universe spaceship,

The wellhead-sized potholes and terrifying explosion sounded, causing huge damage to the cosmic spaceship. Although it will not crash, it looks like it has been seriously damaged.

An SS-Rank Hero and a SSS-Rank Hero of the Hero Association have shot one after another, and Dragon’s Strength has already surprised these Heroes. After Jiang Feng’s shot, Hero has been shocked.

“Okay, very powerful …”, even if I’m used to the gangsters who are valued by Mu Deng, Deng Qiang, Pan Wei, Xing Xun, and now they are scratching, sassy, ​​and colorful.

“No … this is impossible …” If it was shocking, Meruzagarudo, who fought the tornado here, reacted most violently.

Meruza Galudo looked back, looked at the severely damaged cosmic spaceship, and Poros, who had just been engulfed by Jiang Feng’s spirit flashes, had frightened expressions on all five heads.

In the hearts of Meruza Galudo, the existence of Poros is invincible, but today, there are people who Poros can’t stop.

“It’s awesome …”, the side of the scar UU reading a book www.wukanshu.com eyes also fell on Jiang Feng’s body, whispered in his mouth, there was a strange look in his eyes, apparently suffocating the gangsters Forgive

It ’s just that while speaking, the stunned room was stabbed with silk vinegar and Yohana was punished by the finger, which seemed to be arrogant.

Soon all the Heroes noticed that Poros, who had just blocked Jiang Feng’s spirit flash, looked like a combat power, which looked like a not to be trifled with.

Poros stepped out from the top of the universe spaceship, the silhouette was tall, the forehead was a one-eye, the huge eyes occupied almost half of his face, and his body exuded a formidable breath.

However, looking at his appearance, he was a little bit embarrassed. Obviously, he had just eaten Jiang Feng with a hit, and he was very uncomfortable.

“Very strong! You are really strong! Hahaha! It took me 20 years to come here without any hassle!” Poros’s body trembled slightly because of excitement, a one-eyed Jiang Feng was locked tightly, shouting excitedly in his mouth.

“Well, you are good!”, Hearing this, Jiang Feng nodded slightly start to talk replied.

This is also true. Although Poros’s Strength is not a god-level disaster, it is not a simple Dragon-level 2 character. If you want to say, it should be a Dragon-class first-class Strength.

The next moment !

Poros didn’t make nonsense with Jiang Feng either, and the silhouette went directly to glittering, moved towards Jiang Feng in the air, waving a terrifying punch, and suddenly moved towards Jiang Feng.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng looked calm and squeezed his fist lifting arm. The silhouette of Poros was near, Jiang Feng threw a punch to meet him …

Bang! bang! bang!

The fist of Poros and the fist of Jiang Feng suddenly collided, and suddenly a wave of airwaves set off in the air.

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