“Hero association’s messy people, have the ability not to hide in the turtle shell …”

“Rush! Kill these little demons …”

Outside the building, the sky family seemed to have taken the wrong medicine, picked up the weapon in their hands, the headquarter building of the constant Strike Hero Association.

However, Jiang Feng not at all cares about the strange people of the sky clan. They are just soy sauce in original work. That’s all, they were just killed when they first appeared. It is enough to deal with them with an S-Rank Hero.

Jiang Feng’s perception is still monitoring the universe. It stands to reason that at this time the universe spaceship should be coming soon!

Sure enough, as time passed by, a huge spaceship in the depths of the universe soon appeared in Jiang Feng’s perception range. This cosmic spaceship’s size is comparable to a small city.

The huge cosmic spaceship casts a shadow from high altitude. From the perspective of the area, almost half of the entire city A is covered by the shadow of this cosmic spaceship. This shows the hugeness of this cosmic spaceship.

Soon, as this incomparable gigantic spaceship came down, one silhouette moved lightningly towards these sky races.

Meruzagarudo is one of Three Great Peak Experts of Poros’s Majesty. According to the classification of Hero Association, this is a dragon-level monster with 5 heads and a huge pair of bat wings behind him.

His mission was to guard the safety of the universe spaceship from the outside. Obviously, when seeing these sky families flying in the air, Meruzagarudo took them as the object of clearance.

Chi! chi! chi!

These Sky clan strength is not weak, and there are several ghost-level existence, and they also have the advantage of flying, but in front of Meruza Galudo, they are like a child.

The strength of the dragon-level disaster cannot be resisted by anyone. Under the attack of Meruza Galudo, the strangers of the sky family, each and everyone were cut off lazily and fell from the air.

“What’s going on? What’s going on?”, Sky King was at the headquarters of the Attack Hero Association, and his mind was also placed on the defense of the Breakthrough Hero Association building, but suddenly he suffered an enemy on his back and his own clansman each and everyone died tragically.

The sudden scene made the sky king stunned, and did not understand what was going on.

However, before he was ready to face the enemy, he suddenly felt a pain, his body was cut off lazily, the King of Sky looked incredibly at his own lower body, and his half body was in his tentacles. Reachable.

The king of the sky was split into two halves, but his upper body was still alive.

Seeing this, Meruzagarudo naturally did not intend to leave any living path for the Sky King, inciting a huge batwing to flash past, and the upper body of the Sky King was cut into numerous pieces directly.

At the same time, blood was showered on Meruzagaru on the five heads, and his entire arm showed the shape of a blade, and blood was stained on it.

Meruza Galudo killed the Sky clan, not at all using a sneak attack, but his speed was too fast, and the sky’s weirds had no time to respond.

In any case, the Sky King can exist on the same level as the Deep Sea King, and it was killed by the instant without even responding to it. The dragon-level Strength shows that …

In the Conference Hall of the Hero Association, the faces of a number of S-Rank Heroes were all surprised, apparently surprised that someone dared to attack the headquarters of the Hero Association.

As for the situation outside, of course, those who stayed in the Conference Hall did not know. In the entire Conference Hall, Jiang Feng knew exactly what was happening outside.

The sky king led clansman to attack the headquarters of the Hero Association, and all the strange people of the sky tribe were destroyed by the universe. Jiang Feng knew that.

At this time, Jiang Feng’s perception Ability can even sense that the spaceship in the air is accumulating energy, and the tops of those anti-aircraft guns are glittering with terrifying energy rays of light.

If these anti-aircraft guns on the cosmic spaceship are actually launched, the entire city of A will be destroyed.

Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a wave,

When the silhouette moved, it instantly disappeared into the Conference Hall.

“What about others? My understood is teleporting again!”, Seeing Jiang Feng disappeared, and the shepherd boat leader Zheng Chengxian was cold and wild.

“Hey? What about others?”, Looked at Jiang Feng suddenly disappeared directly from the Conference Hall, and surprised expressions appeared on the faces of Xiqi and the others. Apparently they had already guessed where Jiang Feng had gone, but they guessed. No means of Jiang Feng.

Of course, they were also shocked by Jiang Feng’s methods. This building was designed by Metal Knight, and the amount of defensive power was amazing. Jiang Feng actually left easily. The amount of defensive power of the headquarters building was just like Hollow for Jiang Feng. Assume!

“Let’s go! Let’s go out and see …”

When Jiang Feng went out, the dragon scroll was also very curious. What was so attractive to Jiang Feng? With a curious mind in his heart, the dragon’s figure quickly passed through the corridor and moved towards the outside of the building.

Shua! shua! shua!

With the words of the dragon scroll, the S-Rank Heroes of the Conference Hall also reacted, and the speed was also very fast. One after another silhouette, one after another moved towards the corridor, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com all followed the dragon scroll. Came outside the building.

“This is … No way!”

“What a big spaceship! This should not be a spaceship on Earth!”

Leaving the building of the Hero Association and coming outside, everyone lifted their heads, looking at a huge spaceship like a sky fortress, each and everyone held breath cold air.

Such a huge cosmic spaceship cannot obviously be created with Earth’s technology. Things are already obvious. Some people have invaded Earth, and they are menacing.

On such a large universe spaceship, it must be equipped with extremely terrifying weakons. Even if these weakons are not used, the big guy just falling down from the air can cause an incalculable disaster to city A!

“Okay … so big … Is this what happened in the large population of Shibabawa enough to destroy Earth?”

“Although it is going to happen within half a year, this is too fast!”

“… Is there a god-like monster on this cosmic spaceship?”

The heroes of each and everyone S-Rank, looked up at this space space almost as big as a city, each and everyone was dazzled, with incredible expression in their eyes.

Incomparable gigantic cosmic spaceship, it’s hard to develop resistance just by looking at body shape.

Moreover, among those anti-aircraft guns on the spaceship of the universe, at this time they are glittering terrifying rays of light. Everyone knows that these anti-aircraft guns are obviously accumulating energy and ready to launch attacks at any time.

“In the spaceship of the universe, may there be god-level weirdoes?”

The tornado was suspended in mid-air, and the speculation of an S-Rank Hero just murmured in his mouth, and he felt that there were several points of truth.

Perhaps Jiang Feng was aware of the existence of this god-level weird, so he immediately left Conference Hall!

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