The body has changed, and the entire body of Ashura’s unicorn appears green, and the unicorn above his head has become sharper.

After the change, the height of Ahura’s unicorn was prominent, and the whole person looked more terrifying.

call out!

After entering the Shura mode, she was completely in a state of rage. A Shura unicorn is no longer nonsense, and her heart is full of killing intent.

A Shura unicorn suddenly kicked at his feet, and a large pit cracked on the floor of the Great Hall. A silhouette of A shura unicorn appeared in front of Naraku.

A punch, no fancy punch, with a very fast speed, hit over Nero’s body.


Facing this fist of Shura’s unicorn, Nara’s response was quick, and a blood red monster qi barrier appeared around the body instantly, completely covering Nara’s figure.

I saw Nara’s figure was like a volleyball. It was shot by a a slap of fiercely, and even the bloody monster qi barrier quickly cracked.

boom! boom! boom!

Nara’s body in midair was abused by Ashura’s unicorn, and he was punched several hundred punches in one breath, and the body turned into countless pieces.

“It’s the same again, can Naluo recover this time?” Genos stared at Naluo tightly in the air, whispering to himself.

“Hahaha! Your regeneration Ability is really difficult to entangle, but the body is completely shattered, I see how you can regenerate!”, Tearing Nara to pieces, Ah Shura unicorn smiled grinningly, exposing sharp teeth expression is almost crazy.

In order not to let Nai Lao’s body regenerate, Shura 鈥檚 unicorn figure 鈥檚 figure moves and moves lightning fast towards Nai Lao again 40% 5 The cracked body pounces over, punching and punching, like howling wind and torrential rain moved towards Scatter’s body smashed over.

When he saw a slightly larger blood clot, it rushed into a punch.

The strength of each punch is enough to easily smash a mountain. These strengths converge on fist, which is simply crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, no stronghold one cannot overcome.

“In Shura mode, this guy 鈥檚 Strength is even stronger. It would be incredible if it was n鈥檛 seen with your own eyes. The simple Strength can reach this level!”, The unicorn in looked at Shura mode. The Strength he showed was shocked.

If it was at first A Shura unicorn, and he punched him with such Strength, it is estimated that he is dead!

This is a situation that Nero has never seen before. Those flesh-eating monsters he encountered in the dog Yaksha World were just as vulnerable as a child in front of this Shura unicorn.

boom! boom! boom!

For a moment, the body falling in the air was sparse, and the pungent bloody smell spread throughout the Great Hall.

It 鈥檚 just that I have n鈥檛 waited for the proud expression on the face of Ah Shura’s unicorn, terrifying’s magical power like a burst of tornado swept through the Great Hall, and the blood clots at Scatter 4 have moved towards Ah Shura’s unicorn and fly to it Into his body.

“This is what the hell thing!”, Shura, a unicorn fairy, looking terrified, started tearing the blood clot wrapped around the body, but Nara would not miss this opportunity.

The body of Ashura’s unicorn was struggling fiercely, and Nao’s flesh continued to penetrate into its body. The naked eye showed that the body of Ashura’s unicorn was more and more swelled.

“No! This is impossible! How could this happen, I confess, you come out soon …”

I looked at my constantly expanding body and felt that I could no longer control some parts of the body. A Shura unicorn yelled in panic, the cold sweat on the forehead, and the appearance of arrogant and despotic just disappeared.

However, the more the Shura unicorn struggled, the more excited Nara fell. Soon, the body of the Shura unicorn was completely wrapped in Nara’s flesh, and the huge body was gradually reduced, and fully integrated into Nara’s body.

“How is this possible? No, Ah Shura’s unicorn was eaten by him …”, looked at this scene, Kenos Court Academecian stared at big eyes, and said in shock.

A Shura unicorn’s body is huge, Nero swallowed it and can still maintain the original appearance. It can be seen that Rank’s body cell Rank is still a Shura unicorn above Immortal.

“It’s over?”, Jenos looked at Nairo with a dazzling look. He was still in the dark, but ended in this style.

Seeing the scene just now, Jenos can already conclude that Nero is definitely not a human, let alone a mechanical transformation.

“Sure enough … with the body of Ah Shura’s unicorn, Nara’s monster Physique is even more tenacious!”

Jiang Feng looked at glimmering in the eyes of Nero. He is also the person who Focus cultivates the flesh, and can naturally perceive the strength of the body at this time.

looked at A Shura unicorn was gone, which made Kenos Court Academecian look desolate, one person is enough to clean up A Shura unicorn, and the other 2 people seem to be above this guy Does his resistance make sense?

Although in the eyes of Kenos Court Academecian, A Shura unicorn is his own failed work, but its Strength is beyond doubt, but Ah Shura unicorn is not an enemy of the enemy at all. UU Reading Book www.

Is it really meaningless to study for so many years?

“You are the Court Academecian of Kenos!”

Seeing that it was over, Jiang Feng also had some ideas about the strength system of One-Punch Superman World. Jiang Feng came over and started to talk.

“Yes, I’m Kenos!”, Kenos Court Academecian looked decadent.

A Shura unicorn was killed, which was a great blow to Kenos Court Academecian. There was no tension in Jiang Feng’s words.

When a belief collapses, life and death seem to have become less important.

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan to take your life. It’s a pity that your talents just disappeared. I’ll take you to a place!” Jiang Feng said with a shook head on Ken Aos’ Court Academecian.

Although the Monster made by the House of Evolution is indeed very dangerous, the Kenos Court Academecian is indeed an outstanding genius. He wants to develop a method to enable Evolution for all humans, which is not bad.

Of course, the main thing is that Jiang Feng is very interested in Kenos research.

“Don’t kill me? Don’t you want the results of my research?” Hearing Jiang Feng didn’t want to kill himself, there was a slight fluctuation in the eyes of Kenos Court Academecian at this time.

Jiang Feng meaningfully laughed, directly opened a Space channel, and threw Kenos Court Academecian into the sky kingdom in Pirate World.

Jiang Feng thinks it 鈥檚 a pity that talents like Kenos are wasted. Pirate World has Vegapunk Court Academecian. The two of them should have a common language. I hope when the time comes Kenos Court Academecian will not be hit.

“Where is that guy!”

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