Naluo’s gaze was condensed, and a few hard tentacles spread out of his body, attacking A Shura unicorn.

Seeing this, Ah Shura’s one-cornered fairy’s face sank slightly, and the arm of the extend held the tentacle of Nara’s tentacle with a thunderbolt, and secretly happy that she finally touched Nara’s body.

Unexpectedly, the moment the tentacles touched the arm of the Shura unicorn, the tip of the tentacle pierced his arm and began to suck the blood of the shura unicorn.

“This is … damn guy!”, Shura, the unicorn fairy angry roar, resolutely cut off his arm.

Nai Lao looked at A Shura unicorn with a smile, and several tentacles slowly brought the blood of A Shura unicorn back to Nara’s body.

As he sucked blood, Naraku ’s demon body evolved, and he moaned involuntarily. People who did n’t know thought he was there!

Naluo admits that if she simply relies on fleshhy body strength, the strength of this Shura unicorn is completely above herself.

The World ’s Monster body stamina volume is very strong, but there is no System cultivation system, and the competition seems to be pure fleshhy body strength that’s all.

It ’s like a bald head, scarred porcelain, first made pepper glass.

If you want to draw enough Monster blood yourself, your demon body should also evolve to blame Xuntan for persuasion

Thinking of this, Na Luo’s eyes flashed a deep look.

“You, you …”, Ah Shura, a unicorn, covered her wound, looked at Nairo with a dreadful expression, and could stretch out a tentacle to suck blood from her body. Is this still human? This is even better than him Monster!

The Kenoos Court Academecian on the side also looked surprised at Nana, and suspected that Nana was also a human being transformed by Evolution. Otherwise, how could it be so different.

“Is there anyone else in this World who has more perfect transformation technology than me?” Murmured Kenos Court Academecian facial expression grave.

Seeing this scene, the gangster 芘 Deng Goumu Chengxian guessed the frozen 隽 司 鹊 nack

“You guys, I seem to underestimate you …”, A Shura ugly complexion, but not at all gave up the idea of ​​playing against Naraku.

Obviously, the fist that was moving at a very high speed was about to break the enemy’s defense. As long as he avoided the enemy’s tentacles and smashed the enemy into a ball of meat, the whole thing was over.

“Can you stop me with one punch, ten punches, 100 punches?”

A Shura unicorn looks confident and confident. Although he was shocked by the amount of defensive power, at this time, he continued to launch Attack. Under the high-speed movement, he used both hands and feet to move continuously. towards Nero’s monster qi barrier smashed past.

Only in the second blow, Nara’s monster qi barrier opened like glass, and the power of Ahura’s unicorn was all on Nara’s body.

Under Ahura’s violent Attack, Naraku’s body first appeared bloodstains, then burst apart, and the blood clot Scatter fell to the ground.

“Hahaha! See my Strength! This Uncle just was just teasing you!”, A Shura unicorn looked at Nai Luo, who had been torn into pieces by herself, said with a laugh in her mouth.

It ’s just that the next moment, Shura ’s unicorn fairy’s face showed a nasty expression. Although Nara was in a different place, Nara’s head was suspended in the air, and a wicked smile appeared on his face. Unicorn.

“There is a ghost!”, A Shura unicorn fairy cry out in surprise, swallowed saliva and said hiding in the corner.

The Court Academecian of Kenos on the side also looked incredibly at Nero, and Nero’s behavior at this time was completely beyond common sense, and it was difficult to explain with his scientific knowledge.

You said that you broke an arm, and it was acceptable to regenerate the broken limb to make it grow. Now the whole body is sparse. This is not dead yet. What is going on?

The gangsters on the side, Deng Terrier, arrested and sent anti-smuggling photos of Wen Wen, Shao Ba, and Wen Wen.

Which one is Monster?

Ignoring the shock of other people, Nairou thought of it, and the fragile body began to reorganize, and in a moment, he looked like a young and handsome Master.

“Why are you scared, do you think you can hold the ticket if you can attack my body?”, Naraku stepped towards Ah Shura, a unicorn, lightly saying.

Nai Lao recovered her body, and Ashura, a unicorn, calmed down. It was originally transformed by the human Evolution. In the face of the scene just now, it was inevitable to calm down. The previous prey was torn to pieces by him. Dead again, this time prey is so difficult.

Ah Shura’s unicorn asked himself again, who is Monster?

“Okay, great, his body’s recovery Ability turned out to be this way! This is the experimental body that best meets the requirements of the Evolution House!”

Kenos Court Academecian, looking at Nailao with a sharp eye, murmured in his mouth.

“Although from the perspective of Strength and speed, Na Shura’s unicorn is stronger than Nana, but the combat experience and Ability on Nana are better than a notch!” Jiang Feng glanced at the battlefield without without thinking.

“Ability? What Ability?”, Janos looked curiously towards Jiang Feng.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng is just a shallow Issho, without much explanation. “Ability of self-healing just now is just a small means of Naraku that’s all, UU reading good show just started!”

Close-Combat, the strength of Naraku is not as good as that of Shura unicorn, and the strength of Shura unicorn is not so good

Just shot Ah Shura, the unicorn did not kill Nara, he can no longer kill Nara.

“You guys, this Uncle doesn’t want to entangle with you anymore! Let’s die!” After fighting for a long time, he had no choice but to do nothing. This made Ah Shura’s unicorn feel very irritable.

A Shura unicorn fairy roar, the muscles on his body began to swell quickly, the blue tendons burst, the thick blood vessels were clearly visible, and they quickly entered the Shura state.

Once in this state, the Shura unicorn will enter a period of excitement that lasts for a full week and will go to slaughter for a full week. If this existence really runs out, it will definitely make several cities within a week. Reduced to Shura Hell.

“斡 窭 新 Α 保

In Jenos’s view, in this situation, Naraku is approaching the limit. Just now, Shura unicorn can tear Nero. Then, Shura unicorn turned into getting stronger again. Can he completely kill Naraku?

斡 窕 故 斡 窕 舸 舻 舸 舻 ⑿ 蘼 薅 cherry ⑿ 蘼 薅 捎 捎 捎 捎 捎 挥 挥 粜 蘼 粜 蘼 粜 蘼 J J 斡 窨 J Jian 斡 窨 foolish cooks lie and locusts 饩 龅 饩 龅 curtain

“Has the body changed? It seems that the Strength of the body has been strengthened again! Didn’t expect I also underestimated this body, which is really interesting!”, Nana also looked at the change of A Shura’s unicorn, secretly in her heart He murmured, not at all interrupted it, but he wanted to swallow Ah Shura’s unicorn body more.

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