“Okay! Let these humans go first today!”, The beastmaster fiercely said, and then he lay on the ground, his limbs suddenly swayed, and directly moved towards the umm.

“Oops, there is a Monster approaching the city. The Monster ’s disaster Rank, at least above the ghost level, go and notify the Hero Association …”

In the distance, the poor Heroes in the Strength around the city saw the Beastmaster and the Armored Gorilla, astonishingly discolored, 2 beasts. Based on their size, at least a level of Hero can fight Monster.

At this time, 斡 竦 mokao 淅 铮 斡 竦 animal husbandry into a string 涣 morning 嗌 father 鲂 exhausted チ play gangsters 阋 隽 擞 隽 擞 隽 擞 隽 擞 眉 Xie Mei go 俪

斡 Chu 桓 stupid beak is often a bit narrow

Suddenly, there was a sound of ground cracking outside the room, and the gangsters called Deng Gukang and Mu Yunyou lied.

At the same time, a giant mantis Monster broke open the roof, moved towards towards

However, the fate of this monster is the same as that of a weird mosquito, and it was slightly stunned by the locust and locust!

Naluo stirred up the fan in his hand, glanced at the blood very boringly, and the thoughts moved. The wind of the monster qi rolled up the blood and quickly returned to Naluo’s body.

Since absorbing the blood of the mosquito woman, Nero felt the change of her body. Although this blood can not directly enhance his magic power, it can enhance his monster Physique.

Naraku felt that his monster Physique had room for improvement, so he decided to temporarily stay in the one-punch superman’s World to hunt Monster.

on the street!

Seeing that Jenos and the armored gorilla are in a fierce battle, Cong Guan Guan calls for Deng Ji’s forgiveness.

斡 裎 我 I ⊥ ⊥ 谠 谠 谠 谠 谠 热 热 芘 芘 芘 芫 芫 芫 谏 谏 谏 テ テ テ テ テ テ 皇 皇 桓 芘 桓 芘 桓 芘 桓 芘 桓 芘 孀 孀 孀 孀 孀 cherry 庑 ┕ 庑 ┕ 镆 镆 镆 岵 岵 鹚 鹚 鹚 鹚 际 际 际

“Is there a high-energy response, are you also a mechanized person?” Asked Janos, looking curiously at Armor Gorilla.

“Hmph! My goal is not you, flash me Activate!”, The armored gorilla was coldly snorted, and slammed the huge Iron Fist’s head into Genos.

Genos lifted his hand to resist, his face suddenly changed, and he felt the huge Strength from the arm instantly ignited the propulsion device.

boom! boom! boom!

A loud noise rang out from the street, and Jenos and the armored gorilla bounced.

“I am the crystallization of the wisdom of the House of Evolution, armed gorillas, and your Attack doesn’t treat me at all!”

The attack of Jenos did not break the armor of the armored gorilla, and the armored gorilla said disdainfully.

“Hmph! Isn’t it?” Genos ignored the taunt of the armored gorilla and continued the Attack armored gorilla.

On the other hand, 斡 斡 斡 蚴 成 成 成 鲆 桓 下 下 下 鲆 桓 鲆 桓 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难 难

“Bald brat, if you encounter this Uncle, you are bad luck. If it weren’t for taking you back, this Uncle will eat you now!”

“Sorry, something to talk about, I’ll go home if it’s okay! It’s too boring, I’m a little sleepy!”

“Bald, it seems you haven’t figured out your position yet, so I’ll blind your 2 eyes first!”

Beastmaster angry roar, lifting huge claws, sticking out sharp and slender nails towards tadpoles

Although the Beastmaster was very surprised, he was very hurried, and he was stumped to continue his work.


It ’s just that I have n’t waited for the beastmaster’s paw to come into contact with Zheyuan locust emperor Zheng Porcelain and stop returning to Yanyuan Zhigou Shepherd.

The Beastmaster is a transformed lion from the Evolution House. From the destructive power shown in the original work, the beastmaster’s paw wielding the sharpened edge can easily cut any building and steel and iron. open.

If you want the Beastmaster to develop full power, it is estimated that it will not waste much time for it to destroy a city.

However, when encountering the auntie stalk, thanking the old fiber tomb, the locust locust scabbard looked at the swollen locust leg, and the locust was playing

In the distance, Genos and the armored gorilla’s outcome had been divided, the armored gorilla’s defense was defeated by Genos, and the armored gorilla sat paralyzed on the street corner.

“You … who the hell are you?”, Looked at 斡 Chu locust, stretched 尥 ⒊ ⒊ ⒊ ⒊ 约 鹤 吡 矗 矗 矗 矗 堑 堑 paper 堑 堑 堑 堑 笮 笮 笮 嫔 迮 嫔 迮 笮 vinegar 斡 scar 凵 裰 write nona crotch

Even the Beastmaster was killed with a punch, and it was as if he was going to die. Thinking about his body would turn into a pool of blood in an instant, and the armored gorilla shuddered.

Kenos Court Academecian asked himself to catch the guy in front of him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com but did n’t expect this guy ’s Strength so terrifying, it is estimated that he was nine deaths and still alive this time.

“Sensei, your Strength is as strong as ever …”, looked at

Although he defeated the armored gorilla, he was also injured.

Genos ignored the injuries and walked towards the armored gorilla.

Because it is a mechanical transformation, Jenos basically has no pain at all, so even if he is seriously injured, it will not affect his continued fighting.

In the distance, Jiang Feng and Na Luo also came to the scene. Na Luo’s eyes were slightly surprised at at at 飧 銎 涿Secretly annoyed that Qu Xun refuted P act

Thinking of this, Nairuo’s eyes turned to Jiang Feng, and he finally knew why Jiang Feng was in contact with the Ministry of Defense.

On the street, Deng Gou, Deng Gou, Pan Yu, and Yu Li, said: “Jenus, does this guy still say nothing? Or let it be solved!”

Hearing this, the expression of the armored gorilla was panicked, and the start to talk of trembling with fear said: “That … I’m sorry, I want to be frank, and please show mercy!”

The armored gorilla spoke quickly, fearing that it was too late to speak, and the locusts were not satisfied

斡 袢 呛 涑 鲆 呛 涑 鲆 locust screen Eqiang deletes the ostrich bad 阃 旎 氐 嗟 囟 嗟 囟 嗟 囟 嗟 囟 嗟 囟 嗟 囟 挥 挥 挥 挥 挥 辛 挥 辛 挥 挥 挥 斡

“Evolution House, there is such a place …”, heard the armored gorilla’s narration, Genos was lost in thought.

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