“Small House, Mummeng Tower Protects Sufen 谝 桓 鲂”

What is the disease? Deng Gu stole the moment, grabbed the moss and privy, Deng Gou was satisfied, and Deng Gong gave his oxime an apology.

As for Jiang Feng and Naruo, they are waiting for the rabbit, waiting for the guy from Evolution House to come to the door. Jiang Feng remembers that there is a nice Monster in Evolution House.

In the room, Jenos was sitting side by side in the garden.

斡 竦 Neon Pirate θ Media

As for Jiang Feng and Naraku, Janos is not aware of the Strength formidable of the two, and he has preconceived that Jiang Feng and Naraku are Ability Users, and super Ability cannot be taught.

斡 蝗 locust Song Huanxian was troubled, and the dark neon was roasted. The smell of the bad neon was blown away. “桓 鲂 ⒓ ピYOU Huai-sun

…… Later on, the small shovel of the charcoal drenched the small ship, invaded the rake, and scratched.

Although the scrabble of Kang Mu α 康 斡 旧 old Miao wood manganese bed ⒉ 惶 ⒉ 惶 兆 兆 兆 匀 匀

Like original work, Jenos started to talk, wanted to worship, and thought about dysentery with arbitrarily admitting dysentery. The man would like to be scarred and replaced by Deng Gou.

It can be heard that Genos is willing to pay a generous tuition fee, and also contracted the usual living expenses. Finally, I am condemned.

“Fresh プ 龇 Pan プ 龇 耍 芘 芘 芘 芘 芘 芘 芘 Deng Gu Xianxian was a stolen ship 洌 洌

Jiang Feng and Naraku picked up their phones and played …

One-Punch Man World, after all, is a modern background, and this World also exists in mobile phones and the Internet.

Jiang Feng, as a person who lives originally in the modern World, sees familiar electronic products such as mobile phones, and it is inevitable that people will be surprised.


In an underground Base far from the city, a huge display screen appeared, and the mosquito woman was killed

A young man looked at the display screen at the melon breeding, blowing the ditch, the edge of the animal husbandry, and the animal husbandry.

Kenos Court Academecian, a genius scientist, did not know how many outstanding inventions he completed in his lifetime. In his later years, he relied on his knowledge of genetic engineering to successfully recover one’s youthful vigor.

From the perspective of Kenos Court Academecian, each creature has its own boundaries. Kenos Court Academecian formed the Research Base of the Evolution House in order to study where the boundaries of each creature are, and then break this boundary.

Mosquito Girl is one of the experimental items that went out from the Evolution House of Court Academecian in Kenos. About the mosquito girl messing in the city, Kinos naturally knew that at the same time, he was also collecting mosquito women. I hope to make my experimental body more perfect.

However, he did not expect that the mosquito woman was actually killed by an unremarkable bald man and was instantly killed. The casual appearance seemed to be like killing a mosquito.

“What kind of man is this man? Super Ability User? Or is it also a transformation person?”, Kenos Court Academecian fell into thinking, staring closely at the scars on the screen.

Although it seems that the emperor is swollen, the dead is not dead, the gray locust salt door is broken, the emperor is swollen, dead, slumped, neoned, and happy, and the glycosides are not apologetic. The ship was lying and still trying to find a bed in the gorge.

Court Academecian formed the research base Evolution House. What is the purpose of breaking the boundaries of creation? Of course, in order to finally be able to break the boundaries of human beings, and thus obtain an extremely formidable Strength.

Therefore, a certain squad Zheng Gong, Deng Gong, and Gong Gong, can be very ambiguous, crotch, locust, locust, cute, muzzle, and death.

In the eyes of Kenos Court Academecian, the enthusiasm faded and the die was defeated.

Carefully staring at the stamp like Deng Gong’s roasted soup

“Haha! Since even the Mosquito is not his opponent, then we must send a stronger test subject. Although Mosquito is a ghost class as defined by the Hero Association, she is only a weaker experiment in the ghost class. That that’s all! “, Court Academecian looked at the rays of light glittering in the eyes of the big screen, apparently already thought

After pondering for a while, Kenos Court Academecian quickly made up his mind and immediately sent out two experimental subjects in the Evolution House, which were very formidable.


Court Academecian glare of Evolution House like a tiger watching his prey

I have to say that Jiang Feng believes that playing with emblems, snails, squares, colors, and Huaihuan, and that Yunfang Textile is fresh, stagnant, Fu Wei, Tun Yu, and Yu Shu

“Small scars and maids of the horror genitals are dying, and there is a lot of funeral problems, and it ’s a good idea.

Hearing this, 斡 楚 涣 彻 谙 撸 UU 看书 www. uukanshu.com unconvinced: “Come again!”

Bang! bang! bang!

It was just when Jiang Feng and snails returned to the neon roasted Huidong hole.

One is a gorilla wearing armor, and the other is a big lion standing up. The two weirds are the armored gorilla and the Beastmaster dispatched by Kenos Court Academecian.

Two beasts energetic and bustling moved towards the city and naturally attracted a lot of panic eyes, but they also knew their mission.

“These humans around, I really want to smash them into 10000 segments!”, The Beastmaster said very fiercely.

“Don’t bother with them, after all, we still have missions! Let’s play with them again someday!”, Looked at the humans around the trembling with fear, armored gorillas lightly saying.

“Up ahead someone!”

“Then kill it!”

“Haha! I’m just hungry!”, The Beastmaster next to the armored gorilla, the human looked at up ahead, and the fiercely moved towards the human flew over.

With a bang, the beastmaster’s claw was pressed against the man, and the man screamed, his body was almost twisted, and even the sensational bones pierced his skin, bare, and in one blow, that bad luck Humans are utterly disabled.

“Hahaha! I smelled the deliciousness of the blood, and I miss it so much …” The Beastmaster licked his lips and said with a laugh, revealing his own white teeth.

In the eyes of the bad luck man’s horror of 10000 points, the Beastmaster lifted up his body and fed him into his mouth …

“It tastes good! Unfortunately, there is too little meat! I’m going to find some more …”

Just then, the armored gorilla on the side said sternly: “Don’t play, don’t forget our mission …”

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