“I’m more interested in you than Soul Society!”

“Yhwach, your Strength is not bad, you might as well follow me! You know, there are not many people who follow Strength in this World!”, Jiang Feng lightly saying.

“Hmph! Arrogant!”, Yhwach coldly said, striding towards Jiang Feng, and after a few steps, he came to Jiang Feng, and his eyes immediately changed, and multiple pupils appeared, saying: “I have seen you It ’s dead! “

Hearing this, Jiang Feng calmly looked towards Yhwach, said with a smile: “The omniscient Ability can Foreseeing the Future and change the future, but unfortunately, I can also change the future!”


Yhwach groaned and found that he could no longer see Jiang Feng’s future. Instead of not seeing it, it was better that the two people interfered with each other’s future. The future had become strange and unpredictable.


Jiang Feng silhouette flickered and punched Yhwach. With a strong punch, Yhwach’s chest sunk into a large pit, and his body was blown out.

The atmosphere cracked and the ground crumbled!


Facing this unstoppable blow, Yhwach slowly got up, and his wounds disappeared like a dream.

“This is …” Jiang Feng’s gaze changed slightly. His Attack did hit Yhwach just now, but Yhwach modified his future.

Just before Yhwach was hit, Yhwach changed the fact that he was hit in the future to not being hit, which caused the fact that he hit Yhwach disappeared.

However, Yhwach can modify the future, and so can he.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng’s gaze fell, and the surrounding Reishi quickly converged on his fist, suddenly punched out, and the atmosphere in front of the Yhwach body was distorted.

This time, Yhwach also modified the future, but it was changed back by Jiang Feng.

Yhwach noticed the danger, and suddenly his eyes sank and his mind moved. The surrounding Reishi was sucked into his body and injected into the blood vessels.

Immediately around Yhwach’s body, there was a semi-circular Reishi shield with a texture, protecting Yhwach in it.


Jiang Feng fist’s upper arm issued a terrifying impact, all banging on the semi-circular Reishi shield, and a burst of air burst suddenly.

Kāchā ! Kāchā !

One after another crack appeared on the semi-circular Reishi shield, and Yhwach’s complexion changed slightly.

His shell venom pack is an extension of the Strongthening technique of venom packs. The amount of defensive power is much more than ordinary venge packs. It can not only resist the offensive from the enemy, but also erode everything that touches the Reishi shield, including Reishi Attack.

But the opposite side, with brute force, broke the eroded Strength and shattered his Reishi shield!

As Reishi shattered Shatter, Yhwach quickly drew himself away from Jiang Feng.

“Have you avoided it?” Jiang Feng looked at Yhwach casually.

Yhwach turned on omnipotent and all-powerful Ability. He can see everything from now to the future. He can know everything through seeing things. Therefore, Kido of Shinigami and Ability of Zanpakuto can not only defeat Yhwach, they ca n’t even hurt Yhwach.

So to deal with Yhwach, Jiang Feng does not plan to use those flamboyant Ability, it is enough to hit him with the simplest fist.

“After 1000 years, do you think it’s so easy for me to retrieve the Originally Strength …”, Yhwach opened his eyes, and there were 2 pupils in the eyes.

the next moment, Yhwach’s eyes flashed, and a extinguishing crossblade suddenly appeared in his hand, without the slightest hesitation chopped down towards Jiang Feng.

Yhwach has known Ability, his slash is not the strongest, but it is the most correct, as if this blade will cut to the soft underbelly of Jiang Feng.

“That’s it!”, Tone barely fell, Yhwach’s wrist shook, and the annihilated cross sword in his hand had been chopped on Jiang Feng.

With Strength, which knows everything, this blade, as if Yhwach knew Jiang Feng could not dodge,

It will be cut to Jiang Feng body.

Sure enough, Jiang Feng didn’t dodge. Yhwach fiercely slashed Jiang Feng’s body, and Jiang Feng’s body cracked one of his blood.

Jiang Feng’s gaze changed slightly. At that moment, he seemed to be affected by some strange strength.

Yhwach’s sword, although not fatal to him, was cut to him without any defense. Is this known Strength?

It seems that he came to find Yhwach by himself, and Jiang Feng’s corner of the mouth raised a touch of radian.

Jiang Feng’s gaze was condensed, and the spiritual pressure on his body began to surge. Yhwach only felt that there was a sudden terrifying pressure on himself.

Almost at this moment, a big hand suddenly appeared in front of Yhwach, and Yhwach waved the extinguishing cross knife in anxiety, but Jiang Feng firmly grasped the blade.

Yhwach’s gaze suddenly changed and he was approached by Jiang Feng. Rao was Yhwach’s Ability, and he didn’t know what to do!

Yhwach didn’t speak. After a while, Yhwach was slightly frowned, and then a look of surprise began to appear on his face.

His omnipotent Strength has been completely awaken, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but from the moment Jiang Feng held the annihilation of the crossblade, the future he saw, any future, was the end of his death!

“What makes me die, it can just change the future, it can change now!”

Yhwach coldly shouted, the spiritual pressure on his body suddenly erupted, and the extinguishing crossblade that kept pouring into his hands.

Bright rays of light bloom on the crossblade.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng exerted a little force, and then killed the crossblade Shatter.


Wandenreich, the ice palace!

Yhwach died, members of Sternritter, and Soldiers of Wandenreich were frozen in ice, and now the Ice Palace is dead.

Jiang Feng solved Yhwach and took Yhwach’s body to a quiet place.

At this point, Yhwach was lying flat on the ground, and the body was out of breath. If Yamamoto Yuan Liao Zhai Zhongguo saw Yhwach’s appearance, he would startled.

After all, 1000 years ago, the predecessor of the Hutong XIII team was the fierce slaughter group. Strength is more than several times of the current Hutong XIII team. They did not really kill Yhwach.

Jiang Feng looked at Yhwach’s body looking thoughtful. He came to Yhwach for another purpose, which was to create a new doppelgänger.

Doppelgänger follows Doppelgänger and Doppelgänger.

Jiang Feng thought, and his spiritual power began to surge.

A soul body appeared in front of Jiang Feng. This soul body looked exactly like Jiang Feng, but it carried only a ray of Jiang Feng’s will.

This soul doppelgänger is moved towards Jiang Feng faintly smiled, and then the soul body enters the body of Yhwach.

After a moment, the lifeless Yhwach suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

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