“It’s about to dawn! It looks like Your Majesty should wake up too!”

There was a murmur around, and members of the Sternritter set their sights on the depths of the Ice Palace.

Here a terrifying spiritual pressure headed straight into the sky, and the entire Space began to tremble, and a terrifying pressure spread from all directions in the depths of the palace.

From the ice palace of Shatter, the sound of the building collapsed everywhere, as if the earth was mourning, and the entire ice palace was in a heavy atmosphere.

There was a wave of fluctuations in Jiang Feng’s eyes. I saw one silhouette suddenly appearing on the battlefield with long black hair and a beard, a pair of red eye pupils, and a ferocious and profound look.

Yhwach, the ancestor of the Destruction Division, forcibly invaded the Spirit Royal Palace in the original work, defeated Zero Squad, devoured all the Spirit power of the Spirit King, and nearly destroyed the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the existence of the real world.

Amongst the ruins, Yhwach looked indifferently at Jiang Feng, saying, “Did you mess up my palace and kill the members of Sternritter?”

“I don’t look like you, it’s not like the team of Hu Ting XIII, Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai!”

“Invading the Ice Palace, killing members of the Sternritter, everything is a death sentence!”

The words fell, Yhwach suddenly raised his hand and moved towards Jiang Feng, and fell down. The Reishi building and the land of Jiang Feng up ahead burst, and everything was destroyed.

However, Jiang Feng stood there intact.

Seeing this, Yhwach’s pupils only shrank slightly. Obviously, he knew Jiang Feng’s Strength before he appeared here.

Yhwach took a deep breath, saying: “Sternritter obey, completely destroy the enemy in front of him, and use his body to sacrifice the dead soldier!”

With the order of Yhwach, the surviving members of the Sternritter began to move towards Jiang Feng crazy.

Loyd and Loyd rushed to Jiang Feng in an imposing manner. The duplication of Ability was really strong. Although they could not copy Jiang Feng’s Strength, they could copy other people’s Strength.

On the battlefield, there were three Yhwachs. Of course, two of them were changed by Loyd and Loyd.

The spiritual pressure on them is exactly the same as that of Yhwach, otherwise they would not be deceived in the original work, Yamamoto Yuan Liao Zhai Old Man ’s spiritual pressure perception.

Perhaps their line of destruction, Bloodline, came from Yhwach’s sake. The spiritual pressure they copied was almost perfect. If it weren’t for the strength of their own spiritual pressure, they would almost have been cheated by Jiang Feng.

Two fake Yhwachs approached Jiang Feng without using any Reishi longbows, and gathered the surrounding Reishis directly on their respective palms, forming huge Reishi arrows, and then directly pointed at Jiang Feng.

Two huge Reishi energies moved towards Jiang Feng galloping, and Jiang Feng’s gaze fell slightly.

Although the Strength of 2 people is not as strong as Yhwach, the original work can deceive the solution of Yamamoto Yuan Liaozhai’s heavy country, and I would not be able to come by Biakins, Penida and the others weak.

“Hadō! Bingya Zhenglan!”

After Jiang Feng’s indifference to Issho, a touch of ridicule appeared on his face, and a sudden burst of extreme Cold’s spiritual pressure broke out at his fingertips, spreading instantly.

Chi! chi! chi!

10000 1000 Snow and ice hit 2 fake Yhwachs, with a speed visible by naked eyes, 2 people were suddenly covered by Level 1 frost.

However, the ice layer subsequently cracked, and eventually cracked open.

At the same time, Jiang Feng’s up ahead, the air froze suddenly, making a kāchā kāchā sound, the entire spread, and the Reishi arrow from several strikes up with him, clashed in front.

The frosty Shatter started, but a few Reishi arrows were eventually forcibly blocked and resisted!

Loyd and Loyd were frightened in their eyes.

All around Minina, Gatis and the others, was also trembling, the guy in front of him would have been Shindami’s Hadō.


As 1000 years of hiding under the shadow of Seireitei, they want to capture the Soul Society again. They naturally understand the various strengths of the Soul Society. They know that Shinigami’s strongest dependency is Ability of Zanpakuto. Hadō is just Is an auxiliary means that’s all.

But this guy ’s Hadō, formidable power is so formidable, everyone is shocked!

“Come again!”, Jiang Feng took a deep breath, complexion turned cold, 10000 1000 The cold air burst out from Jiang Feng again.

Perceiving the all around Space, the terrifying cold and cold Strength pouring down, Space has become extremely fragile. It seems that as long as you use too much force, this Space will be broken by it.

Jiang Feng shook his head slightly, at the same time, taking a step forward.

Chi! chi! chi!

The dazzling and dazzling white rays of light pour down from in the sky and turn into snow and sky, spreading in all directions, wherever they go, the earth, buildings … everything is frozen into ice!

Whether it is Reishi or Space, under the influence of the snow and ice, they are all frozen!

Minina, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Jiatis and the others, feeling this fearsome power of Ice Thunder, the first idea that came to mind was almost the same, that is, it is impossible !!

For a Hadō, how can it have a formidable power of this scale, even if it is Hadō above 9 and 15?

All around Space was frozen almost instantly.

Minina, Cartis and the others who wanted to retreat, all frozen Space was forced to stay in place, at the same time, the power of Ice Thunder was also freezing them, toward their within The body poured in, freezing all the people in Wandenreich into ice.

Minina, Katis and the others struggled a few times and found that they couldn’t break the freeze easily, and could not help but be heart shivered with cold.

In this way, the ice palace became a real ice palace, two fake Yhwach, and members of the Sternritter, and the Soldiers of Wandenreich were frozen into each and everyone popsicles.

In the battlefield, the ice in front of Yhwach slowly dissipated.

These ice layers did not dissipate, but disappeared like a dream.

“Omnipotent and omnipotent?” Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a surprising color.

Such a weird scene can only be explained by omnipotent and versatile Ability. He guessed that Yhwach just made some manipulations of the future and changed his future, so Yhwach was not frozen.

The battlefield center, now only the Feng and Yhwach 2 people in the great Wandenreich.

Yhwach ignored the rest of Wandenreich directly, looked coldly at Jiang Feng with a bit grave expression in his eyes.

“I see that you just used Hadō, shouldn’t you be Shinigami! Why not join Wandenreich and wait for me to kill Yamamoto Yuan Liao Zhai Zhongguo, Soul Society can give you!”

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