Askin, who just died, is not a member of the ordinary Sternritter, but one of Yhwach’s guards!

Seeing Askin’s death, the members of Sternritter had a complicated mind.

Deep inside the Ice Palace, several silhouettes suddenly disappeared and came to the battlefield center!

“This is … the other Guards of the Knights, and Lord Haschwalth …”

Minina is aware of the spiritual pressure close to the battlefield, her eyes are constantly changing, although her Strength ranking in Sternritter is not low, but it is not as good as the Guards, and it is far less than Sternritter No. 1, under one person above Jugram Haschwalth of ten thousand people.


The other 3 Sternritter members of the Guard also arrived. Their spiritual pressure kept rising, and the pressure of terrifying struck in all directions.

Rao is also a member of Sternritter, and Minina and Katiss and the others are under pressure.

For a while, the entire Ice Palace began to shake violently!

Perceiving such a formidable spiritual pressure erupted, Minina’s expression finally calmed down, and she said to Jiang Feng’s start to talk: “Other members of the Guards came, Haschwalth represents Your Majesty, you have time to escape now! “

Seeing Minina’s expression of timid expression, but threatening to pretend to be calm, Jiang Feng could not help smirking, “Run away? Do you need it?”

When you meet yourself, the person who should consider life safety is Yhwach.

Just now he was in the depths of the Ice Palace, and the formidable spiritual pressure he sensed came from Haschwalth.

However, it is not entirely true that the spiritual pressure from Haschwalth!

Haschwalth cannot absorb Reishi and transform it into his own strength like other destroyers. His Ability is to give strength to others.

Haschwalth and Bazz-B grew up together, and Haschwalth’s Strength has not been able to improve, while Bazz-B’s Strength under the influence of Haschwalth’s Ability, Strength far exceeds the person of same age.

At ten in the night, Haschwalth exchanges Strength with Yhwach. Haschwalth can be said to be the other half of Yhwach. During the day, Yhwach will get back his own Strength. At night, Haschwalth will bring Yhwach’s Strength to help Yhwach manage the Ice Palace.

“Who are you, let alone the destruction of the Ice Palace, and killed a guard of Your Majesty …”

Soon, Haschwalth came to Jiang Feng, staring at Jiang Feng tightly, and glittering a little cold glow in his eyes. The whole person was like frost, exuding an indifferent spiritual pressure.

Haschwalth’s expression gloomy.

Your Majesty has just restored Strength and is still stabilizing the spiritual pressure. At this time, someone sneaked into Wandenreich. For security reasons, you should clean it up.

The guys in front of you may also leak the traces of the Ice Palace. If Wandenreich is found by the Soul Society, then their decisive battle with the Soul Society will begin in advance.

Their book was handed to Huting XIII, but they hoped that the battlefield they played with Huting XIII would be Soul Society, not Ice Palace.

If the Shinigami of the Huting XIII team find the Ice Palace, the war will inevitably begin in the Ice Palace. Even if they are Sternritter, they will not be afraid of the Huting XIII team, and they will fall into a passive situation.

“Take him down!” Haschwalth said coldly.

During Yhwach’s sleep, he was the king of Wandenreich, and he ruled everything. Even during Yhwach’s sleep, Yhwach’s Strength would be used by him. As a night king, how could he tolerate the enemy’s impudent in the ice palace of his territory.

The one command was issued, and instantly, the members of the surrounding Sternritter looked towards Jiang Feng, and the spiritual pressure erupted, condensing into a terrifying pressure field.

In just a few breaths, the ice palace was filled with extremely heavy spiritual pressure. The spiritual pressure was like Jiangshan to the sea, and the entire ice palace Tremor was endless. One after another crack appeared on the wall.

Penida Pakaja took the lead.


One of Yhwach’s 4 guards, formerly the left arm of Spirit King, the holy text is c, symbolizing Ability ‘enforcement’.

Penida can release her nerves outside the body. As long as the objects that the nerve has touched, whether it is alive or inanimate, can change the solid shape and movement state at will.

And this kind of Ability is also transitive, Penida injects her nerves into objects, and when objects touch other objects, other objects will also be affected by Penida Strength.

Penida came to Jiang Feng’s body, but his body was blocked by the spiritual pressure barrier around Jiang Feng.

Wearing a cloak, Penida took off the cloak to reveal her body. His body was a huge arm.

The five fingers on the huge arm are connected by a weird iron chain, and there are 5 eyeballs on the palm, and the whole looks very penetrating.

Seeing that she was blocked, Penida’s body squirmed, her fingers fell off, swelled and swelled on the ground, and turned into a huge arm, surrounding Jiang Feng.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng felt a chill in his heart, and the scene was a bit irritating. UU Reading Book

Jiang Feng thought, one spiritual pressure erupted from his body, and a dozen of Penida’s bodies were broken into pieces by Jiang Feng’s spiritual pressure.

Seeing this scene, the members of Sternritter not at all panic, they know that the real terrifying place of Penida’s Ability is regeneration, even if Penida’s body 40% 5 is split, they will merge together.

At this time, Gerat, also a Yhwach guard, also went to Jiang Feng.

Gerat, the sacred text m, symbolizes the miracle of Ability. The heart, formerly Spirit King, can measure its Spiritual Force to make it absolutely unfavorable to its own body, such as changing the body 鈥檚 condition. The damage is all converted to Strength.

“People in the Guards got in, and we can’t look at it!”, Bazz-B was coldly snorted than coldly, and the spiritual pressure on his body broke out suddenly.

Immediately Bazz-B seemed to be ignited than Reishi in front of him, and it was hot all around.

“Hmph! Does this still require you to make bullshit?”

Cangdu, Robert and other members of Sternritter also surrounded Xiang Feng.

In a short period of time, all members of the Sternritter moved, one after another huge spiritual pressure, firmly locked Jiang Feng.

Penida, who had just been torn into pieces by Jiang Feng’s spiritual pressure, also recovered her body, and the number of arms around Jiang Feng’s body increased several times.

“Yes, it’s all here, all right, so let’s solve it together!” Jiang Feng looked at Sternritter murmured lightly.

“Cut, it’s a really hot guy!” Seeing Jiang Feng’s calm expression, some members of Sternritter’s face were unhappy, and they were very angry.

A few people stepped on the soles of their feet suddenly, and the whole person suddenly appeared a glittering, appearing in front of Jiang Feng out of thin air.

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