Shocked by his own spiritual pressure barrier, Askin was not angry and happy, seeing such an abnormal scene, Jiang Feng looking thoughtful.

Suddenly, Jiang Feng seemed to think of something, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Askin’s Ability seems to be able to create some kind of Reishi virus. This guy should not think that he can create a spiritual pressure virus that erodes himself!

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng looked towards Askin’s eyes, the unexpected expression from the very beginning became sympathy.

Sure enough, as Jiang Feng thought, Askin’s face was full of pride, as if he had caught the soft underbelly of Jiang Feng and could kill Jiang Feng at any time.

The members of Sternritter all know Askin’s Ability very well. It is a joy to see Askin’s success, and they are starting to look forward to it.

In fact, Jiang Feng’s spiritual pressure cannot be sensed by others because Jiang Feng’s soul level is higher than them, but this does not mean that Jiang Feng does not have spiritual pressure.

Jiang Feng also has spiritual pressure, but other people can’t understand that’s all.

It is worth mentioning that Askin’s blow just made his body come into contact with Jiang Feng’s spiritual pressure.

“Hahaha! Your end is here!” Askin sneered, the spiritual pressure on his body surged, and the strange Reishi substance appeared on the surface of his body.

Soon, a large number of complex molecular structures appeared on Askin’s entire body. A star-shaped halo of molecular structure appeared on the top of his head, and there were overlapping molecular-connected light-wheel double-wing structures on his shoulders. His arms were floating in a regular arrangement of miniature poisonous Reishi.

In order for the body to adapt, the Reishi virus created by himself, Yakins directly turned on Saint Physique.

This form of Askin can quickly adapt to the qualitative changes of the virus, and can directly ignore the surface changes of the virus to analyze the essence of the virus and generate immunity.

Moreover, in this state, Askin’s resilience is also very amazing. The wounds that Askin has just cracked are all to heal at the speed visible by naked eye.

Gradually, the poison spheres of each and everyone black appeared around Askin … Askin’s complexion was even more proud.

However, at the next moment, the surrounding black poisonous spheres began to undergo qualitative changes, and Askin’s complexion became ugly …

Askin’s Reishi virus seems to be out of control!

“Haha! Spying on Strength beyond your own range, this is playing on fire!”

In the distance, Jiang Feng saw the change of Askin’s body, very indifferent, as if he had already expected it!

His soul is several levels stronger than Askin, and it is obviously impossible for Askin to create a Reishi virus that threatens him.

Unless Askin’s soul is as strong as himself.

The sudden mutation of Askin’s body was entirely because the Reishi virus he created based on his spiritual pressure was beyond his cognition and control.

“Askin …”, cry out in surprise in the distance!

In the horror of everyone, Askin’s body was slowly eroded by the Reishi virus he created.

“Don’t, don’t!”, A painful 10000 minutes sounded.

Askin’s body was completely consumed by the Reishi virus and turned into a huge black virus sphere.

One after another black’s spiritual pressure virus, moved towards all directions.

Facing all this, Jiang Feng was in no hurry. The members of Sternritter panicked and let the spiritual pressure virus spread. The entire Ice Palace may be destroyed.

Gatiomy’s gloomy’s eyes suddenly lifted her hands, one after another lightning converged on the palm of her hand.

Byrnndi Aite and others, Sternritter members also shot.

Bazz-B ratio, Sternritter, holy text h, Ability symbolizes scorching.

Seeing the spiritual pressure virus spreading out, Bazz-B’s gaze was fixed, the surrounding Reishi surged, one after another scorching fire curtain surrounded the spiritual pressure virus …

After a while!

With the efforts of a group of Sternritter members, Askin and the semifinished product spiritual pressure virus he created,

It was finally cleaned up.

Sternritter, Askin … dead!

The atmosphere in the field was heavy, and the members of Sternritter looked fiercely at Jiang Feng. Apparently, Yakins died because of Jiang Feng.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng curl one’s lip said: “It’s a matter of my fart. I just started one more than the other. When people die, they have to put debt on my head, hey …”

“Akins … dead?”

“No way, deceiving, Atkins is one of Your Majesty’s guards!”

The members of Sternritter have incredible expressions on their faces. Atkins can be one of Yhwach’s guards. There is no doubt that Strength is definitely the top member of Sternritter Strength.

But now, they can no longer sense the spiritual pressure of Atkins, that is to say, Atkins has completely died!

“What are you waiting for? Get revenge for him!” Jiang Feng looked towards other Sternritter members, said coldly.

A group of Sternritter members, ugly complexion, some of them, UU reading books www. At this time, the forehead was overflowing with cold sweat, and his expression was no longer firm, and the colors of fright appeared in his eyes.

They are members of the Sternritter. They are equipped with blood and destroying Saint Physique, and it is extremely difficult to kill them.


In front of Jiang Feng, although they couldn’t sense any spiritual pressure, they were frightened, there was always a feeling of danger in their hearts, a feeling of crisis penetrating into Heart directly, as long as the man in front of him wanted to, Can kill them all!

It was because of this man that Atkins caused Reishi to get out of control and die from his Strength backlash.

In this strong sense of crisis, some of the members of Sternritter finally resigned and did not dare to oppose Jiang Feng anymore.

They told themselves in their hearts that maybe only Yhwach in this World could defeat Jiang Feng, and their face against Jiang Feng was also a mantis resisting a war chariot, overestimate one’s capabilities, and lost their lives in vain.

Several familiar Sternritter members took a few steps to retreat.

“Just now, the movement is so big, it must have shocked Yhwach! In this case, let me take a look at what’s strange about Yhwach’s Strength and Ability!”

Seeing this, Jiang Feng does not intend to bother with these Sternritter members.

Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a faint light, his gaze passed through the house far away from Shatter, and looked far into the deepest room of the Ice Palace.

After a few breaths!

At the deepest point of the Ice Palace, one terrifying spiritual pressure soars into the sky, and it is more formidable than Minina, Gattis, Askin and the others. Its momentum is like a stormy sea, sweeping the entire Ice Palace!

The terrifying spiritual pressure points directly to Jiang Feng!

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