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Originally, they had arranged guards for each of them, but as the entire Dragon Park held a cocktail party to celebrate, there was no one guarding them.

"Damn, my big belly is really a hindrance. I can't even find the place where the rope is tied!"

In the cell on the west side, Noqi Gao lay on her side on the ground, trying her best to find a way to untie the rope behind her without pressing the fetus in her belly.

Having grown up in the village, Noqi Gao's skills are not bad.

It's a pity that she is about to give birth, and her big belly completely affects her movements, and she can't make coordinated movements smoothly.

"The salted fish at the door seem to have all left, so I must take this opportunity to get out!"

Thinking that he might become a burden to Nami, Nokigo was anxious to escape.


"What happened... my stomach suddenly……"


Before Noqigao could move twice, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, which made her lose her strength instantly.



The violent wind directly broke the ropes on Nojigao's hands and feet.

The restraints that had tortured her for a day were completely untied in a special way.

It was a pity that without Jin Yi's presence, Nojigao was in unbearable pain at this time, and her belly was bulging at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Coincidentally, in the slightly more upscale cell on the east side

"Ding ding ding!"

""Dang, dang, dang!"

Nami knocked on the wooden wall of the cell, trying to find a weaker side.

From yesterday till now, although there was no energy shock, the weakness of being pregnant made her sleep for most of the day.

"How can I sleep for so long?"

"Damn the dragon... I don't know what's happening to Nokigo now!"

Nami became more and more anxious, constantly looking for a place to break through.



"here we go again!"

"This time... Ugh!"

The familiar pain enveloped Nami again.

This time the extraordinary pain was beyond any previous pain.

Nami's abdomen was also bulging like Nokigo's.




Two loud explosions were heard simultaneously from the left cell.




""Swoosh... Boom!"

The two small fish that had come out of Nami and Noki were ordered by the dragon to catch them. Under the impact of the air wave, they flew out with blood all over their bodies and fainted on the ground.

"Boom boom boom……"

Then, thunderclouds gathered in the sky!

The dark and heavy clouds just blocked the sunlight above the Dragon Park, leaving the entire Dragon Park area in darkness.


Almost at the same time, a strong earthquake wave was generated on the ground of the courtyard.

The tall storage boxes standing in the park fell one by one, and the entire castle building seemed to be crumbling.

"what happened?"

"In the end what happened?"

"Was it a natural earthquake?"

"But it seems that there are thunderclouds only above the park, and the earthquake is only inside!"

The small fish looked around in panic and shouted, not knowing what was going on.




Two unrivaled auras suddenly came out from the cell at the opposite corner, directly sweeping the nerves of the small fish present.


"What's with this breath?"

"That direction... isn't that where those two little girls are locked up?"

The sharp-sense dragon sensed the strange breath, and his eyes swayed left and right, constantly staring at the source of the two breaths.


One kilometer away

"What happened? Did the weather suddenly change?"

"Why do I feel like the ground is shaking?"

"I feel right! Is this a natural disaster?"

"How could there be a natural disaster in our village? Look over there!"

The villagers rushing to the front of the Dragon Park were also in chaos. Some people with clear eyes raised their hands and pointed to the sky, reminding the people around them to pay attention.

At this moment, on both sides of the huge castle building of the Dragon Park, two streams of air, one blue and one black and white, rushed straight into the sky, which looked very sensational!

In the absence of his father suppressing him, a natural thunder fruit and an unknown powerful fruit, the shock waves that erupted at the same time were completely unimaginable.


"Could it be that the rumored Devil Fruit user has come to this island?"

Uncle Jian had sweat dripping down his forehead and waved his hand to signal everyone to stop for a while.

In the East China Sea, which is relegated to be the weakest among the four seas, Devil Fruit users are also very rare.

With the strength of the dragon, if he encounters an average ability user, he will not be too threatening. But what he encountered now was a small Devil Fruit ability user who completely surpassed common sense!


"Boom boom boom……"


Seeing the fierce air wave destroying a wider and wider area, the five-story palace of the evil dragon began to shake.


Or right?

"You go over there!"

"I'm going to take a look over here!"

"You want to cause trouble in my territory? No way!"

The evil dragon waved his hand and shouted to his cadres.

"It's... Brother Dragon"

"Let's go... let's go and take a look."

The salted fish cadres looked at each other, nodding nervously in response.

Just by looking at the momentum of the abnormal movement, they knew that there must be a monster like a flood and a beast in the direction of the cell. If they approached at this time, who knows what would happen?

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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