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"Do you want to have all three?"

"Is this such a big deal this time?"

Jin Yi was confused for a moment, and didn't react at all from the surprise.

Just now, she was blessed with a little princess, and now she was given three such big surprises!

If she knew that there were only five unborn daughters, she would have given birth to more than half of them.

The first person to react was not Jin Yi, but Conis outside the bedroom!

Hearing the noise in the bedroom gradually subsided, the originally awkward atmosphere just eased a little

"Uh...what happened?……"

In a moment, Connies held onto Robin's arm and almost fell to the ground.

Under the anxious gazes of the other girls, Connies's belly grew at a visible speed until it was the same size as Taotu's.

"It’s time to give birth!"

"Another baby is coming!"

"Why is she giving birth again?"

"It must be Jin Yi’s doing!"


The girls complained and looked at Jin Yi, which made Jin Yi feel wronged.

As a result, when they figured out the situation, a similar energy collision scene was immediately in front of them!


Donghai, Cocoa West Village, Dragon Park

"Evil Dragon Boss! You haven't given those two women any food for a whole day. Are you really going to watch them starve to death?"

"That guy called Nogao, if he dies, then he dies. It's enough to keep Nami to draw the navigation chart for the dragon brother."

"You’re right, maybe if we have a child in the future, she can continue to work for us!"

"Two women are about to give birth at the same time, and I don't know if it's the same man."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In the spacious courtyard of the Dragon Paradise, a group of insignificant people gathered together, chattering about Nami and Nochigo who were captured yesterday.

Since becoming pregnant, Nami and Nochigo have been hiding in the village with the help of the villagers.

When faced with the villagers' inquiries, even the two sisters could not explain the origin of the baby in their belly.

The kind-hearted people in the village also spared no effort to protect the two poor sisters.

The dragon finally lost his patience and took his men to conduct a thorough search from house to house.

Not only did he capture Nami and Nochigo, he also plundered the village on the charge of harboring a criminal, making the villagers even more miserable.

"You damned guys.……"

"Today's words are particularly to my liking!

""Haha, bring some wine!"

Sitting on a bench in front of the main hall, the evil dragon kept swinging the empty wine glass in his hand, looking like he had everything under control.

In front of the entrance of the evil dragon village adjacent to Keke Yaxi Village, an uncle wearing a windmill and a security uniform picked up a hoe beside him and looked at the villagers gathered together with a heavy face.


"I don't want to embarrass you about rescuing the sisters Nochigo and Nami today."

"Those who have elderly people and children at home can withdraw from this action."

"Our enemy is a cruel and merciless dragon, and there is a high possibility that we will never return."

The uncle clenched the wooden handle of the hoe with his fist, as if he had made a difficult decision.

After hearing this, the villagers looked at each other, but no one left the scene.

"Uncle Jian, everyone knows that these peaceful days were brought about by Nami's sacrifice alone."

"You're right! Ah Jian, even though I'm old and can't fight anymore, I absolutely cannot let those damn fishmen hurt their sisters again!"

"No matter what the result is, Nami has paid enough. This poor child has never seen our determination, right?"

"I won't leave, I must participate today!"

"I will definitely not leave!"


The villagers expressed their determination one by one, which made Uncle Jian recall Nami's childhood.

The island where Kokoa West Village is located is surrounded by the sea. Since it was occupied by the evil dragon, the naval forces that came and went to conquer it have been defeated at sea by fishmen who are familiar with the water.

In order to allow the villagers to live in peace, Nami sacrificed herself to join the evil dragon's group at the cost of drawing nautical charts.

It was from that moment that Nami's freedom was completely bound.

Uncle Jian watched Nami and Nochiko grow up since they were young, and treated the two girls as his own daughters.

As an elder, he was unable to protect them who he regarded as his own daughters, and Jian felt ashamed.


"Since everyone has this awareness……"

"Today we fight those damn fishmen!"



""Let's fight!"

The villagers shouted louder and louder.

Although they didn't even have any decent weapons, they all picked up farm tools and headed towards the Dragon Paradise with great momentum!


Ten minutes later, in Dragon Park

"Brother Dragon, a kilometer away, groups of ignorant villagers appeared."

"Those idiots were holding weapons in their hands, looking like they were ready to fight us."

"Fight with all your might? Hahahaha!"

"Don't laugh at me, just them? Hahaha!"

None of the fishmen took the villagers seriously.

Such a large force could be dealt with by just sending two small fishmen out.

But considering that Nami had to continue to work for him unconditionally, the dragon couldn't kill them all.

"It seems like another tear-jerking drama is going to happen today."

"Guys, bring out Nami and Nochiko!"

""When the villagers come, kill Nochigo in front of Nami!"

Such a cruel and inhumane act not only made the villagers feel terrified and desperate, but also warned Nami what would happen if she dared to continue to resist her in the future. What the evil dragon and the other small fry did not expect was that in just half an hour, something horrifying had already happened!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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