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"You arrogant bastard!"

Lucci frowned, like a cheetah that could get angry at any time. A few meters away, one could clearly feel the aura emanating from Lucci.

In comparison, Jin Yi, who was unmoved, looked ordinary, no different from a pedestrian walking on the road.

If he hadn't just felt the mental pressure of Jin Yi, Lucci would not be willing to believe his own judgment. Could such a guy be considered a strong man?

Lucci didn't know how Kaku and Bruno's actions were progressing. After being undercover in the No. 1 dock of the Seven Water City for so long, there was still no progress on the Pluto design.

The leaders of the world government have already questioned this operation and have repeatedly reduced the activity funds of CP9 agents.

CP9 Chief Spandam reminded Lucci more than once during the conference call that he should make some achievements as soon as possible.

Now that O'Hara's demon son and the defected sergeant from the navy have been found, if they are caught at the same time, they will definitely make great contributions to the organization!

On the contrary, if a war breaks out again but nothing is gained, the identity of the undercover agent is likely to be exposed.

For Lucci, the current battle is inevitable... and he must defeat the guy in front of him!

"Now that even you have shown up, I think this battle should be over sooner.……"

"There is no need to hide your strength any more.……"

"Nico Robin, are you sure this is your final choice?"



Lu Qi clenched his fists, and the ship repairman's clothes on his upper body were shattered, gradually revealing something like fur.


Inside the playground

"Hehehe, this is so fun! Sister Cube, what else is fun?"

"Oh, I feel dizzy, as if there are several figures"

"Oh, Qiqi's throat hurts from shouting. The playground is super fun."

""Wow, why did mom run so far? Who is she talking to? Dad is here too!"

Huahua's words immediately attracted the attention of several little girls. They were so engrossed in the play that they didn't notice that Robin in the pavilion had disappeared.

Weiwei looked around in confusion and said to Huahua,"Yeah, where did Robin go? Huahua, can you hear it?"

Huahua, who possesses a super strong observation Haki, can still hear the conversation of several people across the street even at such a long distance.

Lucci's threatening words fell into Huahua's ears one by one, and the smile on Huahua's face gradually solidified, replaced by an angry little face.

"What happened to Huahua?"

"Is Aunt Robin in trouble?"

""Is there another bad guy?"

It was the first time for the little girls to see Huahua like this. Her shaking hands and heaving shoulders showed that she was angry!

Mother and daughter are connected by heart. Although Huahua was not at the scene, she could fully feel the helplessness and sadness in her mother's heart.

"There are bad guys!"

"Very bad!"

"Are you bullying your mother?"

Huahua frowned, looked towards the street on the other side, and ran quickly towards the distance.




After seeing the action of the youngest sister, the three little girls reacted quickly and followed Huahua's footsteps.

If there was someone who didn't care about his life, the little girls would definitely fight against him in unison.

This made Weiwei, who was a little slow to react, stunned in place. When she came to her senses, the little girls had disappeared in place. Only the afterimages were seen rushing out of the playground.

"Hey, little brats?"

""Oh no, what happened?"

Weiwei hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed.

The Franky family looked at each other, stunned.

How could a group of people who came out to play just run away? The money had already been paid!


The scene of the battle.

Lucci's words still played a certain role. Robin was not worried that Jin Yi would lose to Lucci.

Behind Lucci, there was a huge world government!

"Jin Yi...You may know something about my past……"

"But I...I can't……"

Robin's eyes flickered. She wanted to tell Jin Yi that she couldn't make them enemies of the World Government.

Jin Yi knew exactly what Robin would say in this situation.

Even when he was holding her in his arms, he could feel Robin's slight chan.

"It turns out that childhood experiences are not so easy to forget."

"In that case……"

As he spoke, Jin moved his arm slightly, took a step forward, and stood face to face with Robin.

""Uh... um!"

Before Robin could react, Jin Yi's head leaned forward and blocked the source of the sound.

The sudden sound made Robin's eyes widen, and her brain suddenly went blank.

In her heart, she had already slowly accepted Jin Yi in the process of gradual contact.

It was only a matter of time for the relationship between the two to take a step further. What Robin didn't expect was that Jin Yi would suddenly do something under such circumstances...

This sound lasted for a long time. Robin was stiff at the beginning, and gradually closed her eyes, completely sinking into Jin Yi's warmth.

Even her slender arms slid down unconsciously and gently hung on Jin Yi's body.

The two of them didn't consider Lucci's emotions behind them at all. They were clearly fighting now!

"In this kind of thing……"

"Do you look down on me?"


"Whoosh whoosh……"

Lucci had already completely entered the battle mode, but a whirlwind of violence suddenly blew up around him, causing him to pause for a moment.





Four petite figures landed steadily behind Jin Yi and Robin, like little killers rushing over, each with a murderous aura!

"Eh? Huahua, it seems like Daddy is kissing Aunt Robin?"

"Hey, Sister Huahua, are you sure Aunt Robin has been bullied?"

""Tsk, is it Dad who bullied Aunt Robin?"

The three little girls looked at each other, each with a sly smile on their face.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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