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When he was still a child, O'Hara Island, where he lived for many years, completely disappeared in the vast ocean under the launch of CP9's Demon Killing Order.

Even though he has so many powerful little ghosts around him now, even with Jin Yi as a big backer, the shadow of being displaced and hunted everywhere in his childhood cannot be completely eliminated in such a short time!

"CP9...why are they in a place like this?"

"What do you want...?"

Robin quickly stood up from his seat, and was confused for a moment.

Lucci could see the panic in Robin's expression, and he recognized the identities of the four little ones while following him!

Recently in the Grand Line, if someone didn't know about the new pirates, it would be understandable, but if they didn't know about the four little ones of the Jinyi Pirates, it would be absolutely impossible.

Lucci also has his own estimate of the abilities of the four little ones.

What he cares more about is the captain of the Jinyi Pirates... Jinyi himself. The fact that

Lucci, who thinks highly of himself, can be feared is enough to show that the recent continuous battles have successfully pushed the height of the Jinyi Pirates to the cusp.

If Robin can be taken away successfully before the battle, it will be the best decision.

"Your daughter should be in there... the one with the wreath on her head?"

Lu Qi looked at the roller coaster. The little girls still didn't know what was going on here and continued to play loudly.

"If you dare to touch my daughter, I will never forgive you!"

Robin took a step forward, crossed his hands in front of him, ready to attack.

"Point the gun!"


Lucci saw the timing of Robin's attack and quickly raised his hand to strike.

The powerful compressed air bullet was like a bullet fired from a shotgun, hitting Robin's arm directly, completely disrupting his movement.


Robinton felt his arm go numb, and his elbow became red and swollen.

"Don't resist fearlessly.……"

"You should know that in front of the world government, your daughter and the captain……"

"How insignificant!"

Every word of Lucci was like a heavy bomb, exploding in Robin's heart one by one.

Following Jin Yi and the little daughters all the way, everything went too smoothly, and there were almost no setbacks.

Even Robin, who once lived in darkness, had fantasies about the future... It seemed that following Jin Yi, with their little daughters, they could go anywhere on the sea at will.

Now... the childhood nightmare is once again shrouded in front of him!

When such a thing happened, Robin doubted the strength of the team for the first time. Could he really avoid the pursuit of the world government with such a family?

Or would he implicate his family if he resisted blindly?

Seeing the hesitation in Robin's heart, Lucci was also worried that continuing to talk to Robin in such a crowded place would attract other people's attention.

"Let's talk somewhere else. For the sake of your daughter and family, you won't refuse, right?"

While speaking, Lucci turned around and followed the path, heading outside the playground fence, regardless of whether Robin would follow him or not.

Robin looked back at her little daughter who was having fun. The scene looked very harmonious.

If this scene was really because of her, facing the same nightmare as in her childhood, Robin would rather sacrifice herself than let Huahua endure so much!

After being silent for about half a minute, Robin took a step and caught up with Lucci who was about to disappear at the end of the street.

When he walked to the suspension bridge across the street from the ticket office, Lucci slowed down and waited for Robin to come. He knew that Robin would definitely follow.

Sure enough, Robin looked nervous and hurried to the scene, still keeping a vigilant heart.

Lucci had even thought of a rhetoric. He would give Robin two choices. Either he and his family would be chased by the world government, or they might even face a new round of demon-killing orders.

The other was to surrender himself and be escorted to the island that never sleeps... the judicial island!


Unfortunately, before Lucci could finish his words, as Robin had just stood still, an unparalleled spiritual force surged from behind Robin.

"Who is it?"

Lu Qi looked at the other end of the suspension bridge anxiously.


Robin also turned back at the same time, as if he had thought of something.



A slight breeze passed by Robin's ears, and a familiar face quickly appeared beside her, put his arm on Robin's shoulder, and gently brought her into his arms.

"Jin Yi."

In an instant, Robin, who was just ready to sacrifice herself, seemed to see a savior from another world, and the flame of hope in her heart was rekindled.

No matter how strong a woman is, when she is isolated and helpless, her heart will become extremely fragile.

Living in darkness all day, Robin even forgot the taste of relying on others.

But in her life after Jin Yi appeared, this man gave her hope to rely on again and again!

"Did you start to have wild thoughts when I was away?"

Jin Yi smiled, as if he had seen through Robin's thoughts.

"Jin Yi, I……"

Robin did not answer immediately. She knew that she could not hide anything in front of Jin Yi.

"You are the captain of the Jinyi Pirates... Jinyi?"

Lucci was extremely alert.

He was about to catch the World Government's wanted criminal, but now a man younger than himself showed up to mess things up!

Jinyi slowly raised his head, gritted his teeth with disdain, and gave him a provocative look.

"You also called Jin Yi?"

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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